Board of Selectmen Meeting

Town Office

Wednesday, 1/3/2018

6:00 p.m.


Present: Selectmen Bob Hamilton, Jim Qualey, Roberta Oeser, Town Administrator Joe Byk, Finance Director Laurie May, Executive Secretary Michele Christian

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.


Roberta announced that Don Pyke a citizen of Rindge had passed away. Don was a graduate of FPU. He was active in the community and was a DJ for many years. The Board offered condolences to his family. Roberta also announced that the 250th Meeting scheduled for tomorrow night has been cancelled due to the impending snowstorm.

Citizen’s Forum

Kelen Geiger wanted everyone to know that the school deliberative session will be on February 7 at 6:30. Pat Martin wanted to let people know that SB 193 which takes state adequacy aid to allow students to go to private or religious schools passed the House today.

General Business

1. Approval of:

a)Accounts Payable, 12/28/17, 1/4/18

A motion was made by Roberta to approve accounts payable for 12/28/17 and 1/4/18, seconded byBob. Approved 3-0.

b)Payroll, 12/28/17, 1/4/18

A motion was made by Roberta to approve payroll for 12/28/17, 1/4/18, seconded byBob, Approved 3-0.

c)Minutes, 12/13/17, 12/20/17, 12/28/17

A motion to approve the minutes of 12/13/17, 12/20/17 and 12/28/17 was made by Roberta, seconded by Bob, Approved 3-0.

2. Old Business

a)Budget/Default budget preparation for Public Hearing

The town administrator presented the budget overview. The last document that Laurie prepared on December 13 showed a gross budget 4.1 million. From that we have subtracted $152,000 which represents the highway funds that we got. We did this at the direction of NH DRA because it is not money to be raised by taxation, it is money that is granted. So that brings the budget down to $3,979,639.00. Last year the budget appropriated at town meeting was $3,891,023 which is a difference of $88,616.75. This is a 2.28% increase over last year. So the $88,616.75 includes wages & benefits of $71,293.75 and $17,323.00 is from the operating budget. Health insurance rates will not increase next year. The budget was approved by the BAC. The only recommendation was that the Recreation Dept. bus maintenance be paid for by the revolving fund not a budget line item. The revolving fund is used for programming which is what the bus is for. The copier lease was bought out so there will be an additional savings there. Bob pointed out that there was still $1,000 in the Rec budget for vehicle operations. Roberta stated that the money should stay there because it had been appropriated by the tax payers. She also said that there was a discrepancy in the amount budgeted for retirement. Roberta said that they are off, and the budget figures are low. Laurie will have the figures done by next Wednesday. Bob asked about the numbers for retirement and if they would be in both the proposed budget and the default. Roberta said it would reflect in both budgets. The health insurance stipend has been pulled out of the police department budget because 2 employees have moved on to the health insurance plan. This will be reflected in both the proposed budget and the default. Roberta congratulated Laurie on a great job preparing the default budget. Bob said that the next meeting will be held on January 10th.

b)Approval of Finance Director contract

Roberta made a motion that the Board accept the Finance Director contract, seconded by Bob, Approved 3-0.

3. New Business

a) Discussion of Warrant Articles

Pat Martin presented a petition warrant article 18 to express its support to Governor Sununu for New Hampshire to joint Maine and Massachusetts and study the feasibility of developing offshore wind power in the Gulf of Maine. The NH legislative committee studied the potential for offshore wind in 2014 and recommended the establishment of this task force. Because this article has been submitted by petition it will appear on the warrant.

Joe reviewed the articles that are currently in the draft as follows:

Article 1 – To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing

Article 2 & 3 – Planning board article amendments

Article 4 – To vote to raise and appropriate the operating budget.

Article 5 – To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a five year lease/purchase for a fire truck to replace Engine One. This is a lapsing lease, it will need to be voted on each year. Joe also stated that all the capital expenditures have been recommended by the BAC. Rick Sirvint asked if there was an escape clause on this lease and Joe confirmed that there is an escape clause. Roberta asked ifDRA was asked if the money for the fire truck could come out of general fund and if we knew the tax impact.

Article 6 – To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $18,000 to be added to the Wellington Road Bridge Replacement Capital Reserve Account.

Article 7 – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $28,000 to be added to the Revaluation Capital Reserve Account previously established for the 2020 Revaluation.

Article 8 – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $150,000 for the purpose of purchasing a Freightliner M2 truck to replace the 2006 GMC 2 ton truck with money coming from the unassigned fund balance for this purpose.

Article 9 – To vote to see if the town will raise and appropriate $35,000 for the purpose of purchasing a Fire Utility vehicle to replace the current 2008 Dodge Fire Prevention vehicle. Monies will come from the fire dept. capital reserve account.

Article 10 – To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $15,700 for the purpose of purchasing a zero turn mower to replace the current mower.

Article 11 – To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $206,000 for the purpose of purchasing a loader to replace the 1998 Cat loader. Some monies will be used from the Transfer Station Special Revenue fund which is dedicated to equipment replacement and maintenance.

Article 12 – To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $40,000 for the purpose of purchasing a generator for the Highway Department, to be offset by a FEMA grant or other grants, if awarded. Only a generator which is fully paid for by grant or grants will be purchased.

Article 13 – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000 to put in the Rindge 250 Expendable Trust Fund for the purpose of honoring the Town’s 250th Anniversary, with this amount to come from taxation. Roberta said hopefully we will have enough coming in this month so that we can pull this article. The Chamber has not committed to the Fireworks for this event. Jim asked if Roberta thought that we would get enough money to cover the 250th costs. Roberta said that she hopes that we will. Rick Sirvint said that although he agrees with the desire to celebrate the Town’s 250th Anniversary this is not a necessary thing and we should not spend taxpayer money on a celebration. It should be funded by people in the town. Ron Osimo and Pat Martin said they are all for the celebration.

Article 14 – To see if the Town will vote to establish an expendable trust fund for the Ingalls Memorial Library Trust Fund for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the library. Jim thinks the figure of $33,000 is too high for this fund. There are problems with the burner at the library and if it were to go there is nothing in the budget to cover it. Bob said that he thinks they put this figure in because that was the only quote that the Trustees received for the masonry. Jim said that the town is responsible to keep our buildings in repair but not because we want it to stay on a list of historical buildings. Joe said if we pick a number of $15,000 for the boiler and use what is left over for other restorations. Bob said he talked to the Trustees to put in a figure that you will get. Sharon said that historical masonry is important but she said she would rather have that scratched and just put the money in for the boiler. Otherwise it will be scratched. Rick Sirvint said that the Peterborough Town House received an LCHIP grant for $200,000 for the replacement of the roof and other repairs. He feels that this should move forward because if we don’t have this money we can’t get an LCHIP. Pat Martin said that the energy audits were done in 2011 and a more energy efficient boiler was recommended. She said that the energy commission has not been involved in any of the discussion. Jim said that the article is for repairs and the Selectmen would be responsible for the expenditures of the fund. Any decisions to spend monies would be made through public meeting. Joe said that this warrant article would be explained in the voter guide. Bob said that there were lots of things that were on a list to be done at the library. Sharon said that at the CIP meeting Mr. Isaacson was more concerned about establishing a fund. Bob said that what is being discussed is not what is going to be the warrant article. Jim stated that he feels that fund should be established with $15,000 and that the work to be done can be discussed at a later date. Bob said he thinks it should be $20,000. Holly Koski said she would like to see the tax impact for purpose of discussion.

Article 15 – To see if the Town will vote to establish an expendable trust fund to be known as a Cemetery Fund for the purpose of repairing, maintaining and expanding the Rindge Cemeteries. The trust would be for $12,000 per year for 5 years.

Article 16 – Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000 for the purpose of purchasing a 15 passenger mini-bus for the rec. dept. with the balance of monies used from the revolving fund. There would be no tax impact on with this article. This is an update on the previous warrant article 2 years ago that appropriated $30,000 for a van $1,000 to come from taxation the balance to come from donations. $14,000 has already been raised but that lapsed two days ago. This language came directly from Stephanie at DRA to reauthorize the use of the $14,000 from donations received and the balance of $16,000 to be used from the revolving fund without a town warrant vote. The revolving fund is for rec department programs which is what the bus is used for. Bob questioned whether we would need a 31:95, but Joe checked with Stephanie and she said to do it with the language that she provided. Jim asked if we would have to accept the donations. Bob wondered if they would accept the language. Joe to check if the donations would have to be accepted as part of the warrant article.

Article 17 - To see if the Town will adopt the provisions of RSA 72:28-b, all Veteran’s Tax Credit. This article is submitted by petition so it will appear on the warrant. Roni Hamilton asked who submitted the petition. It was submitted by the Rindge Veteran’s Association.

Also to be added is to see if the Town will vote to allow the operation of Keno within the Town pursuant to the provisions of NH RSA 284:41 through 51. There is at least one business that is interested in having Keno.

Other Articles to consider were discussed:

Adopt RSA 31:19 acceptance of gifts by BOS – Jim said according to Roberta’s notes this has already been done. Joe to check on this RSA

Permission to sell Town properties – Robbins Road, Merger of Rand Road properties. Joe stated that this land was taken by deed not by auction therefore the town has to authorize the right to sell it. Jim stated thatthere was a lot on Robbins Road and it was a triangular piece of property that was stranded on the other side of the road. The property owner deeded that piece of property which is less than an acre to the town. Since the town was gifted the land the selectmen can’t decide to sell that piece of land. Roberta had told Jim that the piece of property is contiguous with the Rand Road property that the town does own that we are going to sell. So we should get permission to sell that property. A warrant article is not necessary to merge the Rand Road properties.

Expand purposes of transfer station fund to include operational expenses. Joe said it would be good to include operational expenses in the original transfer station warrant article. There is about $125,000 in the fund. Joe drafted the article and it doesn’t include an annual dollar amount. Joe has been in contact with DRA and will revise the wording. Bob said that we have to be careful not to take too much from the fund and we should be sure that we are using the money for the purpose that the fund is intended for. Holly Koski said that she didn’t think that the use of the transfer station money for operating expenses was allowed, and Joe said that is why we are doing the warrant article. Jim said that the original warrant article said it could be used for maintenance. The warrant article was revised in 2012 to include maintenance and replacement of equipment. It still doesn’t allow for its use for operating expenses to give the tax payers a break. Holly said that she didn’t think it was allowed per NH RSA. Joe said that he is in touch with DRA to be sure that it can be done. Stephanie is looking into it.

Electric Light Fund Withdrawal for Capital Expenditures. Joe asked what if anything do we want to use from the property sales or the Electric Light Fund withdrawal for capital expenditures. Jim said at some point if we are going to use the money it should be a specific item. If something is critical and we decided to use money from the Electric Light Fund without the 60% majority we risk losing the vote. Bob agreed that this is what is difficult about using the Electric Light Fund, you have to decide which items you want to risk. Rick Sirvint said that he hopes in the future there is a discussion of the role of the principal in the Electric Light Fund. He thanked Bob for the help with legislation that eased the requirements. Jim said that the CIP has requested that we begin saving $125,000 in 2018. He also said that would raise the tax rate and he doesn’t want to recommend something that raises the tax rate. Bob said that the CIP has recommended this so that we don’t have to come back with a warrant article for every capital expense.

Rick Sirvint said that the proposal for Article 18 is moot because Massachusetts has rejected wind power for the Cape. Jim said that this is a discussion that is more appropriate for the deliberative session because this Article was submitted by petition so it will appear on the warrant. Rick was also very upset about the town spending money on fireworks.

Bob wanted to clarify what would be used in unassigned funds. Jim said that based on his understanding of what was in the draft warrant articles and what the CIP recommended he got unassigned fund balance contribution of $326,700. Bob said that we have enough money remaining in the unexpended general fund we can cover the capital expenses without using money from the Electric Light Fund.

Committee Reports, Other Business

Bob stated that the Planning Board met last night. There were two lot line adjustments.

Pat Martin wanted to ask if she could have a few slides at the deliberative session. Jim said to coordinate with Joe. Pat also gave a committee update that she is working on the annual report. Mike sent her the final fuel oil costs and we are good this year and the problem at the meeting house has been resolved. She needs to get the electricity totals but we have been about the same as last year.

Bob said that the Roadway Committee received a request for a guard rail on West Main Street where a car crashed into a ditch. He said that it should be referred to Mike Cloutier. There was also a request for a tax refund from a citizen who is claiming that their tax bill went to the wrong address. Bob is not in favor of the refund, neither is Jim.

Holly Koski said on Old New Ipswich Road there is a home that is used for fire training. She is requesting that they don’t spray water on the home because it will create ice on the road. Ron Osimo said that current training was cancelled due to weather and they are sensitive to the situation.

Rick Sirvint wanted to thank Joe, Michele, Laurie, Bob, Jim and Roberta on the budget sessions. He said it has been done very well compared to past years. Rick said the BAC is also very happy with the process.

Adjournment: 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele Christian, Executive Secretary