CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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FundingYear 2002, 2003

PGE0221 New Construction Develop potential estimates for all Sectors include residential , Rafael $275,000 The new format 3/30/2006

Market Potential new construction sectors. commercial and a limited number Friedmann has a 255

of industrial applications character long

text field

allowing the

project manager

to supply a



desctiption of the

project status,

and even the

status of


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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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FundingYear 2004,2005

PGE0212 Industrial Energy Use The industrial energy use study This study has two main Jennifer $1,250,000 Research Plan 12/31/2008

Survey (Manufacturers will expand our knowledge of the objectives:• To provide Barnes pending approval

End Use Survey) distribution of energy among information on industrial energy by CPUC (put

industrial customers and their end use and energy efficiency by end in in November,

uses of energy. These customers use for improved targeting of 2006 to CPUC)

use a significant amount of public goods charge energy

California’s energy, accounting for efficiency programs; and• To

over 20% and 44% of the comply with Title 20 provisions

electricity and natural gas use in which require the utilities and

California. A better CEC to conduct an industrial end-

understanding of their energy use use study by June 2006.

will be useful for California energy

demand forecasting and for

defining future energy policies that

ensure adequate energy supplies

to this major sector of the

economy. Enhanced knowledge of

their end-use energy distribution

will enable further refinement to

estimates of energy efficiency

potential and programs for these

customers, and optimization of an

integrated portfolio of energy

system investment needs.

PGE0213 Best Practices Database The overall goal of the Study is to To accomplish this effort, the Rafael $300,000 Data Collection. 12/31/2007

document the best practices of Study will include benchmarking Friedmann

energy efficiency programs in order on program process and

to enhance the design of energy performance.

efficiency programs in California.

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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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PGE0214 2004-05 Statewide To measure the impact of Single To measure impacts of single Craig Tyler $1,300,000 Ongoing 6/30/2007

Single Family Rebates Family program family measures.

PGE0215 2004-05 Statewide Impact and process evaluation for TBD as part of the Research Plan Beatrice $2,100,000 Waiting for 12/31/2007

Express Efficiency small and medium businesses Mayo CPUC approval

(Includes Upstream participation in Express Efficiency of research plan.

HVAC and Motors) program. Also will look at the

upstream effects of the program on

EE HVAC and motors.

PGE0216 2004-05 Statewide Process and impact evaluation. To acertain how well the audits Mary $300,000 Data Collection 12/1/2007

Nonresidential Audits are enhancing addoption both with Sutter

and without the EE programs,

and in what specific areas.

PGE0217 2004-05 Statewide Training for building operators Beatrice $100,000 In draft reporting 4/1/2007

Building Operator and their supervisiors to help them Mayo stage, waiting

Training better select and operate for comments

equipment for energy efficiency. from the CPUC

Will also look at the effects of before going to

adding additional levels of training

to broaden audience.

PGE0218 2004-05 Statewide CA Evaluate the 2004/5 Statewide Develop process and impact Mary $785,000 Draft Reporting 3/9/2007

Energy Star New Residential New Construction evaluations Sutter

Homes program

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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

UtilityCode SCE Program Type EE

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FundingYear 2004,2005

SCE0219 2004-05 Statewide EM&V study - includes dual dual metered data collection and Shahana $550,000 Analysis 4/30/2007

Residential Appliance metered data collection and gross gross savings analysis. Process Samiullah

Recycling savings analysis.Process evaluation and analysis of

evaluation and analysis of secondary market for old units.

secondary market for old units.

SCE0220 2004-05 Statewide This study is an evaluation of the Verify the reported energy savings; Pierre $1,100,000 Ongoing 12/31/2007

Standard Performance system impact and the develop reliable ex post Landry

Contract Program administrative process of the estimates; test the program theory,

Evaluation statewide Standard Performance estimate freeridership and NTGR;

Contracting (SPC) Program. determine whether it was

implemented as planned.

SCE0221 2004-05 Statewide This on-going study quantifies the The information developed (Gross Cathy $740,000 Ongoing 4/30/2007

NRNC Building whole-building and end-use kWh, therms, kW savings, Chappell

Efficiency Assessment energy savings and efficiencies of program process) helps assess the

both participant and non- success of NRNC program designs

participant buildings. The study and implementation activities.

calculates savings by the end-use

of systems improvements, as well

as by whole building integrated

design. This project will

determine only gross impacts.

SCE0222 2004-05 Statewide Response not received for this Process evaluation, logic model Carol Yin $200,000 In progress 1/31/2007

Emerging Technology update. refinement, assessment of the

Demonstration evaluability of long term impact

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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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SCE0223 2004-05 Statewide IOU energy centers will provide Process evaluation, collecting Carol Yin $348,468 Extended - 12/1/2006

Education and training and educational programs feedback from energy center staff on ongoing

Training Services on energy efficient practices and challenges of implementing best

measures for commercial parctices. Categorizing seminars

and workshops according to the

likelihood of motivating EE

SCE0224 2004-05 Statewide This study will provide a baseline The objectives of this study are: to Douglas $110,000 In for review by 3/15/2007

Codes and Standards for estimating realized energy evaluate the proposed code change Mahone CPUC

Support savings from the proposed 2005 proposals to assess the

code changes (finalized in 2003). applicability and appropriateness

The purpose of the baseline study of baselining activity for each;

is to determine the prevalence of conduct secondary database

the measures and their level of research and potentially primary

efficiency within the state. field research to determine baseline


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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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SCE0225 UC-CSU-IOU This study includes two separate Impact Evaluation: To complete a Richard $325,000 Writing draft 6/30/2007

Partnership evaluations of The Statewide load impact analysis including a Pulliam report

Partnership UC/CSU Program for calculation of first-year energy

program years 2004 and 2005. savings and a peak load reduction

The first evaluation is an impact estimate on a per building, per

evaluation and will assess the end-use basis. This should be

results of the program in terms of completed for both the Energy

achieved levels of energy and peak Efficiency Retrofits and the

demand savings. The second Facility Monitoring Based

evaluation will be a process Commissioning elements of the

evaluation and will focus on the program. These values will then

resulting success of the program in be used to estimate the dollar

streamlining the efficiency and savings of the program and to

enhancing the value of this newly assess future program activities.

created partnership and the An estimate of the Net-to-Gross

associated program activities. The ratio will also be calculated to

evaluation plan will cover two assess the impact of the program

years, 2004 and 2005, but will on a net basis. Process Evaluation:

provide results to the program Because this is an innovative

participants at regular intervals program design, the focus of the

throughout the two-year process. Process Evaluation will be on

assessing its level of initial

success and on identifying the

ways in which it could be refined

to increase the efficiency and value

of the program to the universities

and the utilities. The results of

the process evaluation should

indicate to the partnership ways to

streamline the program, ways to

increase the levels of energy and

demand savings being achieved,

and ways to increase all

participants’ satisfaction with the

program. It is hoped that the

process evaluation will also be

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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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able to provide ongoing feedback

and advice to this new program to

facilitate incremental

improvements to program process

and operations as the program

progresses over the two-year

period. The process evaluation

will also be used to evaluate the

Training and Education

component of the program.

SCE0226 LAC/ISD–SCE–SCG This study is an evaluation of the Investigate the energy impacts of Pierre $101,930 Draft final report 2/28/2007

Partnership Program system impact and the the program, the accuracy of the Landry

Evaluation administrative process of the Los program theory, and the cost-

Angeles County/Internal Services effectiveness and free-ridership in

Department-Southern California the program.

Edison-Southern California Gas

Energy Efficiency Partnership


Partnership Pr

SCE0230 SCE's Nonresidential Impact, process, and customer Measure and verify energy savings, Richard $279,960 Responding to 4/1/2007

Hard-to-Reach (Direct satisfaction study. review participant records, billing Pulliam CPUC

Install) analysis, engineering analysis, comments on the

self report free ridership, evaluate draft report

implemntation process,

implementation contractors,

customers and utility staff,

measure customer statisfaction and

program improvement. Assess

degree to which program is

influencing customer decisions

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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

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SCE0242 NRNC Market Effects This project will look at the Creation of a logic model to Cathy $320,000 Ongoing 5/1/2007

Study market effects of the nonresidential describes how all of the programs, Chappell

new construction market. From a infrastructure, and initiatives

market perspective, the within the market are designed to

measurement of the efficiency of operate as a market portfolio.

the new building stock, compared Provide net savings from the

to a prior measurement, provides

the most direct indication of the

savings achieved market-wide.

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CALMAC Quarterly Project Update

UtilityCode SCE Program Type EE

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FundingYear 2005, 2006

SCE0234 SCE's IDEEA Program SCE’s Innovative Designs for 1) Promoting innovation in energy Shahana $800,000 Draft Reporting 5/1/2007

Energy Efficiency Activities efficiency programs: The primary Samiullah

(IDEEA) program will be an focus of this program is to add a

annual competitive bidding significant source of innovation to

solicitation of innovative and cost- SCE’s energy efficiency portfolio.

effective energy efficiency program 2. Achieving cost-effective energy

proposals across all market and and peak demand savings: Because

customer segments, funded by up this program will be funded with

to $6,000,000 annually (not SCE energy procurement funds, its

including evaluation and focus will be on proposals that

measurement costs) of energy provide cost-effective, long-term

procurement funds. The focus energy savings and peak demand

will be on different marketing or reductions that would not be

delivery methods, different market achieved by the existing program

segments, and/or different portfolio. SCE anticipates that the

technologies than those offered in mix of selected projects will

the SCE portfolio. Winning achieve equal a level of cost-

proposals will fill possible gaps in effectiveness comparable to SCE’s

the overall portfolio of programs overall portfolio. 3. Filling gaps

offered in SCE’s service territory and adding best practices:

or offer best practices not Winning proposals will fill

incorporated in similar programs possible customer and technology

in the portfolio. For 2004, SCE gaps in the overall portfolio of

will draft a solicitation this fall programs offered in SCE’s service

and be prepared to modify it as and/or offer best practices not

necessary and to release it as soon incorporated in particular programs

as possible after CPUC approval of in the portfolio 4. Coordinating

the program. If the CPUC does programs in SCE’s portfolio for

not approve this program, SCE maximum effectiveness: Wherever

will reallocate the proposed feasible and desirable, the winning

funding to other programs in its proposals will be implemented by

proposed portfolio of energy the bidders with active SCE

procurement-funded programs. support. An active relationship is

The IDEA program is offered in usually crucial for effective

Southern California Edison (SCE) coordination to maximize the

service territory and is part of the overall effectiveness of programs.

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Residential Hardware Incentive, It also allows the strengths of both

Commercial Hardware Incentive, parties to be brought to bear on

Industrial Hardware Incentive, and the effective implementation of the

New Construction Hardware program. In our experience, most

Incentive Programs described in bidders prefer to work with the

SCE’s Long-Term Resource Plan utility as a supportive partner,

Testimony. rather than having the utility

maintain an arms-length contract

management role. 5. Meet

CPUC objectives for increased

inclusion of third parties in

program design and

implementation: In multiple

rulings, the Commission has

affirmed the value and importance

it sees in enhancing the

sustainability and effectiveness of

energy efficiency program activities

by enabling high levels of

participation of a variety of

allies—local governments, non-

profit organizations, and

companies. This program