Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Regular Session 1900 Hours
Canby Fire Station Meeting Room
President Buner Ellis III FC Jim Davis
Vice President Steve Thoroughman DC Tom O’Connor
Secretary Treasurer Dawn Depner BC Val Codino
Director Laura Green BC Todd Gary
Director Aaron Branum CFO Lori Fawcett
EA Kris Rocha
Also in attendance: Dr. Richard Davies, City Councilman Todd Rocha, Captain Pat Fuge, Captain Matt Dale, FF John Footman, FF Damien Peters, FF Nic Newcomb, and Pauly Rogers auditor Tamara Graham.
The meeting was called to order by Board President Buner Ellis III at 1903 hours.
A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Director Aaron Branum. The motion was seconded by Director Laura Green and unanimously approved.
CITIZEN INPUT (Agenda Items):
· Financials: CFO Fawcett reported on the following:
o State Pool Interest remained static at 0.54%
o Local Investment Pool shows a total of $643,057.87
o TAN shows a total of $449.075.64
o Current Deposits & Earnings show a total of $369,478.82
o Current Expenses show a total of ($301,010.52)
o Total available to the District is $1,286,323.44
o Current Year Taxes shows 0.00% received for FY14
o Prior Year Taxes shows 22.39% received for FY14.
o URD Fund shows a total of $120,760.40
o Ambulance Service has received 8.30% of expected revenue.
o Fees Income shows a total of $1,653.00 for FY14.
· Payroll: CFO Fawcett reported the payroll costs for the month of May, as follows:
o July 1, 2014 = $127691.59
o July 4, 2014 = $66,357.28 (Employee Retirement & Termination Payout)
o July 15, 2014 = $97.988.72
o July 29, 2014 = $90,768.80
CFO Fawcett requested the Board consider removing supporting financial documents in order to make the packet smaller and keep records secure. CFO Fawcett suggested a review of supporting documents with the Board Treasurer prior to the Board meetings and stated any records may be seen by request.
The Board gave approval of this request and directed CFO Fawcett to proceed as requested.
· Wholehearted thanks given via the Canby Herald from Lorraine Dworschak for the excellent service provided by CFD personnel during an emergency call, and to the District for employing extraordinary people.
· Thanks from the staff at Phillips Soil Products for putting out a fire at their business.
Canby City Councilman Todd Rocha – Councilman Rocha reported work is beginning on the new Civic Center Project. The Council is in the process of hiring a new City Manager. When this is done, a formal announcement will be made.
CFO Lori Fawcett reported, along with Tamara Graham of Pauly Rogers and Associates, on the 12/13 audit. Tamara stated CFD will receive a “clean/unqualified opinion”. The printed audit report was reviewed. Tamara reported CFD is on track for the 13/14 audit. All audits are now current!
Discussion was had about the management letter and recommendations from auditors as to items CFD needs to “tighten up”. Director Green asked that staff provide a list to the Board as improvements are implemented and new controls are put into place.
A motion to approve the 2012/2013 audit as presented was made by Director Steve Thoroughman. The motion was seconded by Director Depner and unanimously approved.
FC Jim Davis gave a brief update on CFD’s Strategic Plan. Chief Davis, Chief O’Connor, CFO Fawcett and Captain Matt Dale met at ESCI to discuss the scope of work. Chief Davis hopes to begin the work in January of 2015 at the latest and stated that he wishes to create a “live document” to be updated on an annual basis to precede the budget process.
Director Thoroughman stated he would like to get bids from other agencies in addition to ESCI for this project. Chief said he will do that.
Chief Davis reported on the 2015 Levy. A target date of 12/15 has been set as a deadline for information be distributed to the public, public education, necessary paperwork to be filed, etc.
President Buner Ellis III requested more information and education on the Levy.
Chief Davis stated he is bringing this topic up today for general discussion in order for the Board to think about what they want to ask voters for … renewal or increase?
Director Thoroughman asked for SDAO to come in and educate them on what they can ask for/do as a board in regard to the Levy. Chief Davis said he would arrange that.
Chief Davis announced that in coordination with Local 1159, the MOU for Acting Temporary BC has been extended into December of 2014.
Lastly, Chief Davis shared that he had researched the legalities of interagency meetings. He proposed a committee made up of staff and board members. Directors Depner and Branum both agreed this is a good idea. Both would be interested in volunteering for an Interagency Committee.
DC Tom O’Connor announced new FF Cody Miller will start work at CFD on 8/26. Chief O’Connor stated that he is happy to have FF Miller join the ranks. BC Codino will begin FF Miller’s training initially.
Chief O’Connor reported that he has been discussing CFD Operations with Chief Davis on a regular basis. At this time, the only update is a shift rotation involving Captain Heitschmidt and FF Miller.
BC Gary began his report with these words: “The fair is over”. He reported this annual event was well attended by mutual aid partners, and CFD had only three ambulance transports. He was pleased with the outcome overall.
BC Gary also reported that new vinyl is coming to the main station to replace the old hallway carpeting near the dorms. The old furnace is being replaced with natural gas at Station 65.
Of interest, Big 5 Sporting Goods is coming to Canby in October where the old Rite Aid used to be by Safeway.
BC Codino was not in attendance. In his stead, Chief Davis reported that training drills were going well and he was pleased with the “great interaction between staff and volunteers.”
Professional Services Agreement
CFO Fawcett noted the number of this policy needs to be updated to # 1029 from #1027.
A motion was made to approve the Personal Services Policy as presented by Director Steve Thoroughman. The motion was seconded by Director Laura Green and unanimously approved.
Officers of the Fire Board
A motion was made to adopt the Officers of the Fire Board Policy # 1013.7 as written by Director Aaron Branum. The motion was seconded by Director Steve Thoroughman and unanimously approved.
Professional Services Agreement
A motion was made to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Gustafson Insurance as presented by Director Aaron Branum. The motion was seconded by Director Steve Thoroughman and unanimously approved.
1st Reading of District Board Operations, Sect 1
Director Branum spoke about being rid of the stipend in regard to attending regular Board of Director meetings. This is not regarding mileage or meal costs. President Ellis agrees. Changes will be made accordingly.
Vice President Thoroughman requested Shift Reports be put back into the Board packets.
Chief Davis reviewed section 1.15 regarding Urban Renewal and requested the Board to please spend time reading this item carefully between now and the next Board meeting.
Doctor Davies asked for clarification on 1.16 – Political Endorsement Policy.
A motion was made by Director Laura Green to approve District Board Operations, Sect 1 draft.
Motion was retracted as no motion is called for at this time.
1st Reading of District Board Operations, Sect 6.1–6.3
Chief Davis reviewed each section of this policy.
Director Branum stated he would like to see language in section 6.3 with a window of time in which the Chief’s review is due in order to keep the Board on track and to hold the Board accountable.
HGAC Buy Program
Chief O’Connor reviewed HGAC Buy Program documents (see attached).
President Ellis requested a review of who was on the Ambulance Spec Task Force. Captain Dale informed that himself, FF English, FF Newcomb, and FF Footman are the task force members. Captain Dale stated he is very proud of the work they did and was not aware of committee of this sort having been formed in CFD’s history. Captain Dale stated he is very happy with their progress.
Director Branum inquired as to whether legal counsel should review the program documentation.
Chief Davis stated he would ask Rod Beck to review the program.
A motion was made by Director Laura Green to approve the Fire Chief to approve the contract with HGAC pending approval from Legal Counsel. The motion was seconded by Director Aaron Branum and unanimously approved.
Surplus Property
A motion was made by Director Thoroughman to authorize CFD personnel to sell or donate surplus property. The motion was seconded by Director Laura Green and unanimously approved.
CITIZEN INPUT (Non-Agenda Items):
· Rowena Fire - Chief Davis states “excellent work!” Well done by CFD task force. President Branum is very proud that CFD helped out with this. He was amazed at how quickly it became serious. Captain Matt Dale said everywhere they walked they were being thanked by citizens. “It was a proud moment”.
· Cody Miller will be introduced to the Board with a cake reception at the next Board meeting.
· Chief Davis thanked Doc Davies and Chief Austen for helping with Cutsforth’s car show event. An enormous amount of time was spent. CFD was well represented.
· Chief Davis recognized Todd Gary for the large amount of time and effort he spent on the Clackamas County Fair.
· Chief Davis is very happy with volunteer participation at the Thursday night drills.
· Chief Davis reported on the 3rd alarm fire that took place this morning. CFD did a “stellar job”.
A motion was made by Director Dawn Depner to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Director Aaron Branum and unanimously approved.
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2014
Time: Regular Meeting at 1900 hours
Location: CFD Station 62 Meeting Room
Adjourned from Regular Session at 2025 hours.