November 4-15, 2017

*December 7th Parents expect progress reports

*December 8th School Dance

*December 15th Early Release

*January 3rd Students Return

Tutoring Information

Monday and Wednesday: Math Tutoring 3:30 to 4:30

Tuesday and Thursday: Reading 3:30 to 4:30

Please make arrangements to pick up your

children on time.

UIL Information

5th grade Social Studies UIL is every Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:30. Be prompt!

*Parents please read about “No Zero Zone” for 6th grade!!

*Parents keep up with my class news every two weeks.

*We continue to read The Devils Arithmetic by Jane Yolen.

*Students usually have reading homework Monday thru Thursday, please ask your children to read aloud to you as much as possible.

*Parents please have your children show you their agendas so you know what they are doing in class. -Thank you to those of you that have been signing once a week! Let’s keep communicating!! We sign every Thurday.

*Edmodo is being used occasionally and for student questioning.

Please contact my via email if you would like to meet with me, so I can be available to you. My email is .

(Continuation) What we are learning these weeks:

ELAR: We will be reading biographies, personal narratives and memoirs. Grammar will be reviewed as well as a continuation of The Devil’s Arithmetic.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Europe: Students will learn about culture and its elements. We will also learn about the different types of government: limited and unlimited.

We will also cover the five themes of geography: location, place, region, human and environment interaction, and movement for Canada.

Academic words:

Media LiteracyText Structure/Text OrganizationTonePoint of View

ThemeAuthor’s PurposeSensory LanguagePersuasive Devices

N Zero Zone

We are excited about the implementation of our initiative to eliminate “zero(s)” in our grade book! As you know one zero can drive a students’ average down resulting in a failing grade, which could possibly place your child on the retention list if the “zero(s)” are not rectified.

Any student who receives a zero due to a homework assignment not being turned in on time will be required to stay after school to complete that assignment from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Your child will call to notify you of the referral to the No Zero Zone by their teacher(s) and that he/she will be staying after school.

Points of interest:

  • The No Zero Zone is for middle school students ONLY
  • The No Zero Zone is NOT for making up assignments due to absences.
  • The No Zero Zone is NOT for “redo(s)”.
  • The No Zero Zone is NOT a tutorial or homework lab.
  • If your child is recommended to No Zero Zone more than 3 times within a 9 week period. He/ She will be issued an office referral and will have 1 day of SAC (in school suspension).

We look forward to working with you, and we appreciate your support in the effort of eliminating “zero(s)” from our grade books. We share the same goal for our students, your children, and that is to achieve the success we know they are capable of achieving!

Birthdays !!!