Master Syllabus: BUS 44741


BUS 4474
Business and Society


Lower-level Core and MGT 3300


This course focuses on the interrelationships between business organizations and the social, economic, political, and cultural environments in which business organizations function, both nationally and globally. Among other topics, the course will address business ethics, organizational culture and values, social responsibility, and relationships with government, education, and labor unions. This course will be a primary course in which business ethics, and the essential role that ethics must occupy in corporate life, both from national and international perspectives. Particular emphasis will be placed on the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, both nationally and internationally, as essential dimensions of business ethics. What it means to be a good corporate citizen will be a primary theme of this course.

Program Goals and Program Student Learning Outcomes

BUS4474 supports the following BSBA program learning objectives:

Program Goal 1. Critical Thinking

SLO 1.1: Students will demonstrate the skills necessary to critically analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, and sources of information.

SLO 1.2: Students will demonstrate the skills necessary to draw reasoned conclusions or make decisions.

Program Goal 2. WrittenCommunication Skills

SLO 2.1: Students will write business documents using sound grammar and structure.

SLO 2.2: Students will write business documents that are logically organized and appropriate for the circumstance.

Program Goal 3. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

SLO 3.1: Students will identify and apply common ethical frameworks for decision making in business.

SLO 3.2: Students will demonstrate corporate social responsibility in making business decisions.

Program Goal 4. Functional Business Knowledge in a Global Environment

SLO 4.1: Students will demonstrate that they possess functional business knowledge.

SLO 4.2: Students will identify cross-cultural issues in a business environment.

Course Objectives

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. Identify and apply various philosophical approaches to business ethics.
  2. Differentiate between legal and moral standards of business conduct.
  3. Describe strategic advantages and disadvantages of corporate citizenship, to include concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
  4. Apply ethical principles to decisions in business and industry from both national and international perspectives.


To increase the awareness of the influences and responsibilities of businesses in the communities that they touch, both nationally and globally, and to help business students to integrate concepts of ethical decision-making, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability into their management paradigms.

Approved Texts

Trevino, L.K., & Nelson, K.A. (2014). Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How to Do It Right (6thed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


As deemed appropriate.


BUS4474 students are required to complete two case study assessments administered through Blackboard. The first case study must be administered at the beginning of the course. It is not required to count towards a student’s grade. The second case study must be administered at the end of the course and is required to count towards 10% of a student’s overall grade in the course. More information about the assessments can be found at

Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space):

  1. Course title
  2. Course number + section
  3. Term
  4. Instructor
  5. Prerequisites
  6. Office hours
  7. Class days, times
  1. Classroom location
  2. Office location + e-mail address
  3. Office telephone
  4. Course description, objectives
  5. Text(s)
  6. Other materials
  1. Grading methods, criterion weights, make-up policy, mid-term grade reports
  2. Procedure, course requirements
  1. General supports (computer works, writing center)
  2. Daily assignments, holidays, add/drop & open dates, dead day, final exam
  1. ADA statement
  2. Electronic device statement
  3. Additional services, statements
  4. Absence policy
  5. Incomplete-work policy
  1. Cheating policy
  2. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies)