Mathematics Plan – Reception Summer Week 2: Add 1, 2 or 3 to any number to 20 by counting on
Week 2 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayOn the rug / Starter:Roll a 1-6 numerical dice. Show me this no. on your fingers. What is the next no.? Show me. Rpt lots of times. Then just roll the dice, chn say next no. each time.
Teaching: Ask each child to make a tower of up to 19 cubes. Choose six chn to stand up and try and find a person with a tower which has one more cube than their own. Show the six pairs of nos. on the number track. Ask 6 other chn to do the same. Rpt until everyone has had a turn. / Starter:Display a 1-20 track. Point to a number. Ask chn to say next number and carry on counting until the end of the track. Rpt with diff start nos.
Teaching: Show 4 soft toys, then hide them under a blanket. Two more toys are going to hide. How many will be under the blanket then? Show me 4 fingers, now 2 more. How many altogether? Slide the extra toys under the blanket. Record 4 + 2 = 6 and read it together. Then reveal the toys to check. Rpt with different nos. of toys up to 10 under the blanket, always adding 2. After a while ask/volunteer chn to write the matching addition. / Starter:Shuffle a set of 1-20 cards. Show one. Chn say the next number, then carry on counting until you say stop. Rpt with other cards.
Teaching: Show a covered car park (upturned cardboard box with a door cut). ‘Drive’ 10 cars into the car park, then show 2 more. These cars are going to go and park next. Point to 10 on the number track, and count on 2 more, saying 11, 12. Record: 10 + 2 = 12. Remove box to check the total. Ask a chd to drive 2 more cars into the car park. Ask chn how many cars are there now. Record the addition, then reveal to check. Rpt until 20 cars are in car park. / Starter:Sit chn in a circle. Give a teddy to a child saying ‘7’. They pass the teddy to the next child who says ‘8’ and so on round the circle. Rpt, counting on from different nos. <10, then between 10 and 20 as chn pass the bear round the circle.
Teaching: Show chn a tin/money box, and count in 6 pennies. How much is in the tin? Drop in 2 more pennies. And now? Show me 6 fingers, now show me 2 more. So 6 and 2 makes 8. Ask a chd to tip out coins to check. Rpt with diff nos. of pennies up to 7 in the tin, adding 2, then 3 more, matching to fingers. Ask diff chn to check the amount each time. After the 1st few examples, write the matching addition, e.g. 4 + 3 = 7 and read it together: 4 add 3 equals 7, 4 and 3 makes 7. / Starter:Count on together as chn pass the teddy round the circle, but once past 10, shout ‘Change!’ Chn pass the teddy back round, all counting backwards. Change again at 5, and then at 20.
Teaching: Give one 11 to 20 card to each child. Display a 1-20 number track. Choose a number less than 18 on the track and ask a child to make a tower using that number of cubes. If we add two cubes to the tower, how many cubes will be in the tower then? Any chn with the answer hold up their card. Count on two using the track. Rpt adding 2, then 3 to nos. from 8 to 17.
Guided task with teacher / Easy
Shuffle and spread out cards with additions: 2 + 1 = 3, 2 + 2= 4, 3 + 1 = 4, 3 + 2 = 5, 4 + 1= 5, 4 + 2 = 6, 5 + 1 = 6, 5 + 2 = 7, 6 + 1 = 7 and 6 + 2 = 8. Chn take it in turns to roll a 1-6 spotty dice and dice with 1 or 2 spots on each side. They say how many spots are on 1st dice, and count on the 1 or 2 spots on 2nd dice. If they roll 1 on the 1st dice, they roll again. They look for an addition to match the pair of dice, and take the card if it is there. Continue playing until all cards are gone. Who collected the most cards? / Medium/Hard
Play with 3 or 4 chn. Shuffle a set of 6 to 17 no. cards. Chn take it in turns to take a card and make a tower with that no. of cubes in one colour. They then roll dice with 1, 2 or 3 spots on each side to find how many cubes to add in a different colour. They count on the cubes as they add them to the tower. If correct they win the card. Tog. write matching addition. Keep playing until all cards gone. Chd with most cards wins.
Guided task with Teaching Assistant / EasyShuffle a pack of 1-20 cards and turn face down in a pile. Turn over a card. The first person to shout out the next number wins the card! Continue playing until all cards are gone. Who won most cards? / Medium/HardDraw a large 1-20 number track on the playground. Shuffle a set of 3 to 10 cards. 4 chn take it in turns to take a card and stand on that number on the track. Roll a large 1, 2, 3 dice. The child predicts where they will be if they make 1, 2 or 3 jumps, then makes 1, 2 or 3 jumps. Were they correct? If so they keep the card. When there are no cards left, find out who won most cards.
Associated play contexts / Construction
Chn make ‘staircases’ from towers of cubes. Each tower has 2 more cubes than previous one. Label each tower with no. of cubes. / Cooking
Make cookies. Roll a dice, and put one more choc drop on one cookie than number on the dice. Rpt for each cookie. / Board games
Chn play board games, saying what number they will land on when they move the no. of spaces on the dice. / Role-play
Set up a ‘bus’ with chairs, a steering wheel and bus stop. Chn get on the bus 1 or 2 at a time and discuss how many there will be. / Shop
All prices (whole nos. of £s up to £10) are going up by £2 or £3. Chn write new prices.
Resources / Large 1-6 numerical dice, 1-20 number track, 1-20 cards, teddy, interconnecting cubes, 1-6 spotty dice, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 spotty dice, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 spotty dice (or draw on a blank dice), 12 soft toys, blanket, cardboard box, 20 toy cars, tin, 20 pennies
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Reception – Maths – Summer, week 2