Camp Gideon 2017 Summer Staff

Application Packet

Dear Applicant,

We are thrilled that you are considering the possibility of joining the 2017 Camp Gideon Summer Staff. Whether you have been a camper, worked with us before, or are new to the summer camp experience, thank you for joining us in joyfully anticipating the many ways God is going to move this summer.

At Gideon, one of the most important and influential parts of summer camp is the interaction between the staff and the campers. We seek to make a lasting impression on everyone who is involved in our summer program through intentional and caring relationships that reflect the love of Christ. This summer, you could be a part of our staff that strives to grow in their relationship with God as we serve, learn, and love the children and families that come to Gideon.

Applicants are evaluated on the basis of their evident, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, their desire and ability to work with children, youth, and other adults in a camp setting, along with several position-specific criteria. Because of this and the type of work that we do, we ask that you seriously consider your motives for applying before you do so. If you are simply looking for a summer job, perhaps another opportunity might be best for you. We are specifically interested in people that have the desire to minister to a community of campers, families, and staff in a Christian setting. Camp Gideon is a ministry of the Eastern Region of the Evangelical Friends Church, and it is our desire to follow Christ in bringing people to God and helping them become closer in their walk with Him through the uniqueness of camp. If this sounds like something the Lord may be leading you towards, we look forward to hearing from you.

Please take the time to carefully read the application in its entirety, including the information about our history and leadership team. The Application Process page will help you understand the steps you will need to take in order to complete this application and the rest of the hiring process.

Applications are due by March 1st. Please be sure to have your application to us by this day.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email them to !

Please join us in prayer as you consider this opportunity to serve Christ with us at Camp Gideon. Also, know that we are praying for you as you discern what the Lord has for you this summer.


Camp Gideon Leadership Staff


Application Overview

Camp Gideon History

An Introduction to Camp Leadership

The Application Process

Summer Schedule

Schedule Expectations

Position Descriptions

Personal Information

Activity Survey

Camp Experience

Work History

Get to Know You

For All the World to Hear

Reference Information


Reference Forms

Camp Gideon History

In 1972, the Lord gave General Superintendent Russell Myers a vision that the Eastern Region ofthe Evangelical Friends Churches (EFC-ER) needed a camp. In 1976, 114 acres of beautiful land inCarroll County, Ohio, were given by Randy and Barbara Gifford of Medina, Ohio, to the EFC-ER as a site for a camp, conference, and retreat center. In 1980, “Camp Gideon” was chosen as the official name because Gideon personified faith and obedience in God as told in the Bible, just as the EFC-ER wasexperiencing. In the years following, additional land was purchased to make a total of 180 acres, andsoon a road was built, a picnic shelter was constructed, and a storage facility and garage were added.

On August 12, 1985, the camp was formally dedicated by Russell Myers. The Wilson MemorialLodge was built and dedicated on September 6, 1987. Development of the camp continued with theappointing of camp directors and property managers.

In the following years, a low ropes course, a backstop, a basketball court, sand volleyball courts,soccer goals, and playground equipment have been added to the property. 1993 saw the conversion ofthe bunk house, the addition of several miles of walking trails, the building of what has affectionatelybecome known as Lake David, and the installation of RV hookups. A second major building, CanyonLodge, was completed in 1997, bringing the total camp capacity to 100.

An in ground pool was added in 2002, bringing a splash to the summer activities. The past several years have seen many more improvements, including family style dining, mapped and marked trails, a pool house in 2010, the enclosure of the picnic shelter into a craft building, a gazebo, and so much more.

Camp Gideon has certainly been blessed throughout the years, not only with material goods andfacilities, but with people, families, and staff that have a heart to see the creation and growth of a placewhere people of all ages can come to grow closer in their relationship with God through connecting withHis creation. We hope that you will take the time to pray and consider if you wish to join a line of peoplepursuing this goal!

An Introduction to Camp Leadership

• Quint Bryan – Camp Director: Quint Bryan currently serves as the EFC-ER youth specialist. He brings the perspective of youth pastor, missionary and adolescent counselor as he works with youth pastors, camping ministries and summer mission/work teams for EFC-ER. He specializes in networking the community of believers through a relational approach helping people combine their strengths and resources to serve in Jesus name. His decades of ministry as well as a Masters in Leadership have focused his attention on the development of servant leaders emphasizing leadership, discipleship and missions. Quint has a few loves in his life, which include his wife Jennifer and two teenage children, Baillie and Samuel. Quint’s other love is to be outdoors, which is where you will find him when not immersed in practical ministry.

Andrew Baker - Summer Program Director: Andrew is a current student at the University of Akron and is majoring in graphic design. He has been on camp staff for the past six summers and is returning for his seventh summer as the Summer Program Director and is extremely excited to see what God is going to be doing at Camp Gideon.

Karlee Dawson - Assistant Director: A 2015 graduate from Malone University with a degree in education, Karlee is returning for her second summer at Camp Gideon as our Assistant Director. Karlee works with 10th-12th grade students at Conotton Valley High School. She is happy and excited to be coming back this summer and she feels blessed to have been given this opportunity.

Shelby Wildlicka - Head Counselor: A sophomore at Youngstown State University who is majoring in early childhood education, Shelby is returning to camp this summer as our Head Counselor. This will be her sixth summer at Camp Gideon and her second as a counselor. She is ready for this summer and ready to continue to grow with Christ at camp.

Jared Werstler - Program Coordinator: Jared is a current student at Barclay College. This will be Jared’s fourth year working at Camp Gideon and we are very excited to have him as out Program Coordinator this summer.

The Application Process

➢Read through and complete the entire application.

➢New Staff Members and Previous Staff Members that did not serve last summer: Submit three reference forms. The leadership team must receive these before the application can be reviewed. Follow the notations on each form: one for a Pastor/Youth Leader, one for any Non-related Female Adult, and one for any Non-related Male Adult with sufficient knowledge of your abilities. Completed reference forms may be mailed to the address printed on them.

➢Returning Staff Members:

Fill out the reference information included in the application itself, but do not have your references fill out the reference forms.

➢Complete the application promptly and submit by:

  1. Email submission to:
  1. Send a hard copy to: Camp Gideon Applications

5350 Broadmoor Cir. NW, Canton OH 44709

➢You may also turn in your completed application to one of the Leadership Staff.

Your entire application is due on March 10, 2017.

➢When your application is received, you will be contacted to set up a personal interview with the Leadership Staff.

Acceptance of staff will be confirmed by April 1, 2017.

➢If you have any questions concerning the process, please contact us at:

Summer Schedule


Training: June 5-10

Adventure: June 11-16

Father/Son: June 16-18

Gideon on the Go: June 19-23

Awaken: June 25-30


Day: July 3, 5-7

Mother/Daughter: July 7-9

Splash: July 9-14

Mini: July 16-19

Yearly Meeting Week: July 22-25

Staff Closing: July 26-28

*These are the ideal dates. We are planning for them, but they are subject to change.

+Dates of arrival for training depend on your position.

Schedule Expectations

We expect staff to be present for ALL of their Staff Training days. Your inability to be present for all of Training will severely decrease your chances of joining us at Camp Gideon, and we will consider you a last option in choosing our staff.

• Counselors, we are planning for you to be present for the entire summer with the exception of days off, emergencies, or family events you already have scheduled in the summer.

• Assistant Counselors and SITs, please mark the camps above that you are available to work at this summer.

Please indicate the camp(s) you are unavailable for and the reason: ______






A Short Guide to Position Descriptions

Counselorsare young adults who have completed their first year of college or are at least one year removed from high school. They lead a group of 6-10 campers each week. Aided by an assistant counselor, they are responsible for ensuring the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their campers. Counselors lead various activities* and participate in all types of programming. They are paid for the entirety of the summer.

Assistant Counselors are students who have finished the eleventh or twelfth grade. They assist the counselor in their work and may also be asked to lead activities and devotions under the direction of a counselor. Assistants work 2-4 weeks of the summer. They are paid based upon the weeks they work.

Servants in Training (SIT) are students who have finished the ninth or tenth grade. They will primarily assist the summer leadership team in behind the scenes work, but they will also serve under a counselor in a cabin. Their duties may include videotaping, cleaning, setting up and tearing down of games. SITs volunteer 2-4 weeks of the summer and receive $10 to the Snack Shack each week.

Staff Members Are

• On duty 24 hours a day.

• Expected to set an example for encouragement, positive attitude, enthusiasm, and spiritualmentoring during their weeks at camp.

• Expected to interact appropriately with other staff members and campers.

• Expected to read and follow all policies laid out in the staff handbook.

*Activities include but are not limited to: archery, fishing, arts and crafts, basketball, canoeing, hiking and nature activities, capture the flag, chapel times, cabin devotions, drama and skits, flag football, initiative and challenge activities, low ropes course, swimming, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, worship and singing, as well as a variety of “all camp activities”.

Personal Information

Last Name______First______Middle ______

Sex: Male / Female Position Applying for: SIT / Assistant Counselor / Counselor

College Address (if applicable) ______Box # ______

City ______State______Zip ______School Phone ______

Home Address______City ______State____ Zip ______

Home Phone ( ) ______Personal Cell ( ) ______

Email______Date of Birth _____/_____/______(mm/dd/yyyy)

Education (Grade finishing in the spring): High School - 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 | University - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5+

High School/College Name ______

Graduation Date____/_____/_____ Major ______Minor ______

When is your last day of school before your summer break? ______

Church Affiliation

Church you attend______Church Phone ( ) ______

Denomination______Are you a member? Yes / No

Church Address______City______

State_____ Zip______Pastor’s Name______

Social Media

How many hours a day would you estimate that you spend on social media? 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Other: _____

Please list account names attached to each site you use:

Facebook ______

Twitter ______

Myspace ______

Instagram ______

Pinterest ______



Google Plus ______

YouTube ______

Other ______


First Aid: Yes___ Expires____/____ No____

CPR: Yes___ Expires____/____ No____

AED: Yes___ Expires____/____ No____

Lifeguard: Yes___ Expires____/____ No____

Do you have any other relevant certifications, such as advanced First Aid, life saving techniques, or activities such as low ropes, archery, canoeing, etc.? If so, please list them and their dates below.


Activity Survey

In the first blank, rate your skill/interest in the following areas as either:1 for expert; 2 for very experienced; 3 for basic experience; 4 for no experience. Check the second blank if you have an interest in this activity whether or not you have any experience in the activity.


____|____ Archery

____|____ Canoeing

____|____ Climbing/Rappelling

____|____ Ropes Course

____|____ Initiative Games

Arts and Crafts

____|____ Nature Crafts

____|____ Painting

____|____ Sketching

____|____ Bracelet Making

____|____ Crafts

____|____ Other ______


____|____ Guitar

____|____ Singing

____|____ Piano

____|____ Song Leading

____|____ Other

Sports/Activities (Knowledge of rules)

____|____ Basketball

____|____ Soccer

____|____ Swimming

____|____ Football

____|____ Volleyball

____|____ Other ______


____|____ Acting

____|____ Writing skits

____|____ Directing

____|____ Dance/Choreography

____|____ Other ______

Outdoor Activities

____|____ Animal Identification

____|____ Astronomy

____|____ Hike Leading

____|____ Orienteering

____|____ Outdoor Cooking

____|____ Plant Identification

____|____ Camping/ Sleeping Outdoors

____|____ Other ______


____|____ Organizational Skills

____|____ Cooking

____|____ Photography

____|____ Storytelling

____|____ Other ______

Camp Experience

Have you ever attended Camp Gideon as a Camper? Yes / No

How many years were you a camper? ______

Have you ever attended or been on staff at another camp? Yes / No

If yes, please give a brief description of your experience (including name of camp, years worked):

Work History

• Relevant work is preferred, but your recent work history is acceptable as well.

Employer ______From _____/_____/_____ To_____/_____/_____

Supervisor ______Phone ( ) ______

Work Performed: ______


Reason for Leaving: ______

May we contact? Yes / No

Employer ______From _____/_____/_____ To_____/_____/_____

Supervisor ______Phone ( ) ______

Work Performed: ______


Reason for Leaving: ______

May we contact? Yes / No

Use this section for any relevant volunteer work you may have done.

Employer ______From _____/_____/_____ To_____/_____/_____

Supervisor ______Phone ( ) ______

Work Performed: ______


Reason for Leaving: ______

May we contact? Yes / No

Get to Know You

(Answers should be well thought out and detailed (the more information you provide, the more informed our decision will be.)


1. Rank the following 4 personality groupings in order, with 1 being the most accurate description of yourself and 4 being the least accurate.

Detail Oriented, Organized, Factual, Consistent _____

Compassionate, Structured, Quiet, Thorough _____

Decision maker, Creative, Adventurous, Leader _____

Outgoing, Spontaneous, Imaginative, Social _____

2. Why are you interested in working at a camp?

3 Why do you like working with kids?

4. What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Spiritual Gifts?

5. How are you currently using your gifts to serve the Lord? What are you involved with?

6. What are you passionate about? Why?

7. How do you spend your free time? Hobbies? Interests? Special Talents?

8. What was it like to grow up in your family? The good? Bad? Ugly?

9. Describe a time when you used bad judgment. How did you respond? What did you learn?

10. Describe a time when you didn’t agree with a policy or authority figure. Your response?


If you answer yes to any of these questions, give a succinct, honest description in the space provided

1. Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime? Yes / No

2. Have you ever had a history of anxiety/depression in your life? Cutting or harming yourself? Yes / No

3. Have you ever been abused physically, sexually, emotionally? Have you ever been accused of abusing someone else? Yes / No

(If you prefer, leave this answer blank and you may discuss your situation in confidence with director)

4. Have you at any time used drugs, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages? Yes / No

5. Have you ever been involved in premarital sex? Describe your relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend

6. What do you think about homosexuality? Have you ever had homosexual thoughts or tendencies?

7. Have you ever had an eating disorder? If so, explain.

8. Do you have any allergies or physical limitations that might interfere with your responsibilities at

camp? (Such as: extensive hiking, rock climbing, sports, or sleeping outside) Yes / No

9.Can you swim? Yes / No


1. When did you come to know the Lord? Share your testimony.

2. Why are you a Christian? Who is God to you?

3. How are you growing in your faith? What do you do to nurture your faith?

4. Describe a time when God really stretched you through trial?

5. Are you being discipled/mentored? Are you discipling/mentoring someone else?

6. Do you have accountability in your life? What does that look like?

7. What is your involvement in your church of attendance?

8. List any leadership experiences that you have had.

9. How would you share salvation with a camper? What Scripture would you use?

10. How would you lead a devotional with campers?

11. Describe your habits of personal discipline regarding: devotional life, physical condition, studies,

being on time, and any other pertinent areas.

For All the World to Know

This is information that will be added to the Camp Gideon Website upon your acceptance on staff in order for family and friends to get to know you. Please answer the following questions as you would like them to appear on the website.

Name: ______Position you’re applying for: ______