City Plan code template

This code template supports the preparation of a development application against either the acceptable outcome(s) or performance outcome(s) contained in the code. Development assessment rules are outlined in Section 5.3.3 of the City Plan.
Please note:
For assessment against the overall outcomes, refer to the appropriate code.
Impact assessable development requires assessment against the strategic framework prior to using this template.

9.3.6Dwelling unit code

This code applies to assessing material change of use development for a Dwelling unit where indicated within Part 5 Tables of assessment.

When using this code, reference should be made to Section 5.3.2 and where applicable, Section 5.3.3, in Part 5.

(1)The purpose of theDwelling unit code is to regulate the scale and appearance of Dwelling units.

(2)The purpose of the code will be achieved though the following overall outcomes:

(a)The Dwelling unit is designed to create an attractive and high quality building to complement the existing streetscape.

(b)The Dwelling unitis designed to achieve an acceptable level of privacy for the occupants and neighbouring dwellings and provide adequate private open space for the occupants.

(c)The Dwelling unit is designed to promote safe and convenient pedestrian and vehicle access to and from the site. for assessment

Table 9.3.6-2: Dwelling unit code – for assessable development

Performance outcomes / Acceptable outcomes / Does the proposal meet the acceptable outcome?
If not, justify how the proposal meets either the performance outcome or overall outcome / Internal use
Design and appearance
All buildings and ancillary structures are designed to:
(a)contribute to the envisaged urban character of the local area;
(b)promote casual surveillance of public streets, public open space and public areas;
(c)add visual interest to the streetscape;
(d)enable differentiation between buildings; and
(e)avoid stark or austere appearance. / AO1.1
All development is oriented to address public streets and any public open space.
Buildings located on a street corner are to address both street frontages.
The building façade is detailed and articulated with design indentations and/or window openings.
The building design and materials visually integrate with the prevailing or intended character of the area.
The degree of reflection (both heat and light) of any reflective glass does not exceed 20%.
Note:this provision does not apply to class 1A and class 10A buildings.

Figure 9.3.6-1
Illustration showing Dwelling unit design and appearance outcomes
The Dwelling unit is designed to achieve an acceptable level of privacy for the occupants of the dwelling and neighbouring dwellings. / AO2.1
Habitable room windows do not directly face:
(a)a habitable room window of another building within 10m; or
(b)an access way, footpath or communal open space area within 3m.
Habitable room windows:
(a)Have a fixed obscure glazing in any part of the window below 1.5m above floor level; or
(b)Have privacy screens that cover a minimum of 50% window view.
Note: ‘directly face’ means an angle within 45° either horizontally or vertically.
Where a direct view exists into the private open space of an adjoining dwelling, the outlook from windows, stairwells, terraces, decks and other private, communal or public areas, is obscured or screened by privacy screens.
Private open space
The Dwelling unit is provided with sufficiently sized and suitable located outdoor private open space to meet the recreational needs of the residents. / AO3
The private open space:
(a)has minimum dimensions of 5 x 5m;
(b)has a maximum gradient not exceeding one in ten; and
(c)is accessible from a living room.
Where the Dwelling unit is located entirely above ground-floor level, the private open space consists of a balcony or roof area open to the sky that is directly accessible from a living room and provides minimum area in accordance with the following table:
No. of bedrooms / Minimum balcony area
1 bedroom and studio / 8m² with a minimum dimension of 2m
2 bedrooms / 12m² with a minimum dimension of 2.5m
3 or more bedrooms / 16m² with a minimum dimension of 3m
The access to the Dwelling unit and the non-residential use is designed to allow safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site. / AO4.1
The Dwelling unit shares its driveway and vehicle crossover with the non-residential use.
Each use on site is provided with its own separate pedestrian entry and can be accessed externally.