



Cantor Edwin Gerber – Ohr Kodesh Congregation

Steven & Honey Richman

Leigh Durlacher

Diane L. Mick

Irv & Judy Zeigenfuse

George & Janet Korba

In Memory of

Bessie Melenick

Mother of Diana Grosman

General Synagogue Fund

In Memory of

Hyman Levy

Father of Sherri Eisenstein and

Uncle of Joyce Clark

General Synagogue Fund

Carol & Howard Wagenheim

In Memory of

Bessie Ludman Melenick

General Synagogue Fund

Reminiscing by Alvin Bober

January is usually remembered as a cold and dreary month. We can be the precipitant of freezing, snowy weather. We can look forward to one or more super snowstorms at least once every seven years. We had our share in 2010. Therefore, this year we’ll have balmy weather the entire month.

January is the month that we look at ourselves and think how canwe focus on uplifting our lives. Resolutions to alter our lives are the order of the month. In my case certain numbers pop up: 60, 90, and 2011.

2011 is a rare and unique number. How could a person who voted for FDR ever think of being around to write 2011 in the date slot of a document? Surprisingly, I it happened. How did this occur?

The miracles of modern medicine are part of the answer. I encountered medicinal challenges that would have sent me to Levinson’s if it weren’t for the arsenal of pharmaceuticals that are available today. The devices that doctors now have enable them to know instead of guessing. Furthermore they have critical information in real time not after the fact in a post mortem.

In 2011, I’ll be joining that exclusive club, 90. I am pleased that I’ll be saying adieu to being an octogenarian. The term nonagenarian has a great deal of class. I discovered that this club just doesn’t accept everyone. You can’t buy your way in. The best recommendation can’t do it. You actually have to be 90. Getting to be 90 is not easy. Some people say exercise, a healthy diet, a supportive spouse, intellectual activity and good fortune are the principal factors. I understand that the segment of society that is growing the most is our 90 plus citizens. So be nice to us, you might join our club.

The number 60 is especially important to me. Dena and I will be celebrating # 60 in 2011. I can attribute my status in life to the partnership that we forged in 1951. Life has been much easier with a spouse. The ability to share the joy of parenthood and grand-parenthood has been outstanding. Marriage is certainly not for everyone. In our case it has been fulcrum of existence.

January is the month for review and contemplation. Adopt the mindset that Club 90 is open to you. Be smart, be healthy, exercise, be a participant in Adat Chaim, keep your spouse happy and you’ll make it.

If you have an Anniversary and don’t see it in the bulletin, please call the office and make sure we have it in our database.


If you have a Yahrzeit and don’t see it in the bulletin, please call the office and make sure we have it in our database.



President’s Message:

important that we have a minyan at every service, in case one of our members suffers a loss of a loved one; we need to have a minyan to say Kaddish. On Friday nights we have about eight regulars and on Saturday about 10 to 15. You can see that we need some of you to commit to attending services to ensure that we will always be a comfort to our members. If each of you who are not regular attendees would resolve to come to at least five Shabbat services in 2011 (either Friday night or Saturday) we would always be certain of having a minyan that would allow us to properly pray. I would appreciate your considering this and coming through for us. You too will be a beneficiary of your increased Shabbat attendance.

Looking ahead to 2011 we must honor the memory of Cantor Wallach by making Adat Chaim stronger and better. We can do this by working together to enhance our ability to serve you and the greater community. On Sunday April 3, 2011, we will have a very special event put on by the Cantor’s Assembly to honor the memory of Cantor Wallach. Please put this date aside and participate in this significant tribute to our beloved Cantor Sharon.



Congregational School News:

Cathy Litofsky, HebrewSchool Liaison

December was a very exciting and enjoyable time at HebrewSchool. It was a time to celebrate the Festival of Lights for eight wonderful nights. We also celebrated Chanukah during HebrewSchool. The students made an edible menorah by answering questions about the holiday and adding a candle for each question. Nes gadol hayah sham, meaning a great miracle happened there is printed on dreidles everywhere except for Israel. In Israel the dreidle reads nes gadol hayah po; a great miracle happened here! And speaking of miracles and fun, the annual Chanukah dinner and Bingo was a great event. Thanks to the following Dugma students who helped: Mason Elgort, Neil Posner, Matthew Green, Brianna Friedman, Jenna Markus, Michelle Wolf and David Abromovitz. A big todah rabbah to Vicki Markus, Scott Toback, Dana Wachter, Cathy Litofsky and the Sisterhood for providing the great prizes for the evening. Thanks to our kitchen help of Nadine Wolf, Carol Dunn, Tina Asher and Vicki Markus. We would not have had enough seats and tables without the help of Bob Talbert and Michelle Talbert graciously and warmly greeted you as you came in and ensured that you had your Bingo cards.

And now for some classroom updates . . .

Dear Parents, Horim Yekarim, Shalom,

The Aleph class has finished learning the aleph bet! We are able to read and write many Hebrew words. Students have continued to review the Hebrew letters and have begun learning and reading prayers. We have learned about Chanukah and the miracles thatoccurred. The Aleph class just completed a family tree as we learned about ourancestors. ~ Marissa Friedman

Who doesn’t love Chanukah? During Chanukah we celebrate our people’s bravery and determination to continue living as Jews. It is a holiday of fun and eight exciting nights of candle lighting, latke eating and the rededication of the Temple. And, of course, lots of singing and playing dreidle. I hope everyone had a great holiday! ~ B’Shalom, Irina Minevich

The highlights of our first several months have included:Completion of the first book of the Torah (Bereishis). Try this fun activity- count the number of times that G-d created man and woman plus the number of times G-d created the world plus the number of times G-d created the Jewish people. We continue to work on becoming fluent in Hebrew reading. Ethics and values demonstrate that we become closer to G-d through performance and understanding of mitzvot--in history we cover creation thru today, mostly concentrating from zero to today. Beginning in January we will focus on the ideas of exile, miracles, the steam engine and the printing press. We will discuss values, ethics and the State of Israel. Remember parents are always welcomed to attend class with their children. I only request that you notify me in advance. ~ Avrum Weiss

The Dugma class has had a fun December. We held class on the second night of Chanukah and reviewed original source material about the festival. The students helped with the community bingo night by being callers. We had to reschedule our speaker from Johns Hopkins on December 16th due to the winter weather. This will help prepare us for a hospital service visit early in the New Year. Also in January, we will begin our exploration of the G-d philosophies of some preeminent Jewish thinkers. Have a safe winter break. ~B’Shalom Moreh M’eir

Weather Reminder:Please be reminded that as we move into the winter months we all need to pay attention to the weather bulletins and closings. As a general rule, if Baltimore County Schools are closed and it is a HebrewSchool day, there is no HebrewSchool or Dugma class. If BaltimoreCounty makes the decision to suspend or cancel after school activities due to the weather, there is no Hebrew School or Dugma class. If there is impending or bad weather on Sunday, the teachers will each have a system in place to make phone calls to parents. If you would like to volunteer to be a phone squad helper for your child’s Hebrew School class please let the teacher know. We will also try to have a message on the answering machine at the synagogue in the case of inclement weather and closings.

If you have a birthday and don’t see it in the bulletin, please call the office and make sure we have it in our database.


Happy Birthday / 1/3
1/15 / Barry Cohen
Lisa Grosman
Charles Scherr
Stephen Fort
Arthur Goldvarg
Arthur Ross
Joshua Perry
Robert Udelsman
Sarah Wolf
Avi Friedman
Karen Klein
Benjamin Ring
Rachel Schoen
Stacy Gillis
Tyler Epperly / 1/15
1/30 / Meryl Goldvarg
Brian Stein
Dana Wachter
Elliot Teichman
Scott Zolotorow
Brooks Udelsman
Brian Silver
Jerome Steinberg
Esther Jacobson
Lynn Ruddie
Diana Grosman
Jason Dingott
Kyle Romm
Jody Millstone / Happy Birthday



Cathy Litofsky, President


The Sisterhood enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Lynn Ruddie for its paid-up sisterhood event. Members learned about Chanukah traditions around the world, listened to some Chanukah tunes provided by Linda Boteach and took part in a Chanukah gift exchange. It was a perfect holiday experience. Thanks to Sandy Block, Marian Freedman, Janet Korba and Sandy Newman for their help in the kitchen!

On Saturday, January 15th @ 7:30PM, enjoy Bingo night filled with friends, food and fun. The Sisterhood will be running the games again. Invite your neighbors and friends to join us for a great evening of fun! The doors open at 7:00PM.

Sisterhood Shabbat will take place on Saturday, January 22nd@ 9:30AM. Please join the Sisterhood and congregation women as they lead services and chant Torah and Haftorah. A Kiddush lunch will be provided after services. Contact Tina Asher () or Jaci Schoen () if you would like a part in the service. Don’t worry, if you don’t contact them, they will contact you!

We look forward to a great evening of food and film sponsored by the Sisterhood on Saturday, February 5th@7:30PM. The movie will be Liberty Heights and the food will be dishes reminiscent of the good ole days of Baltimore. You know what I mean: coddies, some great desserts and, of course, popcorn for the movie! Reservations would be helpful so we can make sure that we have enough food for the evening. We also wouldn’t mind a small donation of $5/person to help defer the cost. Contact Lynn Ruddie with your reservation at or phone her at

410.833.7987. We’ll see you at the movies!

Looking ahead on the calendar:

Joint Sisterhood Dinner will be at Adat Chaim on Monday, April 4, 2011

Elections will be Sunday, May 23rd

Father’s Day lox boxes are back - Sunday, June 19!

Shalom until next month!


Attention Giant, Safeway and

Food Lion Customers

Giant gift cards are available in denominations of $25, $50 and $100. Adat Chaim receives 5% of each gift card purchased. Giant gift cards may also be used at Martins in Westminster.

Did you know that Safeway has a program Follow these easy steps if you have a Safewaycard:

that will turn groceries into dollars for our shul? 1. Log onto

It is really easy to do once you have a Safeway 2. Select Safeway.

Card. 3. Follow their instructions!

Do you already shop at Food Lion? Updated information for Food Lion
Go onto Click on Good Neighbors on the left side of the page. Then click on In the Community, and then Lion Shop and Share. You can then register your card with Adat Chaim. If you have any questions about these programs or want to orderGiant cards, please contact Arlene Nusbaum at 410-655-2242.

Use this form to mail in your contributions to Adat Chaim
Contributions can be made to:
I am enclosing ______
Chai ($18)
Double Chai ($36)
Triple Chai ($54)
10 X Chai ($180)
Other ______
I would like to donate to the following special fund ______
(Please specify) / Contributions can be made:
In Memory of
For Speedy Recovery
In Honor of
In Appreciation of
Other ______
(Please specify)
Other ______
(Please specify) / Buy a Brick ($18)
Congregational School
Chumash Book Plate ($75)
Endowment Fund
General Synagogue Fund
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Seymour Essrog
Lecture Fund
Tree of Life ($180.00)
Yad Ezra/Dues
Yahrzeit Plaque ($250)
Donation for (name/occasion)
Send card to
City, State, Zip / Your name(s) as you wish them to appear in Bulletin
Card to be signed
Your Address
City, State, Zip

Torah Tidbits

Compiled by Arlene Nusbaum

January 1


Exodus 6:2-9:35

G-d reveals Himself to Moses. He promises to take out the Children of Israel from Egypt , deliver them from their enslavement, redeem them and acquire them as His own chosen people at Mount Sinai ; He will then bring them to the Land He promised to the Patriarchs as their eternal heritage.

Moses and Aaron repeatedly come before Pharaoh to demand in the name of G-d, "Let My people go, so that they may serve Me in the wilderness." Pharaoh repeatedly refuses. Aaron's staff turns into a snake and swallows the magic sticks of the Egyptian sorcerers. G-d then sends a series of plagues upon the Egyptians.

The waters of the Nile turn to blood; swarms of frogs overrun the land; lice infest all men and beasts. Hordes of wild animals invade the cities, a pestilence kills the domestic animals, painful boils afflict the Egyptians. For the seventh plague, fire and ice combine to descend from the skies as a devastating hail. Still, "the heart of Pharaoh was hardened and he would not let the children of Israel go; as G-d had said to Moses."

January 8


Exodus 10:1-13:16

The last three of the Ten Plagues are visited on Egypt : a swarm of locusts devours all the crops and greenery; a thick, palpable darkness envelops the land; and all the firstborn of Egypt are killed at the stroke of midnight of the 15th of the month of Nissan.

G-d commands the first mitzvah to be given to the people of Israel: to establish a calendar based on the monthly rebirth of the moon. The Israelites are also instructed to bring a "Passover offering" to G-d: a lamb or kid is to be slaughtered and its blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel of every Israelite home, so that G-d should pass over these homes when He comes to kill the Egyptian firstborn. The roasted meat of the offering is to be eaten that night together with mitzvah (unleavened bread) and bitter herbs.

The death of the firstborn finally breaks Pharaoh's resistance and he literally drives the Children of Israel from his land. So hastily do they depart, there is no time for their dough to rise, and the only provisions they take along are unleavened. Before they go, they ask their Egyptian neighbors for gold, silver and garments, draining Egypt of its wealth.

The Children of Israel are commanded to consecrate all firstborn and to observe the anniversary of the Exodus each year by removing all leaven from their possession for seven days, eating matzah, and telling the story of their redemption to their children. They are also commanded to wear tefillin on the arm and head as a reminder of the Exodus and their resultant commitment to G-d.

January 15


Exodus 13:17-17:16

Soon after allowing the Children of Israel to depart from Egypt, Pharaoh chases after them to force their return, and the Israelites find themselves trapped between Pharaoh's armies and the sea. G-d tells Moses to raise his staff over the water; the sea splits to allow the Israelites to pass through, and then closes over the pursuing Egyptians. Moses and the Children of Israel sing a song of praise and gratitude to G-d.

In the desert, the people suffer thirst and hunger and repeatedly complain to Moses and Aaron. G-d miraculously sweetens the bitter waters of Marah, and later has Moses bring forth water from a rock by striking it with his staff; He causes manna to rain down from the heavens before dawn each morning, and quails to appear in the Israelite camp each evening.

The Children of Israel are instructed to gather a double portion of manna on Friday, as none will descend on Shabbat, the divinely decreed day of rest. Some disobey and go to gather manna on the seventh day, but find nothing. Aaron preserves a small quantity of manna in a jar, as a testimony for future generations.

In Rephidim, the people are attacked by the Amalekites, who are defeated by Moses' prayers and an army raised by Joshua.