Plans for Monday, November 28, 2016
By: Dayna Farmer

Daily/Weekly Notes

Hawley Elementary--Kindergarten Lesson Plans- D. Farmer

Wk #15


Testing: Istation EL-STAR AIMSweb Report Card

Color Code: Language ArtsMathScienceSocial Studies Writing

Special Events:

7:55-8:05 Pick-up

Procedures (intro in the morning): how to enter the room, how to put backpack up on hook, how to put folders away, attendance, lining up for CAMP

8:05-9:05 CAMP

9:05-10:35 ELAR

Unit 7: Fiction

Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Fairy Tales, Fables

Identify letters

Beginning Sounds

Identify Letter Sounds

Changing Words (word family -it)

Predictions and Inferences
Ask Questions

Position and Location Words

Text-to-self/Text-to-text connections

Nouns (singular plural)

9:05-9:15 Morning Meeting (10m)

9:15-9:45Saxon Phonics(30m)

Lesson #: 45

Letter of Wk: F

Alphabet/Phonemic Awareness: to think of words that contain particular sounds

WKSH: 45

Saxon Reader:

Unit 4: Functional Personal Writing

Lists, letters, notes, cards, postcards

Plan with Discussion

Develop Drafts

Use Complete Simple Sentences

Form Letters legibly

Write Own Name

**IDEAS:Christmas list, letters to Santa, Christmas card/postcard**

9:45-10:15Writing Block(30m) *ScienceandSocial Studiesincorporated*

Instructional Focus: write a letter (list of what you want for Christmas) DAY 1 of 4

Shared Writing (I DO): model how to start your letter to Santa

Interactive Writing (WE DO):

10:15-10:15Writers Workshop/Guided Writing(30m)

Independent Writing (YOU DO): write a letter to Santa (using Christmas lists from Writing Center)

INCLUDE: a question for Santa, 3 things you want for Christmas, and say something nice about Santa

**Teacher conferencing with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce skills and strategies, and to engage student(s) in questioning and discussion**

10:15-10:30Shared Reading(10-15m)

Text (Children's Literature): A Letter to Santa

Instructional Focus: writing a letter to Santa

10:35-11:05 Lunch

11:05-12:25 ELAR

11:05-11:15Interactive Reading(10-15m)

Text (Journey's Big Book/Reading A-Z):A Cold Day(Level B)

Monday: P/A

Discriminate initial consonant /f/ sound

Tuesday: Vocabulary

Wednesday: Phonics

Thursday: Fluency

Friday: Comprehension

Sight Words: do, what, get

11:15-12:15Daily 5/Guided Reading(60m) *GR Plans made on GroApp*

Read to Self

Read to Someone

Word Work:

  • Santa's Scrambled Sentences
  • CVC - match CVC words to pictures
  • Stamp and Write--Christmas (TPT--Christmas Cheer)
  • ABC Presents (TPT-Christmas Cheer)
  • Put out 3 book/CD's with CD players and headphones
  • QR reader books



  • I-Station (done on rotation)
  • QR code readers for alphabet cards


  • Level aa:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O, M,I,) with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVCC + s and CVCe + s (flags, rides, kites) on whiteboards

At The Fair(green circle) K.1.5

  • Level A:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVVC (look, feet, tail)

The Costume(purple triangle) K.1.5

  • Level B:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVCe (like, ride, bike)

Curious George Goes for a Ride(purple triangle) K. 6.28

  • Level C:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters:vocabulary; finger frame (find) sight words

Words; (green, grass, went, with)

pt. out---"said" someone is talking

No Snow!(blue square ) K.3.12

12:15-1:45 MATH Block

12:15-12:30Numeracy Board/Go Math Calendar(15m)


Weather Watcher (graph)

Number of the Day (rekenrek, ten frame, tallies, draw, word write, one +/ more/one less, part/part/whole/number line, gumball chart-counting by 10's and 1's)

Counting to 100

Hundreds Chart

Place Value (days of school) #66

Math Fluency: subitizing up to 20 (double ten frames)

Practice:writing 10-15 on the white boards

Counting forwards and backwards: to20 (on yellow number line) as a group

Time:Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

12:30-1:00Math Workshop Mini-Lesson(30m)

Lesson #: 10.5

Instructional Focus: Decompose 6 and 7

WKSH: pgs 357-358(homework and practice pgs done in class)

Homework pages: 353-356;359-362; 365-368; 371-374

1:00-1:45Daily 3/Guided Math(45m)

How many Tensand Ones
______in all. / TEACHER:
WAR- with a deck of cards
Who has the bigger number?
Buttons for Gingerbread
(Mistletoe Math Tubs..Carroll)

1:45-2:15 Science


What do you know about weather?

There are several different types of weather.
Science Fusion wkbk pages 79-84
DE: WEATHER (1.38 minutes) Defines weather and describes the different kinds of weather.

DE: WEATHER (1.38 minutes) Defines weather and provides examples of weather vocabulary.

Sum it Up! Weather worksheets from Fusion

Students are able to identify snowy, sunny and rainy weather.

1:45-2:15 Social Studies


2:15-2:45 Recess

2:35-2:45 Snack and Read-aloud

Read Aloud/Modeled Reading


Enjoyment (MF):

Istation Vocabulary (Tu):

Vocabulary and Comprehension (WTh):

2:45-3:25 Think Tank

Read book:The Gingerbread Baby

After the book, students will write their sight words.

Mrs. B will pull for progress report and report card testing. (Doing all week)

3:15-3:30 Clean-up/Pack-up

3:30 Dismissal

Plans for Tuesday, November 29, 2016
By: Dayna Farmer

Daily/Weekly Notes

Hawley Elementary--Kindergarten Lesson Plans- D. Farmer

Wk # 15

wks 5/7

Testing: Istation EL-STAR AIMSweb Report Card

Color Code: Language ArtsMathScienceSocial Studies Writing

Special Events:

7:55-8:05 Pick-up

Procedures (intro in the morning): how to enter the room, how to put backpack up on hook, how to put folders away, attendance, lining up for CAMP

8:05-9:05 CAMP

9:05-10:35 ELAR

9:05-9:15 Morning Meeting (10m)

9:15-9:45Saxon Phonics(30m)

Lesson #: 46

Letter of Wk: F

Alphabet/Phonemic Awareness: to separate words in compound words

WKSH: 46

Saxon Reader:

I HEAR notebook: Letter Ff (all squares)

9:45-10:15Writing Block(30m) *ScienceandSocial Studiesincorporated*

Instructional Focus:write a letter (list of what you want for Christmas) DAY 2 of 4

Shared Writing (I DO):

Interactive Writing (WE DO):

10:15-10:15Writers Workshop/Guided Writing(30m)

Independent Writing (YOU DO): write a letter to Santa

**Teacher conferencing with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce skills and strategies, and to engage student(s) in questioning and discussion**

10:15-10:30Shared Reading(10-15m)

Text (Children's Literature):The Gingerbread Kid Goes to School

Instructional Focus: compare

10:35-11:05 Lunch

11:05-12:25 ELAR

11:05-11:15Interactive Reading(10-15m)

Text (Journey's Big Book/Reading A-Z):A Cold Day(Level B)

Monday: P/A

Tuesday: Vocabulary

air, car, cold, feels, fence, handle, hot chocolate, mail, mailbox, tree

Wednesday: Phonics

Thursday: Fluency

Friday: Comprehension

Sight Words:do, what, get

11:15-12:15Daily 5/Guided Reading(60m) *GR Plans made on GroApp*

Read to Self

Read to Someone

Word Work:

  • Santa's Scrambled Sentences
  • CVC - match CVC words to pictures
  • Stamp and Write--Christmas (TPT--Christmas Cheer)
  • ABC Presents (TPT-Christmas Cheer)
  • Put out 3 book/CD's with CD players and headphones
  • QR reader books



  • I-Station (done on rotation)
  • QR code readers for alphabet cards


  • Level aa:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O, M,I,) with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVCC + s and CVCe + s (flags, rides, kites) on whiteboards

At The Fair(green circle) K.1.5

  • Level A:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVVC (look, feet, tail)

The Costume(purple triangle) K.1.5

  • Level B:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVCe (like, ride, bike)

Curious George Goes for a Ride(purple triangle) K. 6.28

  • Level C:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters:vocabulary; finger frame (find) sight words

Words; (green, grass, went, with)

pt. out---"said" someone is talking

No Snow!(blue square ) K.3.12

12:15-1:45 MATH Block

12:15-12:30Numeracy Board/GoMath Calendar(15m)


Weather Watcher (graph)

Number of the Day (rekenrek, ten frame, tallies, draw, word write, one +/ more/one less, part/part/whole/number line, gumball chart-counting by 10's and 1's)

Counting to 100

Hundreds Chart

Place Value (days of school) #67

Math Fluency: subitizing up to 20 (double ten frames)

Practice:writing 10-15 on the white boards

Counting forwards and backwards: to20 (on yellow number line) as a group

Time:Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

12:30-1:00Math Workshop Mini-Lesson(30m)

Lesson #: 10.6

Instructional Focus: Decompose 8 and 9

Wkst pgs.: 363-364

1:00-1:45Daily 3/Guided Math(45m)

How many Tensand Ones
______in all. / TEACHER:
WAR- with a deck of cards
Who has the bigger number?
Buttons for Gingerbread
(Mistletoe Math Tubs..Carroll)

1:45-2:15 Science

Today. we will record weather for the next two weeks.

What was the weather like today?

We've been recording the weather each day since school started on our weekly graph.

Weather graph (personal)



weather words from a list
Today, we will record and organize weather by collecting the data and drawing pictures to record the information.

Go outside on the sidewalk and observe and describe the weather today.

What was the weather like yesterday? How does it differ from yesterday

We will write the label to go with the picture (ex. draw a cloud and sun for partly cloudy--write partly cloudy)
Begin recording yesterday's and today's weather on personal graph.

Predict what you think the weather will be like tomorrow.

1:45-2:15 Social Studies


2:15-2:45 Recess

2:35-2:45 Snack and Read-aloud

Read Aloud/Modeled Reading


Enjoyment (MF):

Istation Vocabulary (Tu):

Vocabulary and Comprehension (WTh):

2:45-3:25 Think Tank

Book:The Gingerbread Baby

Draw or write about the gingerbread baby

3:15-3:30 Clean-up/Pack-up

3:30 Dismissal

Plans for Wednesday, November 30, 2016
By: Dayna Farmer

Daily/Weekly Notes

Hawley Elementary--Kindergarten Lesson Plans- D. Farmer

Wk # 15

wks 5/7

Testing: Istation EL-STAR AIMSweb Report Card

Color Code: Language ArtsMathScienceSocial Studies Writing

Special Events:

7:55-8:05 Pick-up

Procedures (intro in the morning): how to enter the room, how to put backpack up on hook, how to put folders away, attendance, lining up for CAMP

8:05-9:05 CAMP

9:05-10:35 ELAR

9:05-9:15 Morning Meeting (10m)

9:15-9:45Saxon Phonics(30m)

Lesson #: 47

Letter of Wk: F

Alphabet/Phonemic Awareness: to unblend consonant sounds

WKSH: 47

Saxon Reader:

9:45-10:15Writing Block(30m) *ScienceandSocial Studiesincorporated*

Instructional Focus:write a letter (list of what you want for Christmas) DAY 3 of 4

Shared Writing (I DO)

Interactive Writing (WE DO):

10:15-10:15Writers Workshop/Guided Writing(30m)

Independent Writing (YOU DO): write a letter to Santa (use rewriting for publishing)

**Teacher conferencing with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce skills and strategies, and to engage student(s) in questioning and discussion**

10:15-10:30Shared Reading(10-15m)

Text (Children's Literature):Santa's Noisy Night

Instructional Focus: pictures show what's going on --match the text

10:35-11:05 Lunch

11:05-12:25 ELAR

11:05-11:15Interactive Reading(10-15m)

Text (Journey's Big Book/Reading A-Z):A Cold Day(Level B)

Monday: P/A

Tuesday: Vocabulary

Wednesday: Phonics

Identify initial consonantFf

Thursday: Fluency

Friday: Comprehension

Sight Words:do, what, get

11:15-12:15Daily 5/Guided Reading(60m) *GR Plans made on GroApp*

Read to Self

Read to Someone

Word Work:

  • Santa's Scrambled Sentences
  • CVC - match CVC words to pictures
  • Stamp and Write--Christmas (TPT--Christmas Cheer)
  • ABC Presents (TPT-Christmas Cheer)
  • Put out 3 book/CD's with CD players and headphones
  • QR reader books



  • I-Station (done on rotation)
  • QR code readers for alphabet cards


  • Level aa:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O, M,I,) with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVCC + s and CVCe + s (flags, rides, kites) on whiteboards

At The Fair(green circle) K.1.5

  • Level A:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVVC (look, feet, tail)

The Costume(purple triangle) K.1.5

  • Level B:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters;find m's in text if any; finger frame (find) sight words

Words:CVCe (like, ride, bike)

Curious George Goes for a Ride(purple triangle) K. 6.28

  • Level C:Make and Break:alphabet letters and sounds (S, T, A, F, O,M, I)with magnet letters:vocabulary; finger frame (find) sight words

Words; (green, grass, went, with)

pt. out---"said" someone is talking

No Snow!(blue square ) K.3.12

12:15-1:45 MATH Block

12:15-12:30Numeracy Board/Go Math Calendar(15m)


Weather Watcher (graph)

Number of the Day (rekenrek, ten frame, tallies, draw, word write, one +/ more/one less, part/part/whole/number line, gumball chart-counting by 10's and 1's)

Counting to 100

Hundreds Chart

Place Value (days of school) #68

Math Fluency: subitizing up to 20 (double ten frames)

Practice:writing 10-15 on the white boards

Counting forwards and backwards: to20 (on yellow number line) as a group

Time:Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

12:30-1:00Math Workshop Mini-Lesson(30m)

Lesson #: 10.7

Instructional Focus: Decompose 10

Pgs. 369-370

1:00-1:45Daily 3/Guided Math(45m)

How many Tensand Ones?
______in all. / TEACHER:
WAR- with a deck of cards
Who has the bigger number?
Buttons for Gingerbread
(Mistletoe Math Tubs..Carroll)

1:45-2:15 Science


What is the weather like today?

Is it windy or not?

Bk:How's the Weather? (mine)

Bk:What's the Weather Like Today? (mine)

Bk:What Can the Wind Blow? (mine)

Weather graph (personal)



weather words from a list
Today, we will record and organize weather by collecting the data and drawing pictures to record the information.

Go outside on the sidewalk and observe and describe the weather today.

What was the weather like yesterday? How does it differ from yesterday

We will write the label to go with the picture (ex. draw a cloud and sun for partly cloudy--write partly cloudy)

Make a circle from construction paper and divide it into 6 spaces.

Draw and write about 6 things the wind can blow...umbrella, leaves, sails on boat, laundry, trees, people, kites, etc.

Begin recording yesterday's and today's weather on personal graph.

Predict what you think the weather will be like tomorrow.

1:45-2:15 Social Studies


2:15-2:45 Recess

2:35-2:45 Snack and Read-aloud

Read Aloud/Modeled Reading


Enjoyment (MF):

Istation Vocabulary (Tu):

Vocabulary and Comprehension (WTh):

2:45-3:25 Think Tank

Book:The Gingerbread Baby

Using the craftivity tub supplies, make a gingerbread man ornament for the tree.

  • wax paper; rolling pins; 3 gingerbread cookie cutters; gingerbread clay balls--one for each child; yarn for each child; straws for cutting a hole at the top

Each child gets a ball of cinnamon Gingerbread Clay to roll out and make a gingerbread man.

Decorate with buttons and rickrack after it hardens.

3:15-3:30 Clean-up/Pack-up

3:30 Dismissal

Plans for Thursday, December 1, 2016
By: Dayna Farmer

Daily/Weekly Notes

Hawley Elementary--Kindergarten Lesson Plans- D. Farmer

Wk # 15

wks 5/7

Testing: Istation EL-STAR AIMSweb Report Card

Color Code: Language ArtsMathScienceSocial Studies Writing

Special Events:

7:55-8:05 Pick-up

Procedures (intro in the morning): how to enter the room, how to put backpack up on hook, how to put folders away, attendance, lining up for CAMP

8:05-9:05 CAMP

9:05-10:35 ELAR

9:05-9:15 Morning Meeting (10m)

9:15-9:45Saxon Phonics(30m)

Lesson #: 48 DO TOMORROW due to UIL and Early Release

Letter of Wk: F

Alphabet/Phonemic Awareness: to recognize letter sounds

WKSH: 48

Saxon Reader:

9:45-10:15Writing Block(30m) *ScienceandSocial Studiesincorporated*

Instructional Focus:write a letter (list of what you want for Christmas) DAY 4 of 4

Shared Writing (I DO)

Interactive Writing (WE DO):

10:15-10:15Writers Workshop/Guided Writing(30m)

Independent Writing (YOU DO): write a letter to Santa (use rewriting for publishing)

10:15-10:15Writers Workshop/Guided Writing(30m)

Independent Writing (YOU DO):

**Teacher conferencing with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce skills and strategies, and to engage student(s) in questioning and discussion**

10:15-10:30Shared Reading(10-15m)

Text (Children's Literature): NONE with Library

Instructional Focus:

10:35-11:05 Lunch

11:05-12:25 ELAR

11:05-11:15Interactive Reading(10-15m)

Text (Journey's Big Book/Reading A-Z):A Cold Day(Level B)

Monday: P/A

Tuesday: Vocabulary

Wednesday: Phonics

Thursday: Fluency

repetitive text

Friday: Comprehension

Sight Words:do, what, get

11:15-12:15Daily 5/Guided Reading(60m) *GR Plans made on GroApp* NONE due to UIL EARLY RELEASE

12:15-1:45 MATH Block

12:15-12:30Numeracy Board/GoMath Calendar(15m) NONE DUE TO EARLY RELEASE FOR UIL


Weather Watcher (graph)

Number of the Day (rekenrek, ten frame, tallies, draw, word write, one +/ more/one less, part/part/whole/number line, gumball chart-counting by 10's and 1's)

Counting to 100

Hundreds Chart

Place Value (days of school) #69

Math Fluency: subitizing up to 20 (double ten frames)

Practice:writing 10-15 on the white boards

Counting forwards and backwards: to20 (on yellow number line) as a group

Time:Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

12:30-1:00Math Workshop Mini-Lesson(30m)

Lesson #: 10.8

Instructional Focus: Problem Solving: Compose and Decompose Numbers up to 10

Wkst: 375-376

1:00-1:45Daily 3/Guided Math(45m)


1:45-2:15 Science


1:45-2:15 Social Studies

Warm-up: None due to UIL

2:15-2:45 Recess

2:35-2:45 Snack and Read-aloud

Read Aloud/Modeled Reading


Enjoyment (MF):

Istation Vocabulary (Tu):

Vocabulary and Comprehension (WTh):