Ran Chermesh

Curriculum vitae and list of publications

1. Personal Details

Name: Ran Chermesh

Date and Place of Birth: 1936, Israel

Regular military service: 1954-1957

Address:14 Drezner St. #1, Tel-Aviv69497,Israel

Phones:Home - +972-77-325-2982, Mobile - +972-52-325-2982

2. Education

B.A. - 1963-5, HebrewUniversity, Jerusalem, Israel, Sociology, Economics

Ph.D. - 1969-1972, University of California at Los-Angeles (UCLA), Sociology Department, UCLA

Dissertation: “Initiative and Re-Employment: The Israeli Case”, Gene Levine, Sociology Department, UCLA

3. Employment

2008- Associate Professor, Department of Multidisciplinary Studies, Ariel University Center, Ariel, Israel

2002-2007 Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84105.

1972- 2002 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84105.

1980- Senior Lecturer, SapirAcademicCollege, Shederot, Israel.

1982-1983 - Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, StateUniversity of New York at Stony Brook.

1978-1980 - Lecturer, Faculty of Management, The LeonRecanatiGraduateSchool of Business Administration, Tel-AvivUniversity, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

1978-1982 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Labor Studies, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

1965-9 - Economic & Social Research Institute, The General Federation of Labour in Israel, Head of Social Research Unit.

Last sabbatical

10.04-3.05Sociology Department, California State University at Fullerton, USA

4-5/05Victoria Management School, VictoriaUniversity of Wellington, New Zealand

6-9.05Discipline of Work and Organizational Studies, School of Business, The University of Sydney, Australia

4. Professional Activities

Academic Positions

Positions in academic administration

1983-2005 Head, MA in Organizational Sociology (~15 years), Head, MA in Organizational Psychology (~7 years), Behavioral Sciences Department, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

1977-8, 1981-2, Chairperson, Behavioral Sciences Department, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

1975-90 (excluding years on sabbatical) Instructor and teaching evaluation project, Ben-GurionUniversity.

1989-94 - Academic coordinator, SapirRegionalCollege.

1983- Coordinator of Graduate programs in Organizational Psychology and Organizational Sociology, (10 out of the specified 15 years).

1996-8 - Academic coordinator, California State University Dominguez Hills, School of Management, Hod-ha’Sharon Branch, Israel.

Professional functions outside of universities/Institutions

1990 to date - Public representative (judge equivalent), National Labor Court, Jerusalem

2004 – Certified mediator

1980-90 – Public representative (judge-equivalent), Regional Labor Court, Beer-Sheva

Courses taught

Industrial Relations, MA, Ben-Gurion University, MA, School of Business, Bar-Ilan University, MA, School of Business, Ariel University Center

Research uses of network, MA, Ben-GurionUniversity

Behavior in Work Organizations, BA, Ben-GurionUniversity (An interdisciplinary course. Taught jointly with a psychologist), Ben-GurionUniversity

Introduction to Sociology, BA, Ben-GurionUniversity and SapirRegionalCollege

Secondary Analysis, MA, Ben-GurionUniversity

Sociology of Industrial Relations, BA, Ben-Gurion University, Tel-Aviv University, Sapir Regional College

Programming SPSS, BA, Ben-GurionUniversity

Formal Organizations, BA, State University of New-York, Stony Brook

Individual and Society, BA, Ben-GurionUniversity

Industrial Sociology, BA, Ben-GurionUniversity, SapirRegionalCollege

Membership in professional/scientific societies

Israeli Sociological Society, 1972 to date

American Sociological Association, 1972-83

Israeli Industrial Relations Research Association, 1972 to date (Chairperson of the Association (1998-2000), member of executive committee)

The International Journal of Conflict Management (Reviewer)

Social Issues in Israel, member of editorial board

5. Awards and Honors

Bar-Niv Prize for outstanding work in the field of labor law and industrial relations, 1993. (For the book “A State within a State: Industrial Relations in Israel, 1965-1987”. Prize committee: Prof. A. Barak, President, Israeli Supreme Court, Judge S. Adler, President, Israeli Labor Court, Prof. A. Shirom, Tel-AvivUniversity)

HaifaUniversity, Social Problems Study Prize, 1986. (for the booklet “Strikes in Israel as a Social Problem”, a Hebrew version of the British Journal of Industrial Relations, 1985 paper)

Scientific Publications


“A State within a State: Industrial Relations in Israel, 1965-1987”, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1993.

B.Chapters in collective volumes

“The Construct and Predictive Validities of Several Instruments of Instructional Evaluation”. (Co-written with Y. Neumann) in Ben-Baruch, E. and Neumann, Y. (eds.) - Educational Administration & Policy Making, The Case of Israel, Unipress 1982.

C. Refereed articles in scientific Journals

1. “Internal Relations in Unemployed Families”. Journal of Family and Marriage, Vol. 37, pp. 978-984, 1975.

2. “Students’ Rating of Their Faculty - Primary Impression or a Dynamic Process”. Sociology of Education, Vol. 50, pp. 290-299, 1977.

3. “Strikes as Safety-Valve Institutions”. Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles, Vol. 37, pp. 586-602, 1977.

4. “Instructional Evaluation by Students: Its use for Teaching Diagnosis and Improvement”. Educational Technology, Vol. 28, pp. 9-13, 1978.

5. “Detrimental Effects of Industrial Strife in Israel”. Ha’Rivon Le’Kalkala, Vol. 25, pp. 332-340, 1979 (Hebrew).

6. “Strikes: The Issue of Social Responsibility”. British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 17, pp. 337-346, 1979.

7. “The College Instructor as a Leader: Some Theoretical and Methodological Derivations from a Generalization of a Causal Model of Students’ Evaluations of Their Instructors”. (Co-written with J. Tzelgov), Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 73, pp. 109-115, 1979.

8. “Student Evaluations of Teaching and Higher Levels of Cognitive Learning - Do They Conflict?”. Educational Research Quarterly, Vol. 4, pp. 61-67, 1979.

9. “Conflict in the Israeli Industrial Relations System - A Critical Description”. Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles, Vol. 36, pp. 630-647, 1981.

10. “Press Criteria for Strike Reporting: Counting or Selective Presentations?”. Social Science Research, Vol. 11, pp. 88-101, 1982.

11. “Strike Proneness and Characteristics of Industrial Relations Systems - A Discriminant Analysis”. Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 19, pp. 413-435, 1982.

12. “The Autonomy of an Industrial Relations System, A Conceptual Myth or a Fact of Life?”. Israel Social Science Research, Vol. 2, pp. 2-12, 1984.

13. “Strikes as a Social Problem, A Social Problem Matrix Approach”. British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 23, pp. 413-435, 1985.

14. “Labour Relations in Israel (Part II)”. (Co-written with W. Backer) South African Journal of Labour Relations, Vol. 16, pp. 3-21, 1992.

15. “Labour Relations in Israel (Part III): Strike Activity”. (Co-written with W. Backer) South African Journal of Labour Relations, Vol. 16, pp. 50-64, 1992.

16. “The Function of the Labor Court in Consolidating the Status of Work as a Social Status”. Yearbook of Labor Law (Shnaton Mishpat ha’Avoda), pp. 89-109, 1995. (Hebrew)

17. "The Uses of Networking for Promoting Sociological Research". FirstMonday, January 2003

D.Unrefereed professional articles and publications

A. Michael and R. Bar-El - Strikes in Israel, in Ha’Rivon Le’Kalkala, Vol. 24, pp. 436-437, 1980. (Hebrew) (Book review)

A. Michael and R. Bar-El - Strikes in Israel, in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 32, pp. 267-268, 1979 (Book review).

“Strikes” in Encyclopedia Hebraica, Vol. 31, pp. 414-416, 1979. (Hebrew)

E. Lectures, Presentations at meetings and invited seminars, Presentations of papers at conferences/meetings, seminars at universities and institutions, etc.

No detailed record kept. An incomplete list includes:

Israel: Israeli Sociological Society, Israeli Industrial Relations Research, Bar-IlanUniversity, International Labour Office (ILO)

U.S.A.: American Sociological annual meeting, Society for advancement of social problems, UCLA, SUNY at Stony Brook

South Africa: RandAfrikaansUniversity, University of Capetown, University of the Witwaterstrand, University of South Africa

Great Britain: LondonSchool of Economics, Oxford, University of Warwick

Last five presentations:

“Dyad and the Triad in Employment Relations”, paper prepared for "The Changing Social Contract in the WorkplaceAn International Conference”, co-sponsored by Ben Gurion University, Faculty of Business and Industrial Engineering and The Institute for Workplace Studies, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, June 20-21, 2000.

“The Uses of Networking for Sociological Research”, paper prepared for “Internet Research 1.0: The State of the Interdiscipline”, Association of Internet Researchers, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA, September 14-17, 2000.

“The Collective Bargaining Institution vs. the Labor Contracting Setting”, "Work restructuring: global and local implications" Thematic Seminar, International Sociological Association, 15th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 2002.

"The Virtual Strike", CaliforniaStateUniversity, Sociology Department, USA, 2005.

"The Virtual Strike", VictoriaUniversity, School of Business, Wellington, New-Zealand

F. Research Grants

1975-7 Israel Science Foundation, Basic Research grants: Industrial Disputes in Israel, a longitudinal study.


G. Additional Information

MA theses


  • Processes of differentiation and autonomy in an organization and their reflection in the Executive Committee of the Histadrut
  • Is there a connection between membership in workers committee, production committee and work team and the level of commitment to the organization?
  • Ideology and its impact on behavioral militancy in trade unions
  • Commitment of Reserve Soldiers in the IDF

Work in Progress

The virtual strike – The virtual strike is an industrial relations procedure by which the two immediate parties, management and union, limit the impact of their action to a single object, the other party, saving third parties from being hit by strikes, lockouts or any other work action. The idea has been raised in the 1950s, but has hardly been tested in practice. The Israeli scene experienced three cases of a virtual strike, one of which has been dealt extensively by me in a National Labor Court decision. The purpose of my virtual strike project is both to conduct a research on this topic and to bring it to the attention of the main industrial relations arena actors.

Professional articles in Israeli newspapers

  • שביתת המורים פערה חור שחור, הארץ, 22.1.08
  • לעבור לבוררות, הארץ, 3.12.07
  • העובדים שובתים ברשת, The Marker, 3.11.07
  • המדינה מעסיקה ביודעין מפירי חוק שכר מינימום, הארץ23.5.06 (
  • לאכוף את שכר המינימום, גלובס27.4.06


  • מאיר שטרית גבר על שר התחבורה, גלובס, 14.2.05 (
  • פרשנות שגויה של התקשורת, סכסוכי העבודה במשק לא פרצו בשל גחמות האיגודים המקצועיים, הארץ, 30.1.05 (
  • אל תפגע בבתי הדין לעבודה, גלובס, 1.8.04


  • לשביתה יש שני הורים, הארץ, 28.4.04


  • התעלמות מניסיון המדינות המפותחות, הארץ18.4.04
  • פרשנות שגויה של התקשורת, סכסוכי העבודה במשק לא פרצו בשל גחמות האיגודים המקצועיים, הארץ, 12.10.2004
  • קודם כל שהשכר יהיה הוגן, הארץ, 5.8.03


  • הפנסיונרים ורשת הביטחון או מה באמת הכיחשוב לפנסיונרים?, מחלקה ראשונה, 15.1.2009,
  • שביתות המורים והמרצים כסימפטום, הארץ, 23.1.2008

National Labor Court Decisions (sample)

  • לשכת המסחר תל-אביב ואיגוד לשכות המסחר נגד הסתדרות העובדים הכללית החדשה, בית הדין הארצי לעבודה סק 000013/03
  • הסתדרות האחים והאחיות בישראל נגד מדינת ישראל, בית הדין הארצי לעבודה עסק000023/06
  • ידלין דותן נגד המוסד לביטוח לאומי, בית הדין הארצי לעבודה עבל000135/06
  • אברהם בן אהרון נגד המוסד לביטוח לאומי, עבל 243/07
  • מדינת ישראל –הממונה על הגמלאות במשרד האוצר, קרן הגמלאות המרכזית של עובדי ההסתדרות בע"מ (בניהול מיוחד), "מבטחים" מוסד לביטוח סוציאלי של העובדים בע"מ (בניהול מיוחד) נגד הסתדרות העובדים הכללית החדשה, בנין תורה, אברהם קוריצקי חוה גלייזר, עע754/05; עע756/05 עע611/06; עע496/06

July 2008