Bristol County Estate Planning Council Board Meeting
Elders First, Fall River
April 6, 2015
Attendance: John Collins, Ellen Connors,Diane Graca, Jennifer Heald, Joan Jakabowski, Pam Lasher, Deb Maltais, Trish Robertson, Robin Smith, Brandon Walecka.
- Motion to accept February meeting minutes – Diane/Ellen, motion passed.
- Motion to accept March meeting minutes – John/Joan, motion passed.
- No treasurer report.
- April 9th “Improving Profitability in the Estate Planning Profession” speaker – Smick
- At BayCoast Bank
- May 7th“National Estate Planning Conference – In an Hour” speaker - Brandon
- At Emeritus Dartmouth
- Is looking at using a Dropbox link to get the large amount of materials out
- May 21stRose Grant & John Rogers: Early Onset Alzheimer’s, at Venus deMilo.
- Trish to send Joan logo for flyer
- Summer – will look into Brew House options
- September – suggestion case study/networking event
- Pam to check with Ed Sylvia about it being a good time for CPAs
- November – Curt Czarknowki $750, “SS Level 201” at Stoneforge Raynham
- Diane reworked sponsorship letter for just the annual meeting and will get it to Trish to get out to membership via email.
- Discussed the possibility of reaching out to Norfolk and Cape EPC to apply to be a facilitator of CPA credits. The Cape has shown some interest.
Jay Sullivan Awards
- Applications were submitted from Co-Op Productions, The Women’s Fund, American Credit Counseling, and Autism. Recommendation is to award Co-Op and The Women’s Fund. Ellen/Diane, motion passed.
- Deb will inform winners and invite to annual meeting.
Nominations Committee
- To date:
- President: Brandon Walecka
- 1st Vice President: Ellen Connors / Pam Lasher
- 2nd Vice President: John Collins / Jerry Hall
- Secretary: open
- Treasurer: Luke Travis
- Board: Patrcia Bloom-McDonald / Diane Graca / Deb Maltais / Robin Smith
- Other members that have been approached include: Maggie Van Buren, Jay Williams, Meaghan Avila. Jennifer Heald has not decided.
- Brandon sent a condolence card and Diane arranged flowers sent to Mary Louise on behalf of the Board.
- New Special Projects page available on the website that allows for more flexibility. Suggestions for its use include a history of the jay Sullivan award and also speaker’s bureau page.
Next Board MeetingMay 4, Bristol Elder Services