Topic: 1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th


RLA.O.4.3.01-- Essential

listenand respond to different literary forms and speakers (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm understanding, recount personal experiences, listen to

Themain idea or essential point of a text

RLA.O.4.3.01-- Essential

listenand respond to different literary forms and speakers (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm understanding, recount personal experiences, listen to information and exhibit comprehension, provide reasons in support of opinions, respond to others' ideas).

informationand exhibit comprehension, provide reasons in support of opinions,

may be explicitly stated

respondto others' ideas).

RLA.O.4.1.07-- Essential

readfourth grade instructional level texts and use self-correction strategies (e.g., decoding, searching for cues, rereading).

RLA.O.4.1.08-- Essential

interpretand extend the ideas in literary and informational texts to summarize, determine story elements, skim and scan, determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, visualize, paraphrase, infer, sequence, determine fact and opinion, draw conclusions, analyze characterize and provide main idea and support


Mainidea- explicit or inferred RLA.; RLA.PD.4.1

SupportingDetails RLA.

Repairstrategies: pre- reading ( activating prior knowledge, predictions, questions) and re- reading strategies, checking context clues, predicting, questioning, summarizing, clarifying by checking sources and using self-correction strategies decoding , searching for cues, rereading)(RLA.; RLA.

Facts,opinions RLA. O.;RLA.PD.4.1

Spellingpatterns/ strategies , identify and apply conventions of spelling RLA.

orinferred. Readers and

writersuse supporting details to determine the main idea.

RLA.O.4.2.10-- Important

identifyand apply conventions of spelling in written composition (e.g., spell commonly misspelled words from appropriate grade level lists, use syllable constructions to spell words, use vowel combinations for correct spelling, use affixes).

RLA.O.4.1.03-- Important

usepre-reading strategies to comprehend text (e.g., activating prior knowledge, predictions, questioning).

RLA.O.4.1.07-- Essential

readfourth grade instructional level texts and use self-correction strategies

(e.g.,decoding, searching for cues, rereading).

RLA.O.4.1.17-- Compact

increasethe amount of independent reading to build background knowledge, expand vocabulary and comprehend literary and informational text.

RLA.O.4.1.02-- Important

applystructural analysis including etymology and context clues to decode and encode words.

RLA.O.4.2.14-- Important

usestrategies to compile information into written reports or summaries (e.g., incorporate notes into a finished product, include simple facts-details- explanations-examples, draw conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from data of different sources, use appropriate visual aids and media).

RLA.O.4.1.08-- Essential

interpretand extend the ideas in literary and informational texts to summarize, determine story elements, skim and scan, determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, visualize, paraphrase, infer, sequence, determine fact and opinion, draw conclusions, analyze characterize and provide main idea and support details.

Answerquestions related to explicitly

statedor inferred main idea and supporting details


Locatingmain idea explicitly stated in a paragraph (ET, inductive reasoning) RLA.;RLA.PD.4.1

Inferimplicit main idea (ET, error analysis) RLA.;RLA.;RLA.4.3)

Summarizemain idea and detail RLA.


Topic: 1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th


ET:Error Analysis

ET:Inductive Reasoning

RLA.O.4.3.01- listen and respond to different literary forms and speakers (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm understanding, recount personal experiences, listen to information and exhibit comprehension, provide reasons in support of opinions, respond to others' ideas).

RLA.O.4.1.07- read fourth grade instructional level texts and use self- correction strategies (e.g., decoding, searching for cues, rereading).

RLA.O.4.1.08- interpret and extend the ideas in literary and informational texts to summarize, determine story elements, skim and

scan,determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, visualize, paraphrase, infer, sequence, determine

factand opinion, draw conclusions, analyze characterize and provide main idea and support details.

Usestrategies to compile information into written reports or summaries RLA.4.2.14

Monitorunderstanding during reading and use repair comprehension strategies when needed RLA..4.1.03; RLA.4.1.07)

Useclues to find meaning in context for multiple meaning words and unknown words (ET, inductive reasoning)

Applyconventions of spelling in written composition


Writesummaries for expository texts using main idea/details that shows understanding of fact/opinion RLA.4.1.08

Writesummaries for narrative texts using main idea/details RLA.4.1.08

Usespelling patterns/strategies to identify errors in writing (ET, error analysis) RLA.

Listento oral information and show understanding of key points RLA.

Discussfamiliar and conceptually challenging text


Increaseindependent reading to build background knowledge and expand vocabulary RLA.

RLA.O.4.3.01- listen and respond to different literary forms and speakers (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm understanding, recount personal experiences, listen to information and exhibit comprehension, provide reasons in support of opinions, respond to others' ideas).

RLA.O.4.2.10- identify and apply conventions of spelling in written composition (e.g., spell commonly

Topic: 1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th


misspelledwords from appropriate grade level lists, use syllable constructions to spell words, use vowel combinations for correct spelling, use affixes).

RLA.O.4.1.03- use pre-reading strategies to comprehend text (e.g., activating prior knowledge, predictions, questioning). RLA.O.4.1.07 - read fourth grade instructional level texts and use self- correction strategies (e.g., decoding, searching for cues, rereading). RLA.O.4.1.17 - increase the amount of independent reading to build background knowledge, expand vocabulary and comprehend literary and informational text. RLA.O.4.1.02 - apply structural analysis including etymology and context clues to decode and encode words.

RLA.O.4.2.14- use strategies to compile information into written reports or summaries (e.g., incorporate notes into a finished product, include simple facts- details-explanations-examples, draw conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from data of different sources, use appropriate visual aids and media). RLA.O.4.1.08 - interpret and extend the ideas in literary and informational texts to summarize, determine story elements, skim and scan, determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, visualize, paraphrase, infer, sequence, determine

factand opinion, draw conclusions, analyze characterize and provide main idea and support details.

Topic: 1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th

CommonAssessments on what students should know and do in this unit:

Topic: 1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th

KeyLearning:Themain idea or essential point of a text may be explicitly stated or inferred.

Readersand writers use supporting details to determine the main idea. The more you write and read, the better you become at both.

UnitEssential Question(s):

Howdo readers and writers connect the main idea and supporting details to create meaning?



MainIdea - Inferred


RLA.O.4.1.08 ,RLA.PD.4.1

RLA.O.4.1.17, RLA.O.4.1.08 ,RLA.PD.4.3

RLA.O.4.1.03 ,RLA.O.4.1.07

LessonEssential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):

Howdo readers identify main idea when it is explicitly stated? (A)

Howdo readers "look back" in text for recalling and locating information? (Knowledge Strand -assessment)(A)

Wheremight the main idea be located within a paragraph? (inductive reasoning)(ET)

Howdo readers determine the main idea when it is inferred? (A)

Howdo readers determine if the main idea is explicitly stated or inferred? (error analysis)(ET)

Howdo good readers monitor and repair understanding as they read?(A)

Whatquestions can be asked to determine understanding of main Idea and supporting details? (Comprehension strand - assessment)(A)


explicit,main idea, relevant details, recall, look back

inferred,inductive reasoningrepair strategies, rereading, predicting, questioning, clarifying using other sources, dictionary, encyclopedia

Topic: 1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th



RLA.O.4.1.08 ,RLA.O.4.2.10 ,RLA.O.4.3.01 ,RLA.O.

4.2.14,RLA.PD.4.1, RLA.PD.4.2






LessonEssential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):

Howdo readers summarize using main idea and details?(A)

Howare main idea and details used to write summaries of narrative texts and expository texts ? (compare/contrast)(ET)

Whatstrategies help determine ending punctuation?(A)

Howdo you differentiate between a simple and compound sentence?(A)

Howcan you use short vowel combinations to find the correct spelling of words?(A)

Howcan you use long vowel combinations to find the correct spelling of words?(A)

Howare spelling patterns used to identify errors in writing? (error analysis)(ET)


summarizing,narratives, facts, opinions, expository

differentiateerror analysis


Inthis unit, students are learning in locate main idea within a paragraph and main idea when it is inferred. As you connect main idea and supporting details, model determining main idea both ways; identifying details and then the main idea using those details or determining main idea and locating the supporting details. Note the reading assessments strand are embedded within the unit; teach signal words and different ways questions might be ask on the test. Two higher thinking skills are taught in this unit; by 4th grade, they should have had some prior instruction for both or at least one of these. Remember to continue using the steps in the process as you are using thinking skills to extend thinking.


VocabReport for Topic:1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th

Concept: Main Idea

explicit- main idea - relevant details - recall -

lookback -


MainIdea - Inferred


inductivereasoning -



repairstrategies - rereading - predicting - questioning -

clarifyingusing other sources - dictionary -


Concept: Summarizing

summarizing- narratives - facts -

opinions- expository -

Concept: Grammar


VocabReport for Topic:1.What's the main idea?

Subject(s): EnglishLanguage Arts


Grade(s): 4th

Concept: Spelling

erroranalysis -

Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Main Idea

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo readers identify main idea when it is explicitly stated?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?


WordSplash -using the signal words listed below:

mostlyabout, best tells, main theme, main purpose, best way, sums up,

anothertitle, best title,

bestdescribes, most likely, main lesson

Keyvocabulary to preview:

explicit main idea relevant details



Describingan Event


Inwhole group instruction the teacher will read the following passage or another passage to the students and model using think aloud to complete the graphic organizer.

Next,working in pairs, students read a passage assigned by the teacher and identify the topic and supporting details on the graphic organizer.

Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Main Idea

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th


AHuge Meat Eater

Who'sthe biggest, baddest dinosaur carnivore? It's not Tyrannosaurus rex. When it comes to size, the king appears to be Mapusaurus roseae. Last week, paleontologists reported that the new species may have been larger than T. rex and about the same size as Giganotosaurus carolinii, another great meat eater.

Scientistsdiscovered Mapusaurus in southern Argentina, where Gigan-otosaurus was found. From 1997 to

2001,paleontologists unearthed hundreds of bones belonging to seven to nine creatures. The dinosaurs seem to range in size from 18 feet to 41 feet long. No complete skeleton was found.

RodolfoCoria of the Carmen Funes Museum, in Argentina, and Philip Currie of the University of Alberta, in Canada, oversaw the dig. They believe that the presence of several Mapusauruses may mean that the dinosaurs lived and hunted in groups. The razor-toothed meat eaters may have preyed on the even bigger,

125-foot-longplant-eating dinosaur Argentinosaurus. "The evidence suggests that Mapusaurus traveled in packs, so they may have behaved like wolves trying to take down a moose," Currie told TFK.

Teacherwill ask the following questions: What is the main idea of the selection? Which details from the story best supports the main idea of the text?

Assignmentand/or Assessment:

Completemain idea graphic organizer.

Answerthe questions listed in the instruction section.

Studentswill read a short passage and complete a graphic organizer.


TicketOut the Door: Students will explain how they identify the main idea when it is explicitly stated.

Resourcesand Materials:

Timefor Kids Website

BasalReaders and Practice Books

Time(in days):


Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Main Idea

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo readers "look back" in text for recalling and locating information? (Knowledge Strand -assessment)

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?



Listtopic in center of web.

Asa whole class brainstorm key terms for the topic to complete web.

Keyvocabulary to preview:

Recall,look back




Describingan Event


Inwhole group, the teacher will select a passage to read to the students and model using think aloud to complete the Descriptive Web. Next, students will work in collaborative pairs to read a passage and a complete Descriptive Web. Note: teacher will scaffold students working in groups by asking the following questions: Are there any titles, pictures, or heading in the passage? Is the questions being asked at the

beginning,middle or end of the passage? What is the main idea or problem? What do I want to learn about the topic?

Assignmentand/or Assessment:

Teacherand class will complete a


Then,in collaborative pairs, students will read a passage and answer questions, completing Descripitive Web.

Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Main Idea

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th


TheImportant Thing

Studentswill list important information about how to look back in a passage to locate specific information.

Resourcesand Materials:



Time(in days):


Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Main Idea - Inferred

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo readers determine the main idea when it is inferred?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?


MainIdea & Detail Game

Providestudents cards with a main idea or a detail. Have students move around the room to find their "partner" with the matching topic which includes the main idea or detail. Once students have found their mathcing card, they are to read and discuss their cards and determine which one is the main idea and which one is the detail. They are to give two reasons for their choices.

Keyvocabulary to preview:



Usea KWL chart to introduce the vocabulary terms.




Foundin Flip Chart: Reading Strategy Assignments


Introducevocabulary terms by using a KWL chart.

Duringwhole group instruction the teacher will select a passage to read to the students. Model using think alouds to complete the topic tower graphic organizer. Students will work in pairs to identify the main idea from details provided in the passage.

Scaffoldstudents working in groups by asking the following questions: What is the passage mainly about?

Whichof the following details is most important? Which statement is best supported by the selection? Which statement best sums up the selection? Students read a reading level passage and complete a topic tower.

Assignmentand/or Assessment:

Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Main Idea - Inferred

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th

Completethe topic tower.

Answerinstructional questions listed in the instruction section. Independently students read a passage and complete a topic tower.


TicketOut the Door

Liststrategies needed to infer the main idea.

Time(in days):


Topic: 1. What's the main idea? Subject(s): English Language Arts Concept: Self-Monitoring

5. Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 4th

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo good readers monitor and repair understanding as they read?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?


Putstudents in small of 4 to 5 students. Each group of students will be given a nursery rhyme written on sentence strips. The group will put the nursery rhyme in correct order.