General Demographic Questions
- Year in school: 1 2 3 4 Grad
- Gender: M F
- Major______
- List the number of graded group projects (e.g., group presentations, group research projects) that you have participated thus far during college (e.g., 5) ____
General Perceptions of Groupwork
-3 / -2 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3disagree strongly / disagree somewhat / disagree
a little / neither agree nor disagree / agree
a little / agree
somewhat / agree
1. I prefer to complete assignments on my own
2. Groups are unproductive because “being friends” or “being nice to each other” often hinders productivity
3. Groups facilitate learning because of the sharing of ideas, skills, and resources
4. Successful groups are those that are committed to achieving the goal at hand
5. I learn more effectively when working on my own than when working with others
6. I don’t like to be dependent on others for getting assignments completed or handed in on time
7. The quality of work produced in groups is superior to the work I would produce alone
8. When I work in a group, I end up doing more than my fair share of work
9. Overall, I think that completing group assignments has resulted in a better grade for work than I would otherwise have achieved
10. My experiences of formal, assessed group work have been positive
11. Marks awarded were generally fair
12. Generally, the groups worked well
13. I did not enjoy working on group assignments
14. I often assumed a leadership role
15. Working in groups requires less work of myself
16. Problems often arose when doing group work
17. Problems that arose were solved by the group
18. I worry about my grade being influenced by my group members performance
19. I usually feel academically superior to other members of my group
Questions about Recent Group Experience
Think about your MOST RECENT graded group project that you have completed and for which already received a grade. Answer the following questions based on your most recent group experience.
1. Which semester did your MOST RECENT group project occur in? (Circle one.)
Fall 2007 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2005 Fall 2005 Spring 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2003 Fall 2003
2. What academic field was your last project in (e.g. rhetoric, psychology, chemistry) ______
3. How many people, including yourself, were in your group? ______
4. Read the characteristics of group project below and check all that apply to your MOST RECENT project.
__My professor had us evaluate or grade our group members after the project was complete
__My professor allowed us to create our own groups for the project
__My professor gave information about group dynamics before the project
__My professor observed our group progress throughout the project
__My professor had us evaluate our group progress throughout the project (at least once)
__My professor set up individual meetings
Think about your MOST RECENT group project and rate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements using the scale below
-2 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2strongly disagree / disagree / uncertain / agree / strongly agree
- I learned more from the project by doing the research than I would have through any other teaching method.
- I believe that my group members learned from me.
- I learned at least some information from members of my group.
- I was able to contribute to the group in a meaningful way.
- This experience will help when I work on teams in my future jobs.
- My team members worked very well together
- The opinions of all team members were equally considered and respected
- I was comfortable voicing my opinion, even if it was different from other group members
- The people in my group were very different from each other
- One group member made most of the decisions for our group
- It was easy to talk openly to all members of my team
- Communication in my group was very open
- My group valued consensus in making decisions
- I found it enjoyable to work with the members of my group
(Perceptions of Instructor)
1. I was able to go to the professor with problems about the group
2. The professor gave information about group dynamics
3. The professor tied group work to course objectives
4. The professor communicated benefits of group work
5. The professors promoted positive attitudes about group work
(Group Grade Expectancy)
1. I deserved the same group grade that my group received
2. I should have received a higher group grade than my group
3. I should have received a lower group grade than my group
4. I think that all member of the group should have got the same group grade
(Perceived Fairness)
5. I think my group grade adequately reflected my contributions
6. I think I made more contributions to our group project than others in my group
7. I fully understood my role in this group
8. I think that a group grade is a fair assessment of my contributions
(Perceived Loafing)
12. Members of my group were trying as hard as they could (reverse scoring)
13. Members of my group were “free-loaders”
14. Members of my group contributed less than I anticipated.
15. Given their abilities, my group members were doing the best they could (reverse scoring)
16. All members of my group contributed equally.
17. At least one group member was a slacker.
18. I did most of the work in my group.
Variables that may influence perceptions of groupwork
-3 / -2 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3disagree strongly / disagree somewhat / disagree
a little / Neutral / agree
a little / agree
somewhat / agree
Self-esteem and Perceived Control Scales
-2 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly
1. I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others
2. I feel that I have a number of good qualities
3. All in all, I’m inclined to feel that I am a failure (reverse coded)
4. I am able to do things as well as most other people
5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of (reverse coded)
6. I take a positive attitude towards myself
7. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself
8. I wish I could have more respect for myself (reverse coded)
9. I certainly feel useless at times (reverse coded)
10. At times I think I am no good at all (reverse coded)
(Perceived Control)
11. I have a great deal of control over my academic performance in my courses
19. The more effort I put into my courses, the better I do in them
20. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to do well in my courses (reverse coded)
21. I see myself as largely responsible for my performances throughout my college career
22. How well I do in my courses is often the ‘luck of the draw’ (reverse coded)
23. There is little I can do about my performance in university
24. When I do poorly in a course, it’s usually because I haven’t given my best effort
25. My grades are basically determined by things beyond my control and there is little I can do to change that (reverse coded)