British Airways Clubs Golf Section (London)
A.G.M. Minutes 2nd February 2016
Clive Jones, Roger Woof, Ray Richards,Bernie Forbes, Stan Knollman, Richard Collard, Jeff Brister, Chris Walker,Malcolm Coleman, Nigel Finch , Alastair Wiseley, Ian Forde, Mike Robinson, Mushtaq Siddiqui, Bakul Vyas, Richard Croxford, John de Rebello, Colin Griffiths, Amarjit Dhaliwal, Manjit Bains, Alan Snow, Nicolas Poycarpou, Gavin Bamburger
Dave Skiggs, Nigel Weldon, Steve Newell, Steve McDonald, Mark Conlon, Gary Tunnell, Jim Griffiths, Doug Cunnison, Dave Burton, Bruce Miles, Jeff Thomas, Sean Hanson, Les Sibley.
Minutes of Last AGM
Proposed by Ray Richards . Seconded by Bernie Forbes . Approved unanimously
Matters Arising
As Chairman of the Committee Stan Knollman welcomed all members to the AGM and gave the following updates on Committee business. The ASCA competition is being held this year in Dubai and will not take place until November. Therefore the final selection of the team (other than those qualified by right) and a decision on whether to give a subsidy to players will be made later. It is now clear that refund of tax on tickets for members playing in matches overseas will only be given when these matches are open competitions between many airlines. The only one which is certain to qualify is ASCA. However the outlook for duty tickets (serving BA staff only) for our established overseas matches is positive.
Captain’s Report –Stan Knollman
Stan said that it had been a privilege to be the first person to serve a second term as Captain. Although the Society is now much smaller it had been just as enjoyable and his personal highlights were the Delta match and the large turn-out for Captain’s day. Another very special occasion was the presentation to Bernie Forbes at the Christmas Day Meeting to mark his 80th birthday. Stan then thanked the Committee for their excellent support in 2015/16 and introduced Manjit Bains as the new Captain.
Stan then presented the following trophies:
Cutler Warren Trophy - Chris Walden (in absentia)
Rotol Shield – Dave Burton (in absentia)
Player of the Year (chosen by the Committee) – Chris Walden (in absentia) in recognition of an exceptional year’s results
Clubman of the Year (chosen by the Captain) – Nigel Finch in recognition of one our most outstanding golfers who has been an ASCA stalwart for many years and in 2015 organised the Delta Match.
Treasurer’s Report –Richard Collard
Richard presented a summary of the annual accounts and announced that for 2016 /17 we have produced a balanced budget with a small surplus of £168. The current cash balance is £4319 but with the expected expenditure until the end of the financial year this would be reduced considerably by year end. The overall forecast is expected to be broadly similar to 2015/16 which gives a healthy position going into the new season.
Election of Officers
All Committee members except Clive Jones were prepared to serve for another year in their current roles.Stan proposed a block vote which was seconded by Chris Walker and agreed unanimously. The following were therefore elected to serve on the committee for the coming year –Manjit Bains, Mike Robinson, Les Sibley, Roger Woof, Richard Collard, Stan Knollman, David Burton, Bernie Forbes, Chris Walker, Malcolm Coleman, Jeff Brister and Alan Snow.
New Captain’s Address – Manjit Bains
Manjit thanked Stan for choosing him to be Captain and said that his first year on the Committee had been an eye-opener as he had not realised how much went into running the section. He then thanked the Committee for their hard work and good wishes for the coming year and hoped that all the members would have a good year too. He also said that it was time for Clive to stop referring to him as the Captain of vice. Although he was unable to go on the Emirates trip he was confident that Jeff would do a great job and wished the team good luck. Finally he was looking forward to seeing everyone at Harleyford for his first Day Meeting.
Business Matters
a)Increase in Annual Subscriptions - Stan announced that after several years of maintaining the membership fees at £45 the Committee had decided that it was time to raise this to £50 which still represents great value for money
b)New Model Rules for Sections – BA Clubs have introduced amended Rules for sections. These have already been endorsed by the Committee but the endorsement of the membership is also required. The New Section Rules were circulated to all members before the AGM and no questions or objections have been received. Roger Woof proposed that the New Rules be endorsed by the membership and this was seconded by Stan Knollman and agreed unanimously.
Day Meeting Organisation – Malcolm Coleman
All the administration for Day Meetings is now being done through the web site so it is important that members register their interest in attending and if necessary update this, especially if unable to play. If anyone is unable to play within a few days of the event it is also necessary to call Malcolm so that he can amend numbers with the clubs and avoid being charged for no-shows. Malcolm also advised that we have a full quota for Heythrop and therefore the list is closed – anyone who is still interested will be put on reserve list in case of cancelations.
Jeff Brister announced that it has been agreed with the two clubs that medals will now be played off the white tees. It is especially important to remember this if playing outside the roll ups.
Chris Walker reminded members that when medal rounds are played outside the roll ups the cards MUST be scanned and sent to him and Mike Robinson as soon as possible. Cards will be marked strictly in 2016 so if anyone is unsure how to complete the card please ask advice from a Committee member.
In the absence of any further business the meeting closed at 1931.
Jeff Brister then gave an update and demonstration of the BA Golf Society web-site.