BIS IB Biology Internal Assessment Rubric and Feedback Form

Student Name: / Level:
Session: / May 201x / Session No. / 002171-
Investigation title:

Syllabus topic(s):
Teacher’s Instructions and help given:
Assessed Criteria: / Aspect: / Grade (2,1 or 0)
Design / Define problem and select variables
Controlling variables
Developing a method for collection of data
Subtotal (Design)
Data Collection & Processing / Recording Raw Data
Processing Raw Data
Presenting Processed Data
Subtotal (DCP)
Conclusion & Evaluation / Concluding
Evaluating Procedures
Improving the Investigation
Subtotal (C&E)
On time: / Coversheet: / Moodle/ Turnitin: / Total:

Candidate declaration:

“I confirm that this work is my own work and is the final version. I have acknowledged each use of the words or ideas of another person, whether written, oral or visual.”

Signed (student): ______Date: ______

Accepted (teacher): ______Date: ______

This statement is also checked by the student when submitting the work through Moodle/Turnitin.


Complete / 2 / Partial / 1 / Not at all / 0
T / Define problem & select variables / Formulates a focused problem/ research question and identifies the relevant variables. / Formulates a problem/research question that is incomplete or identifies only some relevant variables. / Does not identify a problem/ research question AND does not identify any relevant variables.
Controlling variables / Designs a method for the effective control of the variables. / Designs a method that makes some attempt to control the variables. / Designs a method that does not control the variables.
Developing a method for collection of data / Develops a method that allows for the collection of sufficient relevant data. / Develops a method that allows for the collection of insufficient relevant data. / Develops a method that does not allow for any relevant data to be collected.
Marking Checklist: /
  • Completed & Correct
/ O Not complete/ incorrect
Design / Aspect 1: Define the problem and select the variables
D1.1 / D1.6 Includes appropriate title that is correctly formatted. / D1.5 Adequate background to investigation included, with citations.
D1.2 / Research Question or Aim clearly stated, , includes IV and DV, is answerable & contains all specific conditions.
D1.3 / IV correctly identified with units/ levels / D1.5 Hypothesis:
□  It is quantitative
□  Written in a formalized manner
□  Prediction is explained using scientific theory
□  Sources are cited
D1.4 / DV (as directly recorded) correctly identified with units. States what will be measured, how, and how often.
Aspect 2: Controlling variables
D2.1 / Method to manipulate IV, including specific details of range or increments / D2.5 / Controlled variables presented as table.
D2.2 / Method for recording results, including units and uncertainty of tools (± ____ ) / D2.6 / Potential impact of each variable on results has been addressed.
D2.3 / Annotated photo or diagram of equipment or experimental set-up / D2.7 / Specific method to keep each controlled variable constant has been explained clearly. This includes values of each controlled variable and equipment used to ensure or measure these values.
D2.4 / Full citation of published protocol, if used (or elements thereof)
Aspect 3: Developing a method for collection of sufficient relevant data
D3.1 / Min. 5 increments over a suitable range for the IV (unless comparing populations / D3.5 / Choice of data presentation method (chart or graph type) stated and explained.
D3.2 / Sufficient repeats (5) at each increment to ensure reliability and allow for stats. / D3.6 / Explain how raw data will be transformed into processed data for comparison/ plotting
D3.3 / Range of IV stated and explanation of how this range was chosen. / D3.7 / Choice of statistical test stated and explained.
D3.4 / Method clearly, specific and easily replicated by the reader, if desired. / D3.8 / Safety/ ethics concerns addressed, including animal experimentation policy.

Data Collection and Processing

Complete / 2 / Partial / 1 / Not at all / 0
T / Recording raw data / Records appropriate quantitative data and associated qualitative raw data, including units and uncertainties where relevant. / Records appropriate quantitative and associated qualitative raw data, but with some mistakes or omissions. / Does not record any appropriate quantitative raw data OR raw data is incomprehensible.
Processing raw data / Processes the quantitative raw data correctly. / Processes quantitative raw data, but with some mistakes and/ or omissions. / No processing of raw data is carried out OR major mistakes are made in processing.
Presenting processed data / Presents processed data appropriately and, where relevant, includes errors and uncertainties. / Presents processed data appropriately, but with some mistakes and/or omissions. / Presents processed data inappropriately OR incomprehensibly.
Data Collection and Processing / Aspect 1: Recording Raw Data
DCP1.1 / Associated qualitative data (observations) MUST be recorded or zero awarded. / DCP1.5 / Decimal points consistent throughout
DCP1.2 / Units of IV and DV present and correct / DCP1.6 / Decimal points consistent with precision of the measuring equipment
DCP1.3 / Uncertainties correct (± __ ) / DCP1.7 / Raw data clearly distinguished from processed data (possibly separate table)
DCP1.4 / All data are recorded correctly and honestly
Aspect 2: Processing Raw Data
DCP2.1 / Calculations to determine DV carried out, if necessary / DCP2.5 / Standard deviations included where appropriate, to appropriate decimal places
DCP2.2 / Calculations or statistical tests appropriate to investigation and address Research Question / DCP2.6 / Uncertainties adjusted to reflect any calculations carried out.
DCP2.3 / Mathematics correctly applied / DCP2.7 / Processed data (and decimal places) consistent with precision of recorded data
DCP2.4 / Worked example calculations given
Aspect 3: Presenting Processed Data
DCP3.1 / Titles self-explanatory and complete / DCP3.7 / Error bars included, unless insignificant
DCP3.2 / Consistent decimal places / DCP3.8 / Error bar source (e.g. standard deviation) stated and s.d. data are correct
DCP3.3 / Uncertainties/ errors included / DCP3.9 / Appropriate best-fit or trend line where required
DCP3.4 / Appropriate choice of graph / DCP3.10 / Tables & graphs do not break across pages
DCP3.5 / Axes labeled clearly, including metric/ SI units and uncertainties of values / DCP3.11 / Effective use of space leads to clarity of presentation
DCP3.6 / Axes scaled appropriately / DCP3.12 / Graphs clear, colouring appropriate

Conclusion and Evaluation

Complete / 2 / Partial / 1 / Not at all / 0
T / Concluding / States a conclusion with justification, based on reasonable interpretation of the data. / States a conclusion based on a reasonable interpretation of the data. / States no conclusion OR the conclusion is based on an unreasonable interpretation of the data.
Evaluating procedures / Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. / Identifies some weaknesses and limitations, but the evaluation is weak or missing. / Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and limitations.
Improving the investigation / Suggests realistic improvements in respect of identified weaknesses and limitations. / Suggests only superficial improvements. / Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Conclusion and Evaluation / Aspect 1: Concluding
CE1.1 / Patterns and trends in data stated, with reference to the graph/ tables. / CE1.6 / Data related to hypothesis or Research Question – to what extent to they agree/ disagree?
CE1.2 / Comparisons made within the dataset, where appropriate / CE1.7 / Appropriate language used “Supports my hypothesis” (not ‘proves’ or ‘is correct’)
CE1.3 / Comparison with published data and theoretical texts, if possible. / CE1.8 / Suggestions for further investigation stated
CE1.4 / Scientific explanation for results, with justification / CE1.9 / Sources cited appropriately
CE1.5 / Associated qualitative data add value to explanations.
Aspect 2: Evaluating procedures
CE2.1 / Reference to error bars (or STDEV) with regard to variability of results and validity of conclusions / All of the following evaluated in terms of possible effect on data and magnitude of error. At least 4 limitations required.
CE2.2 / Analysis of sufficiency of data to address the aim/ RQ / CE2.6 / Random biological variation
CE2.3 / Analysis of appropriateness of the range of IV values with regard to the aim/ RQ / CE2.7 / Measurement/ instrument errors
CE2.4 / Anomalous points identified and explained, where appropriate / CE2.8 / Systematic errors (problems with method)
CE2.5 / Associated qualitative data referred to where appropriate. / CE2.9 / All other limitations relevant to the investigation
Time management or human error may be mentioned, though these are not scientific errors – they should be eliminated with effective Manipulative Skills. The focus here should be on the investigation.
Aspect 3: Improving the investigation
Improvements for the limitations or sources of error above:
CE3.1 / Are realistic and achievable / CE3.3 / Are specific and clearly explained and address limitations from aspect 2.
CE3.2 / Address the RQ or aim quantitatively (improving control of IV, DV and CV) / CE3.4 / Are cited where improvements relate to published protocols or techniques

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School Codes correspond to Turnitin GradeMark QuickMarks available from: