CPD Opportunities Map
The following pagesshow a range of CPD opportunities for staff working in Haringey schools. The page numbering is as follows:
- Page 1Teachers – Induction Year (NQTs)
- Page 2Teachers – Years 2 & 3
- Page 3Teachers – Years 4, 5 and subsequent years
- Page 4Teachers – Advanced Skills/Excellent Teachers
- Page 5Teachers –Developing the Leadership Role
- Page 6Teachers – Assistant/Deputy Headteachers
- Page 7/8Teachers – Headteachers
- Page 9Support Staff (Learning support) – including TAs, LSAs, HLTAs, nursery nurses, Foundation Stage TAs, cover supervisors etc
- Page 10Support Staff (Welfare/pupil support) – learning mentors, including SMSAs, playworkers, parenting support etc
- Page 11Support staff (Specialist and technical) – including technicians, librarians etc
- Page 12Support staff (Administrative) – including admin officers, school business managersetc
- Page 13Support staff (Site Staff) – including site managers, caretakers, cleaners, catering staff etc
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Induction Year
This overview of CPD opportunities is for teachers who are working towards and evidencing their achievement of:
The Core Standards /
- Attend regular school based induction sessions
- Observe teaching by colleagues in relevant Key Stage/s
- Receive developmental feedback from a colleague/s
- Receive individual additional development to meet identified needs
- Induction mentor to act as a mentor
- Observe lessons taught by colleagues/Advanced Skills/Excellent Teacher
- Visit feeder secondary/primary school to generate and collect good practice ideas to support effective Key Stage transition
- Visit other local schools to share effective practice
- Link up with NQTs from other schools
- Attend an induction programme focussing on a range of aspects relating to effective teaching and linked explicitly to the Induction Standards.
- Access a range of lesson plans developed by subject specialists, ASTs/Lead teachers
- Visit for more information
- NQT induction programme
- GTC Engage network
- TDA website
- Professional Development Portfolios
- TES online network
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Years 2 and 3
This overview of CPD opportunities is for teachers who are continuing to evidence their achievement of:
- The Core Standards
- The Post Threshold Standards
- Participate in the school’s CPD programme
- Observe lessons taught by leading or experienced teachers – specific subject focus
- Be observed by colleagues and receive developmental feedback
- Have an agreed allocation of time to research and develop a particular aspect of teaching/learning
- Teach pupils in different year groups to see progression
- Shadow a middle leader, subject co-ordinator or SENCO
- Take on an area of responsibility and to be mentored/coached in relation to this
- Develop a model policy
- Access a named professional mentor to support the process of building up a professional developmentportfolio
- Receive individual additional development to meet identified needs
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Develop new resources
- Present to governors
- Personal research/development time
- Observe leading or experienced teachers - specific subject/school focus
- Be supported by subject specialist and receive developmental feedback
- Meet with teachers in other schools to discuss effective practice
- Visit and/or teach in other schools to gather best practice ideas
- Paired work with similar/ dissimilar schools
- Cross-phase working
- Access a bank of lesson plans developed by subject specialists and ASTs/ETs
- Access training which focuses on:
- generic aspect of effective teaching and learning
- subject specific curriculum
- team leadership skills and subject co-ordinator skills
- Take part in LA project groups
- Golden Hellos for some subjects
- Visit for more information
- Participate in the NationalCollege’s programmes such as ‘Leading from the Middle’. For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website: (
- Participate in the Fast Track scheme
- Post–graduate Professional Development e.g. Masters Programmes
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Years 4 and 5 and Subsequent Years
This overview of CPD opportunities is for teachers who are continuing to evidence their achievement of:
- The Core Standards &
- The Post Threshold Standards
- The Advanced Skills Teachers Standards
- The Excellent TeachersStandards
- The National Standards for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators
- Work with a member of the school's leadership group to develop skills in:
- lesson observation and giving developmental feedback to colleagues
- the analysis of pupil progress and attainment data as a tool forraising standards
- building effective teams
- Undertake focussed classroom observations - sometimes with acolleague - as a means of continuing the development of understanding relating to effective teaching and learning
- Access a bank of lesson plans developed by subject specialists
- Team teach with junior colleague
- Attend/deliver ‘master’ classes
- Work with artist in residence
- Access a named professional mentor to support the process ofbuilding up a professional portfolio
- Receive individual additional development to meet identified needs
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Shadow colleague
- Attend subject leaders cluster/confederation meetings
- Work with leading teachers, and recognised centres of excellence within the LA
- Be involved in inter- school moderation of standards using a sample ofpupils' work
- Membership of same phase or cross phase working group
- Take part in teacher exchanges
- Undertake short term secondments to other schools
- Access management training
- Access an assessment co-ordinators development programme
- Access training on the role of the SENCO (linked to the SENCO Standards)
- Access a range of lesson plans developed by subject specialist and AST/ETs
- Participate in exchange/secondment schemes
- Visit for more information
- Participate in the NationalCollege’s programmes such as ‘Leading from the Middle’. For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website: (
- Apply for the Teachers International Development Programme (TIDP)
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Advanced Skills Teacher
This overview of CPD opportunities is for ASTs to maintain the quality of their practice as described by:
- The Advanced Skills Teachers Standards
- Attend governing body meetings to talk about the role of the AST and learning and teaching
- Talk to staff about the role of the AST
- Negotiate areas for further development that meets the needs of the school and the AST e.g. supporting junior colleagues, developing a model policy etc
- Lead a working group
- Receive individual additional development to meet identified needs
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Coach a colleague
- Link with other ASTs to share best practice ideas
- Be given developmental feedback on the effectiveness of 'outreach work'
- Work in partnership with other ASTs on 'outreach' projects
- Access training on coaching and supporting colleagues
- Observe best practice subject teaching across the LA
- Attend and support network meetings for CPD leaders, SENCos, NQT mentors, KS managers
- Visit for more information
- Participate in the NationalCollege’s programmes. For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website: (
- Link with ASTs in other areas of the country to share best practice ideas
- Apply for the Teachers International Development Programme (TIDP)
Excellent Teacher
This overview of CPD opportunities is for ETs to maintain the quality of their practice as described by:
- The Excellent Teachers Standards
- Attend governing body meetings to talk about the role of the ET and learning and teaching
- Talk to staff about the role of the ET
- Negotiate areas for further development that meets the needs of the school and the ET
- Receive individual additional development to meet identified needs
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Link with other ETs to share and develop best practice ideas
- Access training on coaching and supporting colleagues
- Observe best practice subject teaching across the LA
- Attend and support network meetings for CPD leaders, SENCos, NQT mentors, KS managers
- Visit for more information
- Participate in the NationalCollege’s programmes. For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website: (
- Link with ETs in other areas of the country to share best practice ideas
- Apply for the Teachers International Development Programme (TIDP)
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Developing the Leadership Role
This overview of CPD opportunities is for aspiring leaders to maintain the quality of their practice as described by:
- The Professional Standards for Teachers
- The National Standards for Headteachers
- Undertake paired lesson observations with a senior colleague
- Take the 'chair' in meetings and receive developmental feedback
- Take responsibility for an aspect of whole school management withsupport from the headteacher and/or deputy headteacher
- Participate in recruitment and selection procedures for new members of staff
- Take responsibility for a significant part of the school budget - for a defined period of time
- Network with leaders in local schools
- Work shadowing
- Participate in exchange/secondment schemes
- Attend subject conferences
- Make presentations at conferences and meetings
- Contribute to a LA conference
- Visit for more information
- Participate in the NationalCollege’s programmes such as ‘Head Start’. For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website: (
- Apply for the Teachers International Development Programme (TIDP)
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Deputy/Assistant Headteacher
This overview of CPD opportunities is for Deputy/ Assistant Heads to continue to work towards and evidence their achievement of:
- The National Standards for Headteachers
- Attend governing body meetings with/in place of the head
- Attend governing body committees as the leadership representative
- Take charge of the school with the headteacher available
- Take charge of the school with the headteacher unavailable
- Represent the school at external meetings
- Assist in the negotiation of statutory targets with the LA
- Plan and manage the recruitment and selection process for new members of staff
- Lead/'chair' Leadership Group/SLT meetings
- Follow through a pupil welfare case with the Education Welfare Service
- Liaise with external agencies. For example Social Services
- Spend a planned time working with the school's senior administrativeand support officer
- Shadow the school bursar/business manager
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Rotate roles
- Organise whole school event
- Meet on a regular basis with deputy/assistant heads from cluster/confederation schools
- Be mentored by a deputy/assistant headteacher in a partner school
- Be coached by a headteacher from another school
- Attend an annual conference of deputy/assistant headteachers working in Haringey schools
- Attend relevant development courses
- Participate in exchange/secondment schemes
- Become a member of an LA task/working/steering/planning group
- Visit for more information
- Participate in the NationalCollege’s programmes such as the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH). For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website (
- Apply for the Teachers International Development Programme (TIDP)
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
HeadteacherNew in Post
This overview of CPD opportunities is for new Headteachers to continue to work towards and evidence their achievement of:
- The National Standards for Headteachers
- Use planned time to develop knowledge of the day-to-day running ofthe school through meeting with: the school administrative officer; theschool nurse; the chair of governors, the school's education welfare officer etc.
- Visit other schools to observe and discuss best practice –Learning Walk visits
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Host visits for other Headteachers
- Be mentored/ coached by an experienced headteacher
- Participate in Haringey Heads’ meetings
- Attend induction seminars for recently appointed headteachers
- Receive additional support from the school SIO
- Access School Self-Evaluation training
- Participate in the LA's headteacher mentoring/coaching programme
- Attend the LA's 'Welcome Event'
- Attend annual headteachers’ conferences
- Visit for more information
- Participate in theNationalCollege’s programmes such as ‘Head Start’. For more details, go to the Professional Development Section on the NationalCollege website (
- Apply for the Teachers International Development Programme (TIDP)
Headteacher3 or more years in Post
This overview of CPD opportunities is for Headteachers to maintain the quality of their practice as described by:
- The National Standards for Headteachers
- Continue to develop knowledge, skills and competencies required to lead a successful school
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Participate and lead cluster/ confederation development activities
- Represent Heads on LA committees and selection panels
- Visit for more information
Career Stage/RoleLinks to Professional Standards / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links
Headteacher Experienced
This overview of CPD opportunities is for Headteachers to maintain the quality of their practice as described by:
- The National Standards for Headteachers
- Continue to develop knowledge, skills and competencies required to lead a successful school
- Work towards the school becoming a ‘NationalSupportSchool’ (National Leaders of Education scheme - NLE)
- Actively participate in the PM processes
- Coach your leadership team
- Participate and lead cluster/confederation development activities
- Visit other schools to gather best practice ideas
- Act as a mentor/coach for a new in post headteacher
- Act as a coach for headteachers/aspiring headteachers
- Act as an Executive Head
- Visit for more information
- Apply for the International Placement for Headteachers
- Apply to become a SIP/OFSTED self-evaluation and inspector training
- Apply to become a National Leader of Education (NationalCollege)
- Apply to become a Professional Partner for a new headteacher (NC)
- Become an External Consultant or Adviser
Career Stage/Role / CPD Opportunities provided by the school / CPD Opportunities through links with other schools, networks etc / CPD Opportunities provided or brokered by the LA / CPD Opportunities available through national links / Other Development OpportunitiesNewly appointed teaching assistants /
- School induction programme
- Opportunities to 'shadow' more experienced staff
- Performance Management cycle
- Providing relevant INSET opportunities
- Ongoing support/mentoring
- Observations by colleagues
- Work shadowing in other schools
- LA organised induction programmes
- Level 2 Support Work in Schools
- Taught sessions for Adult Literacy and Numeracy qualifications
- SENJIT Induction
- Haringey Certificate of SEN
- Visit for more information
- LearnDirect qualifications in Adult Literacy and Numeracy
A - C) /
- Look at the resources in school/LA e.g. books written for teaching assistants
- Investigate the learning opportunities available through professional associations/unions
- Find out how to develop a professional portfolio
Level 2 or equivalent qualification or experience / As above
- Time for professional development, opportunities to visit other schools etc
- New QCF level 2 qualifications (likely to be offered from 2011)
- Range of courses run for schools staff through the PDC Offer to Schools
- Maintain a professional portfolio
- Develop and maintain a professional reading record
- Use the Performance Appraisal system to reflect upon and communicate individual training needs
- Be observed and receive feedback
- Consider becoming a school governor
Level 3 or equivalent qualification or experience including roles such as:
Experienced teaching assistants
Nursery nurses
Cover Supervisors / As above and…
- opportunities to broaden and deepen experience, knowledge and skills
- opportunities to support/mentor other colleagues
- New QCF level 3 qualifications (likely to be offered from 2011)
- Haringey Council’s ‘Learning Zone’ programmes
- Investigate possible career progression routes
- Chair meetings
- Share best practice
- Work with a range of agencies
Level 4 (and above) or equivalent qualification or experience / As above and …
- Lead team meetings
- Participate in the induction of new staff
- Act as a reviewer in the Appraisal system
- Forum for HLTAs
- HLTA training and assessment
- Haringey Council's Corporate training e.g. management skills
- Degrees (including Foundation Degrees) at local universities and through the Open University
- Lead a department training session
- Observe & give feedback to other colleagues
- Representing the views of colleagues