Region 4A Medical Reserve Corps Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes, Thursday, 5 January 2017, 12:00pm-1:00pm

Fuller School, 31 Flagg Drive, Door 14

Framingham, MA 01702

Call to order and quorum by Chair/Executive Director12:00PM

Present: Kitty Mahoney, Scott Moles, Phyllis Schilp, Linda Callen.

Meeting Minutes: (Phyllis Schilp)December 8,2016

-Motion to approve by Kitty Mahoney, second by Scott Moles, all in favor, motion approved as presented.

-All meeting minutes are current and posted to web site

Fiscal Budget Monthly Report: (Kitty Mahoney)

  • Budget - MRC and PHEP and NACCHO
  • Will re-evaluate budget to offer additional funds for MRC Sub-Regional Project if there are many applicants requesting funding.
  • Pending invoices and outstanding requests:
  • No outstanding funds or requests from MRC. Process still needs to be streamlined through CHA.

Ongoing Business/Updates (Kitty Mahoney)

  • Interim Continuity Plan for HMCC and MRC 4A
  • Still working out procedures for reimbursement
  • Positions are currently being filled for HMCC and MRC
  • Strategic Planning 2016-2017
  • Possible by-law changes from 5 to 3 members for the executive committee
  • Major part of planning will be on-boarding new employees
  • Marlborough trailer will hold all extra supplies
  • Website possible merger with 4B
  • Sub Regional MRC proposal-
  • No one has applied currently. Brought forth at the last GC meeting with increased amount in funding.

New Business (Kitty Mahoney: CHA)

  • Sub-Regional MRC Proposal
  • Changes made to proposal to include fewer communities merging for a sub-regional MRC functional group.
  • Deadline to apply January 17th.
  • Cathy Corkery will be the recipient of the on-line applications.
  • Any conflicts of interest of applicants will be reviewed by Region 4A EC.
  • Recommendations for EC for change in By-Laws
  • New changes to incorporate the HMCC model under section 4 Medical Reserve Corps Advisory Board.

-Motion made by Phyllis Schilp to amend By-Laws, seconded by Scott Moles, all in favor, motion approved as presented. Kitty Mahoney will present By-Law amendment at the next Region 4A meeting.

  • Contractors for AB
  • Volunteer Coordinator- Lisa Moulton- Does not have a start date yet. Contracts are still being signed. Cross training with the new VC will then start phasing out the existing part-time position.
  • Deputy Position- Bill Blumsack- Does not have start date yet. Contracts are still being signed. OPEM wants clarification on increase in hours/hourly rate for position. Position should provide relief for VC and eventually be able to cross train to each other’s position eliminating the constraints on the MRC EC Chair for coverage of the VC position.

MRC Coordinator Deliverable Update and Discussion: (All)

  • National reporting requirements (monthly from 4A communities)
  • MRC Activity reporting requirement to the National office sent to Cathy Corkery VC and Garrett Hair from CHA for the third quarter requirements. No correspondance has gone out to the GC requesting reporting requirements from each community.


  • Wednesday February 22nd CPR Framingham ma
  • Narcan Training January 18th Framingham

Motion to adjourn by: Kitty Mahoney, second by Scott Moles, all in favor, motion approved as presented.
