Draft minutes of The Annual Meeting of Crowland Parish Council held on Monday 8th May 2017 commencing at 7.00pm at the Parish Room, Hall Street.

Present:Coun B Alcock, Mr J Boor, Mr R Boot, Mr P Cooper, Miss C Elphee, Mrs T Croxford, Mr P Haselgrove, Mrs J Head, Mr D Kempton, Mr J Parnell, Mr G Quince and Mr D Ringham

Also Present:Mr W Brown, Lincs Free Press & Guardian

Mr Ringham thanked members for their support in his 2 years as Chairman. He was proud to serve, has enjoyed the experience and believes Crowland Parish Council is heads above many Parish Councils and that is down to the people involved. There have been many challenges and there are many more to come. He has enjoyed meeting the public and believes problems can often be solved better this way and has become an expert in hedges, dog fouling and farmyard manure. He will continue to support the council and help the projects come to fruition.

1. Election of Chairman

There were 5 proposers nominating Miss Elphee for Chairman. No other nominations were received and Miss Elphee accepted the position and was unanimously elected.

Mr Ringham handed over the chain of office. She told the meeting she looked forward to the next year and working with everyone.

A vote of thanks proposed to Mr Ringham for his excellent chairmanship, being a great ambassador for the Parish Council, for dealing with all kinds of difficult situations and always being supportive and appreciative.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman

There were 4 proposals nominating Mr Ringham for Vice-Chairman. No other nominations received, Mr Ringham accepted the position and was unanimously elected.

3. Apologies for Absence

Mr D Ancill, Mr M Atkinson, Mr P Bywater and Coun J Astill

4. Declaration of Interests – as per the LGA 2000

Allotments – Mr Cooper and Mr Haselgrove

British Legion – Mr Boot and Miss Elphee

Crowland Cares – Mr Ringham

Land – Mr Boor

5. Police Matters

No police attendees, no apologies received and no crime report.

Miss Elphee expressed disappointment because we have been working and co-operating with the police very well recently.

6.Election of Committees

Amenities – Coun Alcock, Mr Boot, Mr Cooper, Mrs Croxford, Mr Kempton and

Mr Ringham.


Planning – Mr Ancill, Mr Boor, Mrs Croxford, Miss Elphee, Mr Haselgrove,

Mrs Head, Mr Kempton and Mr Parnell.

Farms & Gardens – Mr Ancill, Mr Boor, Mr Boot, Mr Cooper, Miss Elphee,

Mr Haselgrove, Mr Head and Mr Parnell.

Finance – Coun Alcock, Mr Atkinson, Miss Elphee, Mr Haselgrove, Mr Kempton,

Mr Quince and Mr Ringham

Health & Safety – Mr Boor, Mr Cooper, Mr Quince and Mr Ringham

Human Resources – The Parish Clerk, Chair & Vice-Chair of the Parish Council,

the Chairs of the above Committees and Mr Haselgrove.

7. Election of Chairman of Committees

Amenities – Mr Ringham

Planning – Mr Kempton

Farms & Gardens – Mr Boor

Finance Committee – Mr Alcock

Health & Safety – Mr Quince

Human Resources – to be decided at their next meeting

8. Proposal to confirm the structure and membership of the Assets Working Party

Recommended that this committee continues as it is. All agreed.

9) Election of Churchyard Committee Representatives

Miss Elphee and Mrs Head

10. Election of Voluntary Car Scheme Representative

Mr Ringham

11. Minutes of the Previous Meeting – 3rd April 2017

Page 87, item 396 should be Amenities Committee, not the skate park committee

Proposed as a true record by Mrs Croxford, seconded by Coun Alcock. All agreed.

12. Matters Arising from Last meeting – not included on this Agenda

The sign at Fen Bridge – the Chairman will look at again with Mr Flowers.

The letter from LCC re the Brown Tourist signs will be looked at by the Planning


LALC will be looked at by the clerks and then reported to the Planning Committee.

Both bridges off the Snowden have had chicken wire on them to stop them being


The Health Centre trees etc has now been dealt with.

Funding from French Farm Wind Farm has been applied for by various groups and

more funding is available,

HGV`s are still using the B1040 – the police are to do spot checks.

Items for the agenda will be on the June Agenda.


13. Report of the Farms & Gardens Committee

The workforce has now caught up with the grass cutting and all the areas are

looking good. Compliments received on how good the Harvester Way area is

looking. The new worker is settling in well. All the machinery has been serviced.

LCC have our confirmation of the grass cutting programme. Further email received

from LCC requesting us to cut a domestic lawn in Hall Street – this has been

declined as our equipment is too large to do this.

The junctions have been cut once by the Bamford machine and the policy on

cutting them will be discussed with the workforce.

14. Report of the Planning Committee and the Local Plan response

At the last meeting, there were 3 significant plans for comment – 2 in Crease

Drove. The concern here was the extension of the housing line and not in the town

boundary as per the new Local Plan making the houses closer to the industrial area.

We wish to preserve the employment opportunities.

The 3rd was the proposal for the Bridge Caravan Park to change the current

permission to having 24 static caravans. This was objected to as being

inappropriate, access difficulties and the impact on the nearby public house.

The Local Plan appears to be well researched and the issues well explained

with reasonable proposals for the area and no vast changes for Crowland, provided

they get the infrastructure right.

This consultation is on the legality of the document, the next stage is spring next


15. Report of the Finance Committee

There hasn’t been a meeting but one to be convened soon. Items for the agenda-

An alternative to the Santander Bank Account.

Ramification for on line banking

Electronic payments

Receiving payments on line

Alternative accounting systems

Consideration to replacing and upgrading the current photocopier

Review financial regulations

The Internal Auditor has nearly complete the work on the 2016/17 Audit. All

balances. The External Auditors require more information this year which will

take more time and thus more cost.

Coun Alcock ask for approval to call in the computer engineer to update the

computer back up system. Seconded by Mr Cooper – all agreed.

16. Report of the Amenities Committee

There hasn’t been a meeting – one to be convened shortly.

Quotes awaited for play equipment.

Sports Hall Lease should be completed soon – needs full LCC council approval.

The clerk had received a call from the RSPCA who had rescued some baby

grey squirrels from the Snowden at Easter and they were now ready to be

returned but need the Parish Councils permission. Permission granted.


17. Skate park

Specification and prices received. Group looking at. Other alternative is concrete.

18. Report of the Health & Safety Committee

No Meeting. No issues.

Training Record now in place for the new Groundsman.

19. Report of the Assets Working Party

Route/access to the allotment site being worked on by our architects and they will

apply for the relevant permissions – land is owned by the Parish Council. No

footpath on James Road.

Quotes asked for – fencing, building, electrical supply. An alternative solicitor has

been agreed, original one could not continue. The preference is for a hedge all the

way round, this will be considered further at the implementation stage.

A meeting with allotment holders will be arranged shortly. Concern raised at the

Open Meeting about the nearby A16 – that is a government responsibility.

It is intended to use local contractors for the groundwork, fences etc. provided

competitive quotes are received hopefully this will be completed so that the

allotments can be moved in September, if not all completed everyone agreed it will

move forward with co-operation on both sides.

20. St Guthlacs Sports Complex – Report

See item 16

21. A16 Highways

Pot holes in Peterborough Road.

Mr Boot reported that one Parish Council have purchased speed guns and have 8

volunteers trained to use it and is effective. Clerk will find out more.

Mr Ringham will revisit the movable interactive signs issue.

Consultation begins tomorrow on the A16 as it has been open 5 years.

The Parish Council will try to open talks about James Road speed – especially

from Postland Road to Peterborough Road initially with Coun Pepper and The

Road Safety Partnership.

Working with the school on parking in the area and the school are aware of the

issue of the 20MPH sign being obliterated by a tree.

22. Correspondence

1) Aon Insurance - Email from Emma Garner explaining that our insurers would

not wish to cover for the use of a chain saw, they would expect us to hire in a

contractor with their own insurance. Noted

2) Minerals and Waste - Email with notice of Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste

Local Plan. The first part of the plan has been completed and was adopted by LCC

on 1st June 2016 following a public examination. The second part of the

planning document follows the framework established by the Core Strategy and

Development Management policies document and sets out specific proposals and

policies for the provision of land for mineral and waste development. LCC resolved


on 24 February 2017 that the document should be submitted for examination in

April 2017. Notice is given under the regulations that the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Site locations document submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 3 April 2017 for independent examination. Noted.

3) Cattons Fabrications - Letter giving details of play equipment inspections We are can ask for a no obligation quote. They are based in Kings Lynn. Noted.

4) LCC Highways - Advance notification of Road improvements at A17/A152 Peppermint Junction. Works start on 8th May for a 10-month period. Noted.

5) LCC - Details confirming amenity area safety grass cutting at 2 cuts per year.

To the Farms and Gardens Committee

6) LCC - Email from LCC showing the 6 brown signs that are due for revetting in Crowland. To the Planning Committee

7) Bruno Peek Pageant Master - Email updating us the Battles over a nations tribute 11th November 2018 at 7pm. He conforms that there are more than 800 Beacons of light registered. The official guide can be viewed at www.brunopeek.co.uk. This will be updated every three months up to 2nd October 2018. They ask us to advise them if we wish to take part. We have done so – clerk to put in diary.

8) Newborough Parish Council - Update on attempts to have a gate Councilor Harris had spoken to Lee Moore who had advised that if a gate was installed no sign would be needed as it is not a public highway. However, Coun Clipston advised that it was by-way and the same criteria applies as a highway. Noted.

9) Andy Antcliff, LCC - Email in response to ours asking if there was an alternative to closing the Fen Bridge again. He explains that they were unable to complete the works due to the unexpected onstruction of the grey iron water main laid over the bridge in the southern footway. Due to the narrow width over the bridge they say it is necessary to close the B1166 as a minimum during working hours, at other times they hope to control the traffic with traffic lights. They will publicise the intended dates and times. Excavations will be limited to the area of the southern footway, they expect Anglia Water to lay 2 temporary mains on the new road surface and contractors will complete the bridge works before Anglian Water return to commission new buried mains. Due to the nature of the works it is not possible to complete them without some road closures. They will maintain a pedestrian route and parking both sides of the bridge They expect the works to take place in 6 – 8 weeks but they will inform us, local businesses and issue a press release.

10). SHDC - Email from Coun Harrison and SHDC giving the names of the 2 roads on the second Ashley King site off Peterborough Road. The two names are Elm Close & Spencer Road. If we have any objections they need to know by 11th May 2017. Examples of valid objections are - The proposed name was already in use, the propose name is inappropriate for the locality, confusion may arise because of a


similar name or that the name was ridiculous or distasteful. Clerk to ask if names can have a local connection – ie Hartley Place.

11) Sybil Speechley - Following our e-mail Sybil has responded stating what is required for the C21 Crowland Chronicle. She hopes that the Parish Council would be enthusiastic about a modern system of digitizing our history so that information would be accessible to everyone at home on their personal computers. A Crowland archive that was updated regularly. She hopes that the Parish Council would be represented on a steering group by one or two positive “can do” members who would be able to attend meetings and liaise with the council. The Chronicle will need accommodation and asks if the council has space with facilities, Wifi etc. Costs? She does not anticipate there will be a massive financial implication to the council. If the Parish Council is not interested in participating she would prefer it says so now. This would be disappointing but they could then decide on the next step. The initiative is still at the planning stage and details will eventually be worked out by the steering group. She hopes she has provided enough information for discussion.