Parents/Guardians: The following is a list of expectations we have for your child. Please read, sign and return it so we know you have had the opportunity to review these expectations.
Thank you,
The Physical Education Department
Physical Education Rules and Regulations
1. Students are required to change into proper physical education attire for each class unless told not to by their teacher. This is for hygiene purposes. Proper attire includes:
a. Sneakers. These should be an athletic type, not a hiking boot, and should not have roller blades. Sneakers must be properly tied to insure that they do not come off during activity. This is for safety reasons. If your sneaker comes off while kicking:
· You will lose 2 points for the day from class participation grade and
· You will receive a detention for “failure to follow classroom rules.”
b. Athletic shorts. Shorts must be an athletic style shorts and ay be any color. Students may wear spandex shorts provided they wear athletic shorts on top of them. No Jeans are allowed.
c. T-shirts. Shirts may be any color and may be either long-sleeved or short-sleeved. Only athletic or patriotic writing will be allowed. No sleeveless T-shirts will be allowed.
d. Sweat pants and sweat shirts. Students may wear sweat pants and sweat shirts indoors or outdoors. They may be any color.
e. Socks should be worn for class.
f. No torn clothing of any kind will be allowed. This follows the school dress code.
2. NO JEWELRY SHOULD BE WORN DURING P.E. CLASS. It is highly recommended that all jewelry is removed for class for the safety of the student wearing the jewelry and for his/her classmates. Students who refuse to remove their jewelry assume the risk and liability of any consequences.
3. Students must enter the locker rooms through the gym from the gym lobby. Students must exit through the same doors. This is for safety reasons. All students must REMAIN IN THE GYM until the bell rings. Students in the hall before the bell rings or who leave through other doors will be subject to disciplinary actions.
4. Students shall be in the gym in their squads within five minutes after the second bell rings so attendance can be taken quickly and the activity can be started. Students not in their squads when attendance is taken will receive the same points deducted as an absence. Students coming out into the gym after 5 minutes will be considered late. After being late three times, the student will be reported as late to class and disciplined as stated in the student handbook.
5. Showers are available for the students after class. We encourage students to take showers, but we don’t require it. Use of deodorant is recommended.
6. Every student is issued a gym locker, for which he/she is responsible. Students shall keep their personal belongings locked in their lockers. The school district and its staff are not responsible for items that are stolen when students do not have them locked in their lockers. Report problems with your locker to your teacher immediately.
7. All students in grades 9 – 11 are required to complete a physical fitness unit in the school’s fitness room, where they will do the fitness circuit. Seniors electing PE will be allowed to design their own fitness program, provided it is beneficial. While not in the fitness room, students will participate in a variety of activities.
8. Grading: Each quarter every student starts with a 100%.
This grade is based on whether or not a student changes for class and the amount of effort he/she displays. Points are deducted as follows:
1). Not changed for class = -5 points.
· Students may make up 2 classes per quarter and must go into the fitness room after school. Students must sign in to get credit. They will do 60 minutes with at least 20 minutes on any cardio machine. When a student is not changed for the third time in a quarter, a detention will be assigned. Additional detentions will be assigned for each additional class missed.
2). Not making up a class missed during OSS or ISS within 6 school days (1 cycle) = -5 points.
3). Changed, but lack of participation:
a). Lack of effort during warm-up = -1 points.
b). Participation in PART of the class, for example playing the field but not batting. = -1-3 points.
c). Not actively participating in the day’s activity, for example standing on the tennis courts and talking rather than playing tennis = -1-3 points.
d). Going through the motions but not doing what is required, for example sitting on the machines rather than lifting weights in the fitness room = -1-3 points.
e). Not wearing the proper uniform = -1 point for each part.
4). Not making up a Presidential Fitness Test = -1 point for each one not attempted.
Percentage of classes for which the student was present. A student may make up as many of these as he/she wishes, but must do so within 2 cycles. Students must go into the fitness room after school. Students must sign in to get credit. They will do 40 minutes with at least 20 minutes on any cardio machine. .-1 points deducted from Attendance category and -5 points from the participation grade. Students will have the opportunity to have all points returned to their grade when the class is made up.
c. TEST GRADE: 10%
1). The 5 national percentiles of the Presidential Physical Fitness tests are averaged together to arrive at a skills grade. This is then put on a curve. The final number is recorded as the skills grade.
2). Any test not attempted will be averaged in as a 0% for that skill.
3). Any student who does not attempt all 5 tests will not be eligible for the curved average percentile score.
4). Unit quizzes will consist of 10 questions and will be completed at the conclusion of each unit of curriculum.
· Any quarter that the attendance grade is 50% or less, the attendance grade and the participation grade are reversed in percentage.
A semester exam will be given at the end of the semester and will count in accordance to established high school guidelines.