Assessment tasks/specifications
Qualification Title: Level GI in Building Carpentry
Minimum Credit Value: 49
Minimum Guided Learning Hours (GLH): 490Hrs
No. / Unit / Unit Code / Credit / GLH / Level1 / Erect, use and dismantle access equipment / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-17 / 6 / 60hrs / GI
2 / Construct timber Pitch roof – Hip and Gable roofs / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-18 / 8 / 80hrs / GI
3 / Carry out ceiling work / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-19 / 8 / 80hrs / GI
4 / Prepare order lists for carpentry work on site / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-20 / 3 / 30hrs / GI
5 / Leadership, teamwork skills and citizenship / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-21 / 2 / 20hrs / GI
6 / Support innovative ideas and adopt change / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-22 / 2 / 20hrs / GI
7 / Erect and dismantle shoring / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-23 / 8 / 80hrs / GI
8 / Erect and strip formwork for concrete / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-24 / 6 / 60hrs / GI
9 / Plan and carry out demolition work on site / NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-25 / 6 / 60hrs / GI
Unit: Erect, Use and Dismantle Access Equipment
Credit Value:6
GLH: 60hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Prepare to erect scaffolds/ladder
- Erect and dismantle a system scaffold with ladder access
- Erect and dismantle an extension ladder
- Make use of a step ladder
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not donePrepare to erect scaffolds/ladder
1.1. / Draw a site plan where the access equipment is going to be erected and used and indicate in the plan where the signage/barricades are going to be implemented;
1.2. / Write a sample letter to the planning department and road authority for permission and attach the site plan to show how access is provided to the general public and how they are going to be protected;
1.3. / Develop a work schedule for the erection, use and dismantling of access equipment;
1.4. / Priorities and sequence activities in the work plan to achieve effective and safe completion of work;
1.5. / Develop an estimate of material, labour and transportation of the access equipment to and from site;
1.6. / Select appropriate personal protective equipment, correctly fitted and used;
1.7. / Select the most appropriate access equipment for the work to be carried out;
1.8. / Check for serviceability and fault;
1.9. / Develop a reporting mechanism of fault discovered and servicing required;
Erect and dismantle a system scaffold with ladder access
2.1. / Identify and implement signage/barricades at appropriate points as per your site plan of the work place;
2.2. / Erect and dismantle access equipment on site as per the work schedule;
2.3. / Safely and properly clean and store tools and equipment;
Erect and dismantle an extension ladder
3.1. / As per task 1 and 2;
Make use of a step ladder
4.1. / As per task 1 and 2;
Underpinning knowledge
- Explain the importance of selecting correct and properly fitted personal protective equipment;
- Explain the significance of identifying, prioritizing and sequencing work activities;
- Explain the process of valuing material, labour and transportation of access equipment;
- Discuss a simple format of reporting faulty access equipment and servicing;
- Discuss the regulations on working at height;
- Explain the dangers in working on access equipment and the need to protect the surrounding areas;
- Identify different ground conditions for access equipment;
- Discuss the methods of handling and lifting component parts of access equipment;
- Name different types of access equipment;
- Explain the procedure to inspect, maintain and store materials used in access equipment;
- Name the types of knots and hitches used in access equipment;
- Discuss the typical faults and problems that may occur and the necessary action to be taken;
Unit: Construct Timber Gable and Hip Roof
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-18
Credit Value: 8
GLH: 80hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Plan and prepare work
- Prepare material for roof construction
- Construct roof structure
- Complete eaves ends
- Lay covering materials on the roof
- Clean up
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not donePlan and prepare work
1.1. / Draw a timber gable and hip roof;
1.2. / Develop a work schedule for a timber gable and hip roof;
1.3. / Priorities and sequence activities in the work plan to achieve effective completion of work;
1.4. / Develop an estimate of material, labour and profit based on the design;
1.5. / Select appropriate personal protective equipment, correctly fitted and use;
1.6. / Select appropriate tools and equipment to carry out tasks. Check for serviceability and faults;
1.7. / Identify material requirements from the instructions/drawings and specifications;
Prepare material for roof construction
2.1. / Set out length pitch and plumb cuts for rafters from drawing and specifications;
2.2. / Calculate length of rafters to pitch of roof and run of rafter;
2.3. / Set out and cut rafters to length allowing overhang and let accuracy be within + or – 2mm and plumb cut to + or – 1mm;
2.4. / Joints on other timber components made as per requirements;
2.5. / Select appropriate fixing/fastenings that are required by the job and specifications;
2.6. / Select and fix gangnail or gusset plates to nodes of the truss;
2.7. / Access equipment erected where required considering occupational health and safety requirements;
Construct roof structure
3.1. / Set out roof on building as per detail drawing;
3.2. / Fix continues wall plate to tie all trusses/rafters together and hold the roof firm to the wall;
3.3. / Safely lift trusses and fixed firm with purlins. Rafters fixed starting from corners and on post in timber frame construction and to columns in masonry work to produce a strong structure to resist seismic;
3.4. / Position battens and fix as per drawing;
3.5. / Fix braces to maintain the rigidity of the frame to resist seismic;
Complete eaves ends
4.1. / Trim overhang gable ends and finish with barge board to line + or – 2mm over any 3m length to specification;
4.2. / Trim overhang rafter ends to line and level for – 2mm over any 3m length to specifications;
4.3. / Construct and finish soffit boards where applicable to job drawings and specifications;
4.4. / Fix ridge and gutter in position;
Lay covering materials on the roof
5.1. / Select light roof covering material to reduce load and improve seismic resistance of the structure, lay and fix maintaining adequate lap beneath to prevent leakage;
Clean up
6.1. / Clean working area free of remains;
6.2. / Safely dispose waste and unwanted materials and store unused materials;
6.3. / Safely and properly clean and store tools and equipment;
Underpinning knowledge
- Explain the workplace, tools and equipment safety requirement;
- Explain the importance of using correctly fitted personal protective equipment;
- Explain the importance of safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment;
- Explain the use of a setting out rod;
- Explain the use of a cutting list;
- Discuss the quality assurance standards in constructing a timber gable and hip roof i.e. the particular attention to be shown on accuracy of marking, cutting, assembling and tightening members together;
- Name the different types of pitched roofs;
- Identify a well seasoned and preserved timber;
- Name the basic types of timber joints and concepts used in the structure to support the structure for seismic resistance;
- Determine the measurements and calculations involved in constructing the joints;
- Explain the importance of producing tight and properly fitted joints and supports in timber roofing;
- Explain the methods of marking plumb cuts, birds-mouths and pitch cuts;
- Explain the correct procedure to assemble members of a timber gable and hip roof;
- Explain the procedure to erect and dismantle access equipment;
- Explain the use and importance of braces to roof;
- Discuss the procedure of plumbing roof structure;
- Name different types of roof covering materials and discuss their advantages and disadvantages;
- State the importance of communicating effectively to others to ensure safe and effective work operations;
- Name the iron mongeries used to reinforce the joints between members of the structure.
- Explain the procedure to trim gable ends and rafter ends;
- Explain the faults and problems that may occur during construction and actions to be taken;
Unit: Carry out Ceiling Work
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-19
Credit Value: 8
GLH: 80hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Plan and prepare work
- Prepare component members
- Fix component members
- Fix covering material
- Fix beadings and mouldings
- Clean up
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not donePlan and prepare work
1.1. / Draw a timber ceiling;
1.2. / Develop a work schedule for a timber ceiling;
1.3. / Priorities and sequence activities in the work plan to achieve effective completion of work;
1.4. / Develop an estimate of material, labour and profit based on the design;
1.5. / Select appropriate personal protective equipment, correctly fitted and use;
1.6. / Select appropriate tools and equipment to carry out tasks. Check for serviceability and faults;
1.7. / Identify material requirements from the instructions/drawings and specifications;
Prepare component members
2.1. / Set out ceiling joist and other members as per the drawing and specifications and cut to size;
2.2. / Select and erect access equipment as per defined safety procedures in unit 17;
2.3. / Transfer ceiling levels correctly in accordance with specifications;
Fix component members
3.1. / Mark joist locations, place and level the bottom;
3.2. / Fix secondary joints to primary joints using collars as per the drawing,
3.3. / Measure and level ceiling frame according to drawing;
Fix covering material
4.1. / Select light covering material as per the drawing to improve seismic resistance;
Fix beadings and mouldings
5.1. / Select appropriate mouldings and fix as specified by the drawing;
Clean up
6.1. / Clean working area free of remains;
6.2. / Safely dispose waste and unwanted materials and store unused materials;
6.3. / Safely and properly clean and store tools and equipment;
Underpinning knowledge
- Explain the workplace, tools and equipment safety requirement;
- Explain the importance of using correctly fitted personal protective equipment;
- Explain the importance of safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment;
- Explain the use of a setting out rod;
- Explain the use of a cutting list;
- Discuss the quality assurance standards in constructing a timber ceiling i.e. the particular attention to be shown on accuracy of marking, cutting, assembling and tightening members together;
- Name the different types of ceiling covering materials appropriate for structures in areas prone to seismic;
- Identify a well seasoned and preserved timber;
- Name the basic types of timber joints and concepts used in the structure to support the structure for seismic resistance;
- Determine the measurements and calculations involved in constructing the joints;
- Explain the importance of producing tight and properly fitted joints and supports in timber ceiling;
- Explain the correct procedure to assemble members of a timber ceiling;
- Explain the procedure to safely erect and dismantle access equipment;
- Explain the use and importance of braces to ceilings;
- Discuss the procedure of leveling timber ceilings;
- State the importance of communicating effectively to others to ensure safe and effective work operations;
- Name the iron mongeries used to reinforce the joints between members of the structure.
- Explain the faults and problems that may occur during construction and actions to be taken;
Unit: Prepare Order Lists for Carpentry Work on Site
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-20
Credit Value: 3
GLH: 30hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Determine work to be done from site documents for a building
- Prepare order lists for a wood structure
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not doneDetermine work to be done from site documents for a building
1.1. / Draw a rake shoring and dead shoring to support a wall that is affected by a seismic incident to be used in Unit 23;
1.2. / Develop a work schedule for a rake shoring and dead shoring;
1.3. / Priorities and sequence activities in the work plan to achieve effective completion of work;
1.4. / Develop an estimate of material, labour and profit based on the design;
1.5. / Identify material requirements from the instructions/drawings and specifications;
Prepare order lists for a wood structure
2.1. / Prepare order list of the required quantities and quality of materials as per the drawing;
2.2. / Check and confirm quality and quantity of materials delivered on site as per the drawing;
2.3. / Develop a safety procedures and material safety data sheet (MSDS);
Underpinning knowledge
- Name the common types of building site documents;
- Name the abbreviations and symbols use in building documents;
- Explain the importance of monitoring stock levels;
- Explain units of measurements of stock items;
- Discuss stores procedures;
Unit: Leadership, Teamwork Skills and Citizenship
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-21
Credit Value: 2
GLH: 20hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Leadership, teamwork skills and citizenship
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not doneLeadership, teamwork skills and citizenship
1.1. / Lead a team to discuss innovative ideas and best practices that will facilitate change on building concepts that provides poor performance in seismic incidents;
1.2. / Determine the duties and responsibilities of each team member;
1.3. / Determine critical-thinking and consensus building skills used in group work/discussions;
1.4. / Determine the root causes of obstacles/difficulties/problems encountered by the group;
1.5. / Determine the mediation skills to be adopted by the group leader/chair where there is difference between members of the group;
1.6. / Show how a Pakistani should show integrity and nationalism in thinking critically to address national social and economic problems;
Underpinning knowledge
- Discuss the leadership skills required from a group leader;
- Explain the problem-solving techniques used to address the problem given;
- Discuss the mediation skills a group leader is expected to acquire;
- Explain the procedure to work professionally with others;
- Discuss what it takes to be a successful Pakistani entrepreneur;
- Discuss theintegrity and nationalism to be exhibitedby a Tradesman and concern Pakistani for national development;
Unit: Support Innovative Ideas and Adopt Change
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-22
Credit Value: 2
GLH: 20hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Support innovative ideas and adopt change
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not doneSupport innovative ideas and adopt change
1.1. / Develop implementation strategies of the innovative ideas and best practices discussed in Unit 21;
1.2. / Develop a methodical approach to communicate such innovative ideas and best practices of building carpentry on seismic resistance to other Craftspersons/Tradesmen to effect change;
Underpinning knowledge
- List the poor building concepts that needs to be changed in the building carpentry industry to conform to seismic resistant concepts;
- Discuss good communication skills;
- Discuss a method of approach to be applied to effect positive change in the industry;
- Discuss how the issues underpinning the innovative ideas and best practices relates to development;
Unit: Erect and Dismantle Shoring
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-23
Credit Value: 8
GLH: 80hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Plan and prepare work
- Prepare material required for shoring work
- Carry out shoring work
- Remove shoring
- Clean up
Assessment tasks/criteria:
Practical activities
Elements / Tasks / Done / Not donePlan and prepare work
1.1. / Select appropriate personal protective equipment, correctly fitted and use;
1.2. / Select appropriate tools and equipment to carry out tasks. Check for serviceability and faults;
Prepare material required for shoring work
2.1. / Identify material requirements from the instructions/drawings and specifications as per unit 20;
Carry out shoring work
3.1. / Mark location to fix the shore as per the drawing in Unit 20;
3.2. / Set out and cut to length component members as per the drawing;
3.3. / Fix shore to support the structure;
Remove shoring
4.1. / Remove members after maintenance of structure following the ‘removing order’ and pay due consideration to the required health and safety procedures;
Clean up
5.1. / Clean working area free of remains;
5.2. / Safely dispose waste and unwanted materials and store unused materials;
5.3. / Safely and properly clean and store tools and equipment;
Underpinning knowledge
- Explain the workplace, tools and equipment safety requirement;
- Explain the importance of using correctly fitted personal protective equipment;
- Explain the importance of safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment;
- Explain the use of a setting out rod;
- Explain the use of a cutting list;
- Discuss the safety standards in constructing a timber shoring i.e. the safety of people working on site and those using the site and theparticular attention to be shown on accuracy of marking, cutting, assembling and tightening members together;
- Name the different types shoring to support a structure;
- Identify an appropriate timber and size that can safely support the structure;
- Name the basic types of timber joints and concepts used in the structure to support the structure;
- Determine the measurements and calculations involved in constructing the timber shoring;
- Explain the importance of producing tight and properly fitted joints;
- Explain the correct procedure to assemble and dismantle members of a rake and dead timber shoring;
- Explain the procedure to safely erect and dismantle access equipment;
- Explain the use and importance of braces in shoring;
- State the importance of communicating effectively to others to ensure safe and effective work operations;
- Name the iron mongeries used to reinforce the joints between members of the structure.
- Explain the faults and problems that may occur during construction and actions to be taken;
Unit: Erect and Strip Formwork for Concrete Work
Unit Code: NAVTEC-TEVTA-US- PBC09-24
Credit Value: 6
GLH: 60hrs
Learning Outcomes:
- Plan and prepare work
- Estimation for erection of form work
- Erect formwork
- Inspect formwork
- Strike formwork
- Clean up
Assessment tasks/criteria: