Staff Handbook

Rev. 2-21-2013

The Sciencenter Staff Handbook includes policies and procedures related to the staff issues listed below:

1. Philosophy of staff member relations

2. Statement of professional standards

3. Staff positions

4. Employment procedures

5. Staff benefits

6. Working hours

7. Time away from work

8. Staff development

9. Performance appraisal

10. Communications, grievance, and appeals procedures

11. Discipline

12. Probationary status

13. Ending employment

14. Sexual harassment

15. Official spokespersons, media visits, and surveys


  1. Benefits Summary
  2. Problem Statement Form
  3. Performance Evaluation Form
  4. Code for Staff
  5. Code of Ethics
  6. Whistleblower Policy
  7. Official Spokesperson Policy

Please read the handbook so that you will know what it contains and can to refer to it when you have a question. These policies undergo periodic evaluation and revision, and if at any time you have suggestions for how they might be improved, please feel free to talk with your manager.


The Sciencenter’s mission is:

“To inspire excitement for science through interactive exhibits and programs that engage, educate, and empower.”

We recognize that good human resource administration is founded on principles designed to protect the dignity and rights of all staff members.

Therefore, we commit ourselves to the following:

1. Establishing, within practicable limits, working conditions and benefits that are conducive to both individual well-being and program achievements.

2. Striving for working conditions that permit staff members to fulfill their roles as family and community members.

3. Employing and promoting solely on the basis of qualifications for a specific position. There shall be no discrimination in employment because of race, sex, religion, marital status, national origin, age, physical disability, sexual preference or orientation.

4. Providing fair salary and benefit levels comparable to museums of similar type and size in the region and similar not-for-profit educational organizations in the local area.

5. Encouraging career development by providing time and funding for staff development and by encouraging internal promotions whenever feasible.

6. Maintaining an open-door policy and open channels of communication for staff to bring their reactions and suggestions on personnel matters to the attention of those empowered to determine human resource policies and practices.

7. Abiding by New York State’s “Employment at Will” law, which, in the absence of an employment contract, gives staff members the right to leave employment at any time without giving a reason and gives the Sciencenter the right to terminate employment at any time without giving a reason.

8. Reviewing established Sciencenter human resource policies periodically. The board of trustees or the executive director may request a review in the interim.


As a member of the staff, the Sciencenter expects you to observe the following (described further in Appendices D and E):

1. Support the goals and programs of the Sciencenter.

2. Take pride in your work.

3. Treat Sciencenter guests, staff, and volunteers, with respect and caring without prejudice of any kind.

4. Be committed to serving community needs within the mission of the Sciencenter.

5. Express candidly and constructively your thoughts and feelings related to the Sciencenter, your work, and your work relationships.

6. Be flexible, constructive, and open to change.

7. Dress neatly and in a professional manner. Employees in the Exhibits, Education, and Guest Relations departments must wear official staff shirts when engaged in Sciencenter activities both on and off site, except when onsite and the Sciencenter is closed to the public. Exhibits, Education and Guest Relations department heads can wear business attire instead of staff shirts when circumstances deem it necessary.

8. Represent the Sciencenter to the best of your ability at all times.

9. Refuse acceptance of any personal fee or honorarium in any of the following situations: when acting as a representative of the Sciencenter, when providing normal programs and services of the Sciencenter, and/or when working time has been approved for such service.

10. Observe the Sciencenter’s “No Smoking” policy. The Sciencenter is a non-smoking facility, and smoking is not permitted by staff, volunteers, or guests at any place on the museum’s grounds.


New positions on the staff must be authorized by the board of trustees, after careful assessment to determine the necessity and feasibility of the position(s).

Submitting Requests for New Positions

The executive director will consult with the director of finance and human resources and treasurer when a new position is first under consideration.

The executive director shall submit a request for the position to the executive committee and the finance committee simultaneously. If time is of the essence, the two chairs may call a special joint committee meeting to consider the request and expedite the committee approval prior to the presentation to the entire Board at a regular Board meeting. Any new position shall require approval of the Board of Trustees, regardless of whether it falls within the approved budget at the time the request is made.

Position Descriptions

A written position description shall be maintained for each regular staff position. The format of the position description shall be standard throughout the Sciencenter organization (see SciencenterHiring Manual). As a minimum, all position descriptions shall include job title, identification of immediate manager, general statement of functions and responsibilities, a list of specific tasks in approximate order of priority, a list of qualifications for the position, and identification of the position's classification and salary range. Position descriptions shall be drafted in consultation with the director of finance & HR, and appropriate manager(s), and reviewed by the executive committee. They shall be approved by the executive director. All position descriptions shall be reviewed with appropriate staff members at least annually and evaluated for completeness, accuracy, and relevance to the organization.

Position Classification

Positions shall be designated as “non-exempt” if they fall under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, otherwise, positions will be classified as “exempt.”

Changes in Position Content and Description

A request for change in title, compensation, or recognition of increased or decreased duties may be initiated by the manager, the staff member, or the executive director. Such requests shall be submitted in writing to the executive director and the director of finance and human resources. Response to the request must be made within a maximum of 60 days from the date of receipt by any of the above parties.


The Sciencenter relies on volunteers for a variety of tasks. It is expected that most paid staff members will work with volunteers periodically or regularly to leverage their own efforts in support of the mission of the Sciencenter.

A. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

The Sciencenter affirms the principle of equal employment opportunity for all and the importance of affirmative action programs to ensure equality in hiring. The Sciencenter does not discriminate in its recruitment, selection, employment policies or practices on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or physical disability, where candidates are qualified for and able to perform a given job description. The Sciencenter affirms the obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to individuals with legally recognized disabilities, regardless of type.

B. Employment Status and Definitions

Sciencenter staff members may be appointed on a full-time, part-time, hourly, or temporary basis.

1. Full-time staff members work 40 hours per week and are eligible for all staff member benefits established by the Sciencenter and are subject to all personnel policies established by the Sciencenter.

2. Part-time staff members are appointed for a set number of hours per week, with a minimum of 20 hours. Part-time staff members are eligible for staff member benefits in proportion to the number of hours that the position bears to a full-time position and are subject to all personnel policies established by the Sciencenter.

3. Hourly staff members work on an as-needed basis, with a weekly average of less than 20 hours. Hourly staff members are not eligible for staff member benefits but are subject to all other personnel policies except where specifically excluded in the Staff Handbook.

4. Temporary staff members may be hired for a specified period of time, not to exceed six months. The executive director may extend the period of temporary employment up to an additional six months. A temporary staff member is not eligible to receive vacation or other paid leave and is not eligible for other staff member benefits for the first six months of temporary employment. If the period of temporary employment is extended, staff member benefits will accrue from the date of the extension on a proportionate basis. If a temporary staff member's status is changed to that of a non-temporary staff member, with no lapse in employment, then vacation, personal leave, and seniority shall accrue from the date of original employment as a temporary staff member.

Persons paid by an outside agency and placed at the Sciencenter are not considered staff members of the Sciencenter. Such individuals are therefore not eligible for staff member benefits as established by the Sciencenter nor are they subject to the personnel policies established by the Sciencenter. If such a person is subsequently hired as a staff member of the Sciencenter, staff member benefits and seniority shall accrue from the date of hire.

The classification of a staff member's position as exempt or non-exempt shall conform to the definitions outlined in the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Individuals hired as independent contractors are not considered to be staff members of the Sciencenter and are therefore not eligible for staff member benefits nor are they subject to the personnel policies of the Sciencenter. An independent contractor is defined as an individual or member of a firm, independently engaged in a trade or business, retained by the Sciencenter to perform a specific service not otherwise being performed by a Sciencenter staff member. Examples of independent contractors include certified public accountants, attorneys, architects, and temporary staff hired through an agency such as Manpower or Staffkings. An individual will be considered an independent contractor only if, based on the facts and circumstances, it appears that such a classification would be upheld by the Internal Revenue Service. If there is a question as to status as an independent contractor or staff member, the executive committee shall make the final determination, in consultation with the Sciencenter's independent auditors.

C.Hiring Decisions

All decisions regarding the hiring of regular non-exempt staff members and of temporary staff members shall be the responsibility of the executive director, within the parameters set in the Staff Handbook section on Staffing. Hiring decisions for regular exempt staff members shall be made by the executive director in consultation with a search committee. Employment and termination of the executive director shall be the responsibility of the board of trustees.

The procedure for conducting the search for a staff member is outlined in the Sciencenter Hiring Manual.

The executive director and/or designated representatives will make available to candidates for employment a written job description and will provide other information as needed to clarify the requirements of the position advertised and the qualifications sought. Candidates for employment will be offered an opportunity to read the Staff Handbook.

Candidates for employment with the Sciencenter will make available a resume of their education, training, and employment history and will provide a minimum of three references where applicable. Transcripts or other verification of higher education may also be required. Acceptance or refusal of a job offer will be confirmed by the candidate signing and returning the written offer.

D.Internal Promotion

Internal promotion will be encouraged whenever possible. Notice of vacant positions shall be posted, giving staff members a stated time in which to notify the executive director or staff manager of interest in the position.

Three months after a staff member is promoted, his/her performance in the new position will be reviewed. If a promoted staff member's rating is unsatisfactory and if his/her previous position is still vacant, the staff member may reapply for it. If the previous position is not vacant, then employment ends.


When a staff member resigns from regular employment with the Sciencenter, and he/she is re-employed within two year(s) of termination, his/her length of service and benefits will be calculated from the date of first regular employment, omitting the period(s) during which he/she was not a regular staff member. Any staff member who is re-employed more than two years after termination shall be considered a new staff member. The rules for participation in benefits programs will follow current plan guidelines and federal regulations.

F.Appointment and Orientation

When a new staff member begins work with the Sciencenter, he/she shall be advised in writing of the terms of employment including position, responsibilities, starting date, salary, expected hours, and any special provisions of employment. The new staff member shall receive a copy of the current Staff Handbook and benefits. Written acceptance of the offer is required of the staff member prior to commencement of work.

Beginning with the first day of employment, the new staff member will start an orientation program as outlined in the Sciencenter Hiring Manual.

During the first three months of employment, new employees will be assigned a mentor to help them get established into the Sciencenter’s culture, and Ithaca if relocating from another area.

G.Provisional Employment Period (PEP)

1. The first three months of employment shall be a provisional employment period. Upon completion of the PEP, the staff member's performance shall be evaluated by his/her manager. After a positive performance review, an employee becomes eligible for vacation, personal leave, and bonuses as described below. Employment continues to be at-will, in accordance with New York State law.

2. Paid vacation and personal leave time shall be computed from the date of employment, but it may not be taken during a staff member's PEP, except under special circumstances. The executive director’s approval is required for all such exceptions.

3. Employment may be terminated during PEP by either the staff member or the Sciencenter with one week's notice. The Sciencenter is not required to give advance notice in cases of dismissal for malfeasance, gross misconduct, or willful neglect of duty. If employment is terminated during PEP, no pay for accrued vacation time will be granted.

4. If the staff member's performance is evaluated as unsatisfactory, the manager may recommend dismissal or may suggest PEP be extended up to 60 calendar days, but a definite ending date must be specified. If performance is still unsatisfactory after the extension, employment may be ended. The Sciencenter's usual termination policy will apply.

5. Staff members in PEP are eligible for paid holidays on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day.

6. Staff members are not eligible for year-end bonuses during their PEP; however, any accrued personal leave time not taken in the preceding year is payable once the PEP has been successfully completed.

H.Payment of Salaries and Hourly Wages

  1. All staff are paid twice monthly, on or before the 15th and the last day of the month. Time sheets must be filled out for all staff, whether salaried or hourly.
  1. If an hourly staff member does not submit a time sheet by the deadline, no payment will be issued, and payment for time worked will be issued the following pay period.

J.Working Permits, Licenses, and Certificates

1. Every new staff member who is below the age of 18 must have a working permit issued by the State of New York.

2. In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, you must complete Form I-9 and provide the Sciencenter with the required documents within three days of your date of hire.

K.Personnel Records

1. Personnel records will be maintained to insure their confidentiality. Access to these files is limited to the executive director, deputy director, director of finance and human resources, your manager (and the executive committee, in the case of the executive director's file), and duly authorized agencies. Information contained in the file shall not be released to anyone other than those named above without the staff member's authorization.

2. A personnel file will be maintained for you and will contain only information directly pertinent to your employment with the Sciencenter, including:

  • resume
  • application
  • written confirmation of employment
  • date of employment
  • salary, dates and amount of changes in salary
  • position description
  • W-4
  • signed confirmation of choice of benefits
  • performance appraisal reports
  • special commendations
  • all other documents required to be filed under these policies

Records of special disciplinary actions will be kept on file for three years and thereafter removed.