John Skerritt, Chair (JS)Sheila Skerritt (SS)
John Bellamy (JB)Ken Snow (KS)
Beryl Kurth (BK)Anita Elahi (AE)
Frank Duckworth (FD)Raman Selvon (RS)
Jim Treloar (JT)John March (JM)
Geoff Plant (GP)Malcolm Green (MG)
John Brammall (JBM)Mike Woolley (MW)
Cllr. Simon Lumley (SL)
Minutes / Actions1. Apologies for absence
1.1 –Sam Spencer, Jodie Farlow and Cllr. Alan Pearson.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true and accurate record.
3. Matters arising
3.1 – 7 – FD asked about how allocations are done when someone finishes 1st on CBL but is not offered the property. RB explained it can be a number of reasons such as homeless cases or health reasons for another applicant who then takes priority. RB said he will get back to FD.
3.2 – 7 – JT raised the matter of younger tenants being allocated properties where older tenants are living such as designated areas. RB said his team decide on these allocations and there are many reasons, again disability, vulnerability and homelessness duty. RB will keep JT up to date with updates.
4. Questions from the public
4.1 –Mr Boulton asked about car parking in West View, Somerby.
4.2 – Marilyn Gordon asked about 13 Rudbeck Avenue fence and ASB. RB said he would look into these with the relevant officer.
4.3 – Mike Woolley asked about 10 West View and the issues with house sitting dogs and car parking. RB said he would look into and let Mike know of any updates.
5. Grounds maintenance
5.1 –RS provided an update on grounds maintenance about grass cutting. KS raised concerns about the standard not being kept up.
5.2 – JB raised the matter that there is no bin outside the shop on Hartopp Road. RS said this will be resolved in the next few days.
6. Wates update
6.1 – GP ran through the KPI. GP also welcomed AE who is the new liaison officer for Wates.
7. Housing repairs update
7.1 – JT asked about an update on the fireplace at no 8. MG will relate back to the tenant.
7.2 – BK asked MG for an update on 6 Saxelby Road, Asfordby on heating and broken window. 6 Ralph Toon Court bathroom has been done.
7.3 – KS asked about 8 Morley Close and 1 Granby House. MG will look into these.
8. Car parking issues
8.1 –MW asked about the pot holes on West View, Somerby. RB gave an update on the car parking matters and the surveys here and also other locations in the borough.
9. Review of pet policy in flats
9.1 –JS asked about reviewing the pet policy, Mark Shields will look into this.
10. Lifeline procedure
10.1 –SS asked RB about pulling the lifeline cords for an emergency. RB said the cords should be used if there isn’t a phone available to call 999 direct. Tenants must give clear messages to the emergency service or lifeline cords. SS has concerns.
11. Customer Service update
11.1 –JB asked for an update on how Customer Service is going. RB said a full update can be given at a future meeting when there are more clear updates on the reception redesign etc.
12. Date and Time of next meeting
12.1 - The next Tenants Forum Formal meeting is on Wednesday5thOctober 2016, Annual General Meeting, 2pm in theTFEC Resource Centre, Gretton Court.