November 13, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.
Approved December 11, 2014
Attendance: Dave DeLaHunt, Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Dacle Schmid Jr., Gary Nasser, Tina Melott, and Deborah Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:00 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.
Goeden made a motion to approve the minutes of October 9, 2014. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Treasurer Melott presented the treasurer’s report. Johnsrud made a motion to approve treasurer’s report as presented. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
A correction was made to the bills as presented. The listing of the payment to Schellack Engineering & Land Survey was corrected to Sanquist Construction. Johnsrud clarified that DeLaHunt had made the purchase of two flags. Johnsrud made a motion to approve the bills with correction. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.
Jerry Avenson was added during public comment on the agenda. Roger Peterka added as new business #1. Nasser made a motion to accept the agenda with these additions. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.
Ralph Sanquist gave the road report. Roads were bladed in October as needed. Asphalt was purchased from Wadena to fill holes as needed. There was a complaint regarding Deer View Road. The issue was resolved by placing four loads of class one where the driveway meets road. With the rain/ice received this weekend the roads were sanded/salted as needed. Dorset resident said her road is slippery, not much that can be done at this time.
Zoning Administrator Gary Korsgaden presented his written and oral report. He asks the Board to review the ordinance fees at the December meeting. Gary states Hafner’s have expressed concern about the property directly across from their place of business. Their concerns regard the number of people living on the property and the upkeep of the property. Gary was directed by the Board to talk to Sheriff Cory Aukes regarding this issue.
It was noted that a new building is going up on 210th Street and wanted verification that a building permit had been issued. Gary K is requesting that all requests be made to him by email
therefore giving him a paper trail.
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During Public Comment Jerry Avenson first expressed a thank you to Ralph Sanquist for all his maintenance of the roads. He then addressed his concern regarding 209th Avenue. He states that
right before the pit it is a gutter with no ditches. The chloride was put on, and then it rained, which made it very bad to drive on. Numerous trips to the car wash were needed to remove the chloride from the vehicle. When it got cold, the road makes the wheels out of balance with a cost of $30 each time to fix. He suggests not using chloride on this road. He would like to see 209th Avenue, in this area, rebuilt. After discussion, Chairman DeLaHunt asked that this road situation be addressed during the spring road tour.
Sharon Natzel asked for a few minutes during public comment. She expressed a thank you for township support in the watercraft inspection program. She reviewed results to date and referred Board to the information that was received from the Hubbard County Soil & Water Conservation District.
Johnsrud referred Board to the copy of the letter received from Sara Swanson, Attorney at Law, regarding the Plat of Rojean Estates matter in regards to the public access on Long Lake. O’Dean Hokanson states that he still feels that the law was different at the time the road was done than the law may be currently. He knows that the Township did not sign original plat but the County did. Attorney Roger Zahn was in attendance of today’s meeting and said he would look into this matter with Sara. Clerk has found another file with “old” papers which will be copied and given to Sara for further review. Johnsrud will meet with them. Issue tabled to next regular meeting.
Johnsrud presented Resolution 2014-07 establishing a snow and ice removal policy. After Board reviewed, and made corrections, DeLaHunt made a motion to accept as corrected. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried. This policy will be posted to the township web site.
The new CTAS program should be available within the first two weeks of November. It has been suggested by the State of Minnesota to run CTAS 7 and CTAS 8 both for a period of time. DeLaHunt will install new program on new computer when available. Clerk has an extra monitor which can be used during the time both programs will need to be maintained.
Clerk has posted current labor law posters as required. Johnsrud made a motion for clerk to purchase a large bulletin board to put on wall between windows. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried. Johnsrud will install bulletin board after purchase.
Roger Peterka presented his application for his annual junkyard operator’s license for township approval. It was stated by the Board that, based on information received from Hubbard County, there is concern about approving the permit at this time. There is concern regarding potential violations. Peterka expressed desire to remove fence. He was reminded that the fence was put up per requirement to screen his property. Board states there is concern regarding the buying
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and selling of copper without proper records. DeLaHunt stated that he is not comfortable with approving the application at the township level unless the County informs the Township of their approval. DeLaHunt will talk with Jed Nordin, the Hubbard County Solid Waste Administrator, regarding this issue. If the County recommends approval, the Board would then review the application at that time. This issue will be tabled to next regular meeting.
Roger Zahn, Attorney at Law, presented “Petition for a Cartway to Access Landlocked Property” representing Eric and Jamie Munson. Roger states that without a legal access the Munson’s cannot proceed with any development on this property and that they have tried to work with neighbors with no positive results. Their proposal would not change where the existing road is now.
Goeden feels that this is a disputed easement issue. He states the Board could not proceed until the dispute is cleared up. If there is a recorded easement there would not be a cartway option. Zahn states that this is the problem as the dispute cannot be settled. Zahn is asking Board to set a reasonable price for the property in question. DeLaHunt proposes that the township attorney be given the information and ask Zahn to work directly with Attorney Troy Gilchrist. Zahn states that this has been an issue for three years and he sees no other option than a cartway.
DeLaHunt made a motion to forward information to Attorney Gilchrist and Attorney Zahn work directly with him. Johnsrud seconded. It was noted that a legal description is needed on original petition. Zahn will provide. Motion called and carried. This issue is tabled to next regular meeting.
An email that was received from Penny and Mark, assessors, was read stating their progress within the township.
The drop box that was installed under the outside posting board was found to be an official postal box. This was not the intent of the Board. DeLaHunt has discussed with the Post Office the Board’s intent. Schmid will purchase a “Drop Box” sign to be put over the “US Postal” area on the drop box.
Signatures of the Board were obtained by the clerk on the Minnesota Association of Township Office List as required.
Johnsrud’s Board of Appeal and Equalization information was given on the Compliance Form due by December 1, 2014, to Ginger Woodrum at the Hubbard County Assessor Office.
The liquor license renewals for The Dorset Café and The Barn were reviewed. There are no known issues. Schmid made a motion to accept their current liquor applications. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.
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The need for new voting booths was discussed. O’Dean Hokanson (Head Judge) suggests a total of sixteen booths be available. Clerk was asked to get current pricing. This was tabled to next regular meeting.
It was noted that Ralph Sanquist should notify Board of any individuals who may be plowing snow into the road right of way. Board will then contact individuals as needed.
Clerk was asked to mail Al Czeczok a thank you card for his help in placing the new flag on the pole outside the town hall before Election Day.
Clerk was directed to order new notary stamp as needed.
Johnsrud will check into replacing the water filter. Nasser will replace outside light bulb at the back door.
Communications: Colleen Klatke re: Hotel Rooms/Annual Meeting (forward to supervisors), special assessment search re: Kathleen McFue, special assessment search re: Scott & Jeannine Jean, special assessment search re: Joseph & Danielle Safratowich, special assessment search re: Kathryn Medellin Trust, special assessment search re: Joshua & Theresa Weiss, SWCD Focus (given to Russ), affidavit re” General Election and Canvas Board, Ann Kitzman re: surplus items for sale, numerous telephone re: election judges and election information, Penny Vikre (gave her Gary K contact info), CTAS version 8 information (forward to Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer) x 2 emails, special assessment search re: Michael Nater, and special assessment search re: Alan Holder.
Advertisements and Flyers:. Living at Home flyer, Century Link Adv as phone message at town hall, and Office Depot.
Billings received from: Arvig x 2, Hubbard County Highway, PR Enterprise, Wadena Asphalt, Itasca Mantrap, and MN Power x 2.
Announcements: Township Association Meeting: November 17, 2014, Farden Township
MN Association of Townships Annual Conference at Duluth, November 20-22, 2014
Nasser made a motion to adjourn. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Anderson