Peterborough Community Learning Trust Fund
Application to the Peterborough Community Learning Trust Fund
Please read the Prospectus including the Guidance notes and FAQs before completing this application.
Please ensure that you answer all the points fully, keeping to the word count indicated to enable applications to be fairly assessed. If you have any questions about the application please email
Provider detailsYour name
Your contact details / Tel: / Email:
Name of the organisation
Your position in the organisation
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post code
What is the status of your organisation? (please complete with details as appropriate)
Company limited by guarantee (if appropriate)
Company number:
Chief Executive:
Voluntary or Community Organisation (if appropriate)
Chief Executive
Registered Charity (if appropriate)
Charity number:
If you do not have a UKPRN please refer to the FAQs on how to obtain one – your application cannot be processed without an UKPRN
Is your organisation in direct receipt of funding from the Skills Funding Agency in the 2014/15 financial year? / Yes
Brief description of your organisation (max. 50 words)
Total number of individual learners for the project (Please do not count a learner more than once)
1. Project name
Please answer each of the questions below:
Project Summary (max. 100 words)
Project Aims (max. 75 words)
How will your project support engagement, learning and progression? (max. 50 words)
Explain how your project matches with one or more of the Trust’s local priorities and list the priority groups you’ve identified (pg 3 of prospectus) (max. 100 words)
What are the planned outcomes for learners going to be? (max. 75 words)
What makes your project different or innovative? (max. 75 words)
2. Which wards and/or post code areas within Greater Peterborough will you be working in? (Please list all.)
3. Priority Groups targeted
Please note that English, Maths and IT (where appropriate) must be embedded into the delivery and assessment. Please refer to the Guidance section for further details.
Please refer to the priority groups (as listed in the Prospectus on pages 3 and 4) and complete the tables below according to which priority(ies) your project addresses.
With which of the following three priorities does you project most closely align - please indicate with a ü in only one of the boxes below
Priority 1: Improving adults’ skills including Employability, English, Maths and IT / Please indicate with a ü if this is the key priority
Provide evidence of need for addressing priority (max. 75 words)
What are the barriers to learning for this group? (max.7 5 words)
How will your project overcome these barriers? (max. 75 words)
Priority 2: Improving health and wellbeing / Please indicate with a ü if this is the key priority
Provide evidence of need for addressing priority
(max. 75 words)
What are the barriers to learning for this group? (max. 75 words)
How will your project overcome these barriers? (max. 75 words)
Priority 3: Improving community integration and cohesion / Please indicate with a ü if this is the key priority
Provide evidence of need for addressing priority
(max. 75 words)
What are the barriers to learning for this group? (max. 75 words)
How will your project overcome these barriers? (max. 75 words)
4. For each of the three priorities that your project addresses, please answer the questions below.
Priority 1: Improving adults’ skills including Employability, English, Maths and IT (max. 50 words for each question.)
Engaging with the target group(s) - outreach and promotion - How do you intend to promote the project?
Give details of the publicity you intend to use to recruit your learners?
Describe your organisation's record of engaging with your target group(s).
Priority 2: Improving health and wellbeing (max. 50 words for each question.)
Engaging with the target group(s) - outreach and promotion - How do you intend to promote the project?
Give details of the publicity you intend to use to recruit your learners?
Describe your organisation's record of engaging with your target group(s).
Priority 3: Improving community integration and cohesion (max. 50 words for each question.)
Engaging with the target group(s) - outreach and promotion - How do you intend to promote the project?
Give details of the publicity you intend to use to recruit your learners?
Describe your organisation's record of engaging with your target group(s).
5. Project Milestones. Please give a timeline for the different activities in the delivery of the project. (Refer to Annex A in the Prospectus, Guidance notes and FAQs 2014-15 for an example)
Month/Date / Activity / No of learners / No of wks
Sept 14 / * Attend at least one of the City College Peterborough partner training sessions
Oct 14 / * Attend at least one of the City College Peterborough partner training sessions
Nov 14 / * Attend at least one of the City College Peterborough partner training sessions
Dec 14
Jan 15
Feb 15 / Attend mid course review
Mar 15
Apr 15
May 15
June 15 / End of projects
July 15 / Final paperwork due
6. Initial assessment, additional support and recording of progress and achievement (max. 75 words for each question.)
How will you conduct your initial assessment of the learner’s current skills and knowledge and what tools will you use?
What processes will you use for identifying and providing additional support for learners with difficulties/disabilities? E.g. Learning difficulties, maths and English
How will you identify and help learners overcome these barriers?
How do you intend to follow up your learners' progression after they have completed the project?
7. Progression - It is expected that learners will be given advice on what they can do after the project and that successful partners will carry out an agreed percentage of sampling of the learners' progression (max. 75 words for each question.)
How will you ensure that opportunities are available to advise learners on what they can do after the project? What type of things could they do after completing e.g. employment, volunteering, or another course?
How will you measure and record the ongoing progress and achievement of your learners to ensure they achieve?
8. Pound Plus: adding value to the funding. It is expected that the value of funding given will be increased by a contribution from partners (£+).
Please indicate whether you intend to charge fees to any of the learners:
Yes NoIf Yes – please provide details of any fees to be charged:
Please provide a short breakdown of the total cost for this project. If the College expresses an initial interest in your application you may be asked to provide more detailed information on costs. You will find an example in the Prospectus, Guidance notes and FAQs 2014-15 Annex D.
The basic underlying principle of funding is that the money must support the learning and therefore City College Peterborough reserves the right to not pay costs that the College deem to be unreasonable and not in the spirit of the funding guidance.
Note: You will be required to produce official receipts/evidence for all expenditure at the end of the project
Please read the notes below for restrictions on the levels of funding and rates of pay
Description of activity / Funding required (£)
a / Pound Plus (£+)
b / Total value (£)
Staffing (management/admin/tutors/volunteers etc.)
Hourly teaching rates must include preparation as well as actual teaching. We would not expect tutors to be paid extra for preparation or hourly rates to exceed £25 per hour for a qualified teacher. If the rate does exceed this, then a justification needs to be provided before any training commences
The total of the administration and management fees should not exceed 15% of the funding requested. If the rate does exceed this then a justification needs to be provided before any training commences
Please refer to the FAQs section for the expected maximum staff hourly rates of pay
Marketing & Publicity (recruitment/promotion etc.)
Facilities & Support (room hire/childcare/travel etc.)
Materials & Resources (learning materials/workshop materials/equipment)
Capital costs must not exceed 5% of the overall project value.
Total Funding Required (a) / £
How much contribution is being made to the project (b) / £
Total project value (a+b) / £
9. Risks associated with the project not succeeding
· Identify the key risks associated with your project delivery and how you intend to mitigate against these occurring.
· You will need to extend the table below to list and identify more than one risk
Risk 1
Explain the risk and the possible impact:
How likely is it? / Please circle: low, medium, high
How seriously will it affect the project? / Please circle: low, medium, high
When might it happen?
Proposed actions. How will you avoid, counteract or limit the impact on your project?
Whose responsibility is it to manage this risk?
Risk 2
Explain the risk and the possible impact:
How likely is it? / Please circle: low, medium, high
How seriously will it affect the project? / Please circle: low, medium, high
When might it happen?
Proposed actions. How will you avoid, counteract or limit the impact on your project?
Whose responsibility is it to manage this risk?
Risk 3
Explain the risk and the possible impact:
How likely is it? / Please circle: low, medium, high
How seriously will it affect the project? / Please circle: low, medium, high
When might it happen?
Proposed actions. How will you avoid, counteract or limit the impact on your project?
Whose responsibility is it to manage this risk?
10. Sustainability (max. 100 words)
· Describe how the project activity will be sustained after the end of funding.
11. Organisational Minimum Standards required. These are the minimum standards.
If you are unable to meet the requirements, please contact us as we may be able to assist you.
Criteria / Yes / No / Comments ( if NO)All staff that come into regular contact with the learner have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
A Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy is in place and available for review
Staff that work directly with the learner have attended/passed a Safeguarding training in the last 3 years
Appropriate Insurances are in place, Public Liability and Employer Liability – please give Insurer name and cover amounts / Public: £
Employer: £
An Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is in place and available for review, which meets the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
Confirmation that the premises to be used for training are DDA complaint
A Health and Safety Policy is in place and available for review.
Risk Assessments are in place for all equipment, rooms and activities. A copy of these must be supplied before a contract is issued
Adequate First Aid provision is supplied in accordance with HSE guidelines
Complaints and compliments and comments log for the organisation is kept and evidence of outcomes are recorded and actioned
12. Proposal Details
Project Start Date:Project End Date:
What support do you require from Peterborough Community Learning Trust for the project to succeed?
I certify that all learners will be eligible for SFA funding; that there is no double funding for any learners and that this funding will not displace other sources of funding.
Name: / Signed:
Position: / Date:
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