DEQ Phase III WIP Local Engagement Strategy
“Work with local and regional partners, through regional entities, to ensure that these partners have the tools necessary to identify and implement pollutant reduction strategies and BMPs for inclusion in the Phase III WIP”
Components of Local Engagement Strategy
A. Development and Dissemination of Local Area Planning Goals (LAPG) at the Regional Scale
As previously presented, the recommended approach for LAPG development sets forth options for their scale and potential expression (e.g. as numeric reduction goals or percentage of BMP implementation). DEQ staff recommends a regional scale, based upon PDC, SWCD, or Health District areas. DEQ staff’s final recommendations on the scale and expression of LAPGs will be developed in conjunction with the review of EPA’s draft planning targets that are due to be released in October of 2017. The review of the draft targets will continue through February of 2018. Once final planning targets are received in March of 2018, DEQ staff will disaggregate them into the agreed upon local goals. Ultimately, LAPGs will be expressed as specific numeric and/or percent BMP implementation reduction values that will facilitate the development of meaningful local pollutant reduction strategies.
B. Phase III WIP Workshop – Spring 2018
DEQ staff proposes holding a workshop for all local governments, regional partners (PDCs, SWCDs), Health Districts and stakeholders. The purpose of the workshop is to provide detailed information regarding Phase III WIP expectations for local and regional entities. Updates on recent decisions such as the Chesapeake Bay program’s approach for addressing the effect of the Conowingo Dam and climate change and the state’s proposed approach for the development of local planning goals will be provided as well. DEQ staff would also present the local engagement tools described below for use by localities and regional entities in developing local pollutant reduction strategies. The workshop will be held in Richmond and be set up as a webinar for those who cannot attend in person.
C. Two Regional Work Sessions – June & August 2018
Following the workshop, two work sessions in each of the regional areas discussed above are proposed to assist with the development of local pollutant reduction strategies. At the first work session, DEQ staff will facilitate discussions on the BMPs and implementation strategies addressing LAPGs for the various source sectors. Source sector experts from other state agencies will assist DEQ staff with these discussions. A second work session is proposed during which DEQ and other state agency staff will provide assistance to local and regional partners as they finalize their selection of BMPs and implementation strategies.
D. Local Engagement Tools
DEQ staff will create a template of “priority” BMPs and implementation strategies that achieve the greatest pollutant removal benefits, coincidently achieve other co-benefits (e.g. water quality restoration and habitat improvement) and are recognized by the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. DEQ staff also anticipates developing a document responding to frequently asked questions that will provide information about the Phase III WIP process, expectations, and timelines. As the Local Engagement Strategy proceeds other tools may be developed as needed.
E. Training
DEQ will work with the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership to arrange Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST) training opportunities. One event will be specifically targeted for state agency staff, while a second one will be open to local and regional staff, as well as other stakeholders.