Grade 8 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date 12/9/10
Room 104
Facilitator: Keith Kranick
- Technology Sharing - Kristina Strauss and Kelly Zawodzinski with information from the Technology Conference
- Kristina began with information on the “Schoology” site
- Schoology is a social network and learning management system (LMS) that makes it easy to create and share academic content.
- Looks somewhat like Facebook
- Some schools in NYS using Facebook
- Can upload teacher files
- All of Kristina’s students are signed up
- You can add and create tests and quizzes
- You can link to “School Wire”
- *note* this day and age all kids can be Googled
- Schoology can be a positive footprint
- Looking for all classes to possibly use Schoology
- Most students have computers or can use LMC
- Kelly Z. continued with information on discoveryeducation .com
- Created by the Discovery Channel, this site can engage students through dynamic curricular resources like Discovery Education streaming Plus and Discovery Education Science.
- The Hamburg HS utilizes this product
- It contains videosand information from
- Discovery Channel
- Power media Library – WNED
- Puzzles for the classroom
- Grant contests
- Teacher center – writing contest, worksheets, lesson plans, calendars, presentation items, clip art and more.
- As a note – Kelly mentioned that Twitter is now open on our school site
- Grading policy sharing by department – and fix #1
- Follow-up from Ken O’Connor
- The departments first shared amongst each other to gather information on how each teacher or their department grades.
- The departments or separate teachers then shared their grading practices with the group.
- Many wonderful ideas were shared.
- *note* Most, if not all, teachers use a points and/or percentage system and not a lettering system.
- Fix 1: Don’t include student behavior (effort, participation, adherence to class rules, etc.) in grades; include only achievement
- Note – Presently no district fixes
- *note* we did not get to Ken O’Connor ‘s - fix #1
- Items from the floor
- Who will be picking “Terrific Kids” in the future months?
- School Fund Raisers
- Teacher thought the rule was one fund raiser at a time
- Many selling items in the halls and at concerts including PTSA
- Question to hold for when Jennifer is in: Moving Up day, letters to be sent home.
- The team will decide who goes and who doesn’t and inform those students parents.
- Next meeting date: January ______2010 (Jennifer will set this date)
Another Great Meeting! Please send the agenda items for our next meeting to Jennifer.
Keith Kranick
Assistant Principal
Hamburg Middle School