held on Tuesday 14th September 2010

1. Present: Mr. R. Bryan, Mrs. J. Morgan, Mr. P. Killingback, Ms. L. Ferrari, Ms. A. Shaw.

Apologies: Mr. C. Harrold, Mr. J. Morgan

In attendance: Ms. V. Savage, BDC., Cllr. D. Harrison, PCSO Brian Levy

2. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14th September were approved and signed.

3. Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.

4. Affordable Housing: Ms. Savage explained to the PC that there was a covenant on the land and that it should be used for allotments or for a village. However covenants can be overturned and Ms. Savage felt it would not cost too much to do so. If it were used for housebuilding the site would be an Exception Site and could only be used for affordable housing in perpetuity. There are two ways of going about having affordable housing. OPC could form a trust separate from the PC which would be responsible for raising the money and administering the housing. Wells have done this and their Trust has a website. The other way, especially in such a small parish would be to sell the land to a housing association, ie. Wherry or Victory who would then raise the money and administer the housing. The land would be sold for less than the market value on the open market.

As far as a lettings policy is concerned there is a cascade which acts in the following way. People in the parish get the first chance of renting, followed by surrounding parishes and then it would go district wide. At present there are 2 households in Heydon looking for affordable housing, 32 in Cawston, 2 in Blickling and 101 in Aylsham. However it is essential that anyone wishing to rent affordable housing must be on the housing register kept by Broadland.

Ms. Savage agreed to find out in the first place if any housing association would be interested. Victory are building some houses in Aylsham and therefore may feel that Oulton is not too far away for the housing to be supervised. Oulton PC need to carry out a Housing Needs Survey as a second step which will not be a problem in such a small village as everyone can be easily contacted.

The Chairman thanked Ms. Savage for attending the meeting

5. Matters Arising:

i) Marquee – The approximate cost of a tea urn and two large teapots would amount to £100 with a further £20 - £30 for dust sheets. When purchased, this money would be taken out of the Village Fund.

ii) Village Fund – Pam Birtles, one of the trustees, is having trouble obtaining the correct mandate form from Santander.

iii) Allotment – Rita Durham had been written to by the Clerk and subsequently telephoned the Clerk to say that the caravan should be removed by the end of this month.

iv) Box Day Fund - the Clerk would be writing to Zoe Dunford asking her to obtain a mandate form so that the fund could be transferred to the Parish council.

v) Malthouse Barn – the Clerk had received a letter from Andrew Dawson of The National Trust stating that the demolition of the barn is being considered.

6. Financial Matters: The Clerk received £50 for renting the marquee via John Morgan in Corpusty.

Three cheques were signed. To Mazars for completing the audit £58.75

To Mrs. J.H. Rogers for half year's salary of £320 plus expenses of £58.42

To Norse Commercial Services Ltd. For £146.14 for mowing the playground

Mr. Killingback checked the figures in the account book with the bank statements and found them correct.

7. Planning Matters: Application number 20101635 Erection of First Floor Balcony to Whitefoot Lodge, Irmingland Road, Corpusty NR11 6QF for Mr. & Mrs. Jacobs. The Parish Council had no objection.

8. Police Report: PCSO Brian Levy reported that there had been an attempted theft at Bernard Matthews and Docking Farm. He had spoken to the Highways Authority about the 20 mph speed limit through the village but it was highly unlikely we would be able to have this lower speed limit as less and less were being permitted and then only in the vicinity of schools and hospitals.

9. Any Other Business: The Clerk had received a letter from Norse Commercial Services who mowed the playground. The contract price for next year would be £255.75 plus VAT, an increase of £6.97

ii) The Clerk had received a letter from the Land Registry suggesting that land owned by the Parish Council should be registered. She would return the form and find out further details.

10. Date of the next meeting: This will be held at the Chapel on Wednesday 12th January 2011 at 8.00 pm.

(NB This date may have to be changed as per my email of yesterday's date)