Annual Consolidated PlanPolicy 1
Donald E. Cline Elementary
SBDM Policy
Annual Consolidated Plan
The council shall develop plans that will help the school reach improvement goals resulting from education reform and priorities set by the Council. Planning should include both short-range (within a school year) and long-range (more than one school year) goals.
Policy Statement
Standing committee, development, will assist with the management of this function. The committee shall make recommendations and report to the Council. The Committee will be responsible for using the Consolidated Planning process recommended by the Kentucky Department of Education to:
- Analyze our K-Prep results, including data disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, disability, participation in the free and reduced lunch program.
- Analyze key data on how our school operates.
- Identify priority needs based on that performance data.
- Identify the causes that create the priority from that data on our school operations.
- Set annual goals for removing the need and objectives for addressing each cause.
- Select strategies and activities for reaching each objective.
- Commit responsible persons, timetables, and needed funding to implement those strategies and activities.
- Select measures that will show us that the strategies are being implemented and progress is being made in student performance.
- List the needs, causes, goals, objectives, strategies and activities, persons responsible, timetables, and funding decisions in a clear, written component format.
- Obtain widespread input from our school community.
- Adopt the components after considering and responding to the input.
Creation of consolidated plan and work begins in the fall of each year.
At the September meeting of the Council of each year, the Planning Committee will recommend an outline for developing and revising the school’s new Consolidated Plan.
Implementation and Impact of Consolidated Plan
At each regular meeting, the Council will review the work needed to carry out the Consolidated Plan during the coming month in setting the agenda.
At least three times per school year, the Council will review the CSIP for implementation and impact and identify any needed adjustments to keep the plan on track.
We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process.
Date Adopted: 8/23/12
Date Reviewed or Revised: _____ Council Chairperson’s Initials _____
Date Reviewed or Revised: _____ Council Chairperson’s Initials _____