Brighton & Hove Violence against Women and Girls(VAWG) Forum
Thursday 14th May 2015 10.00am – 12.00noon
Room 3, Brighton Town Hall
GG / RISEJaW / Brighton Oasis Project
ND / SeCamb
FB / Survivors’ Network
DP / Cranstoun/Pavilions
CM / Veritas Justice
AG / University of Sussex
ST / Veritas Justice
HOB / WiSE Project
RS / Sussex Police
LB / Fulfilling Lives
LC / Victim Support
AC / Victim Support
AV / Rise & Shine
MC / WiSEAB / Hope
PF / Survivor’s Network
JC / Sussex Community
DG / Housing Options, BHCC
CN / University of Sussex
1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies
1.1GG welcomed the group and introductions were made, apologies noted.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
2.1 The minutes (12th February 2015) were agreed as accurate with the following comments and amendments:
Service provision for male DV victims: It was noted that RISE and Victim Support are working together to support heterosexual male victims, as part of a care pathway, until September. More information on the help and support available in the city can be accessed at RISE also provides support for LGBTQI* victim/survivors and for more information go to
Update regarding cases involving counter allegations/bi-directional violence: Practice around counter-allegations is being developed by RISE. JG stated that this is work in progress, however it was agreed that this will be added to the next VAWG Forum agenda for an update.
In the interim, JR noted that Respect has provided a toolkit for work with male victims of domestic violence which includes guidance relating to screening for counter allegations and bi-directional violence. This can be accessed at
Action: RISE to provide an update on development work relating to counter allegations/bi-directional violence at the next VAWG Forum
Future training programme around complex needs and linking with MARAC: it was noted that there this will bring together a range of work, including learning from Fulfilling Lives. JR added that the interviews for the DV SV and VAWG training & awareness post commence next week and the successful post holder will be looking at future training.
Action: PCST to include an update on developing work in relation to DV SV and VAWG training & awareness at the next VAWG Forum
3. Sharing effective practice: Supporting trans* survivors of sexual violence: learning from users’ experiences and perspectives.
3.1 FBgave a presentation, summarising learning from a recent survey.
3.3 There followed a discussion. FB noted that this is the first time such a survey has been undertaken locally, and that this will continue to be work in progress, but the hope is that it will lead to more effective practice to support trans* survivors.
3.2 FB noted that there were no BME respondents to the survey.
3.3It was noted that the Claude Nichol has a variety of clinics, including ‘Clinic T’ which provides sexual health services for anyone who identifies as trans or gender variant More information is available at There are currently discussions ongoing between Survivors’ Network and the Claude Nicol about joint working opportunities.
Action: Survivors’ Network to provide an update on developing work in relation to joint working opportunities with the Claude Nicol at the next VAWG Forum
4. Respect briefing on the findings of the Mirabal research into the outcomes of accredited perpetrator programmes
4.1 BT, Living Without Violence (LWV), gave a presentation focusing on the outcomes of the accredited perpetrator programmes.
4.2 There followed a discussion. The following was noted:
- Coercion and control remains difficult to monitor, however the research identified changes, with (ex) partners feeling safer
- ‘Space for Action’ was highlighted as important, however it was noted there are challenges around this e.g. as a result of benefit reform
- The programme provided by LWV was described, including the interventions offered to those using violence and abuse, as well as the support available to (ex) partners
- It is important the support for (ex) partners and the interventions with men are linked i.e. it was a journey for both partners
- It was noted that following up Mirabal as a wider research project, but also understanding outcomes locally, is important.
4.3 All agreed this is positive work.
5. The BME Community Engagement Project
5.1HM gave a presentation on the Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Community Engagement Project, which has been funded in Sussex by the three Upper Tier Local Authorities (including Brighton & Hove City Council), Sussex Police and the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner. The following issues were noted:
- Challenges: Language barriers can make it hard to access help and support, and victim/survivors may be fearful of discrimination when accessing services
- The experience of BME women can be complex – there might be more than one perpetrator, or the perpetrator(s) may be from the wider community
- In some communities, violence and abuse is normalised, and people may not have an understanding of these issues
- In some communities, issues like domestic violence and abuse or other forms of violence against women and girls (such as harmful practices) may not be spoken about.
5.2Members of the Forum welcomed this information and were keen to provide any assistance where possible. It was noted that it is helpful to consider Harmful Practices as a form of Violence against Women and Girls.
5.3HM advised that the BME Community Engagement Projectwill develop a variety of work across Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex.
5.4FB noted that the services need help and advice around best practice with BME victim/survivors. JR advised that one of the work streams for the BME Community Engagement Projectincludes developing resources and events to help inform professionals.
5.5Hope can be contacted via:
5.6GG thanked HM.
6. Update on the Joint Commissioning arrangements with East Sussex and the VAWG Programme Board
6.1JR advised that he is working with East Sussex County Council to look at how the two authorities can best work together to develop shared priorities relating to DV SV and VAWG.To support this work, recruitment is underway for a Partnership Officer who will work across the two areas (based in East Sussex). A Trainingand Awareness Officer (based in Brighton & Hove) is also being recruited. JR advised that he will circulate details of the working arrangements at the next meeting.
Action: PCST to include an update on joint working arrangements between Brighton & Hove City Council and East Sussex County Council at the next meetingVAWG Forum
6.2JR advised the Forum that at the last VAWG Programme Board it was suggested that the Board be disbanded. This was on the basis that while the Board has been able to put DV SV and VAWG on the agenda, there are a number of other structures in place that can be used to take this forward. In addition there is significant overlap in terms of attendance at these various meetings.
6.3 JR confirmed that the proposal is, if the VAWG Programme Board is disbanded, that:
- Oversight for domestic and sexual violence and other forms of VAWG would return to the Safe in the City Partnership Board
- The Operational Groups would continue to operate, being responsible for delivery of the VAWG section of the ‘Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy’
- The VAWG Forum would continue to provide opportunities for consultation and strategy advice, networking and professional development.
6.3 There followed a discussion. Attendees felt that the VAWG Programme Board had enabled focused discussion and generated momentum. There was a shared concern around loosing this, as well as the voice of the Voluntary and Community Sector. There was also a concern expressed that the Safe in the City Partnership Board would only have limited time to allocate to DV SV and VAWG. Consequently, the view was that, in the first instance, the Forum should recommend that the VAWG Programme Board be maintained.
6.4 JR noted that the decision about the future of the VAWG Programme Board had not yet been made, and while he would share the above recommendation, it would also be helpful to identify what the Forum felt should be in place if the Board was disbanded. The Forum agreed that, in these circumstances:
- The Operational Groups must be sustained
- The VAWG Forum is an important link and should continue to provide a space for consultation and strategy advice, networking and professional development
- DV SV and VAWG should be a standing item on the agenda for both the Safeguarding Adultsand the Safeguarding Children Boards
- There should be representation from the Forum and the Voluntary and Community Sector at the Safe in the City Partnership Board and the Safeguarding Boards.
Action: PCST to share the above with the VAWG Programme Board Chair
Action: PCST to include an update on the future partnership arrangements for DV SV and VAWG
Action: PCST to invite the VAWG Programme Board Chair to the next meeting VAWG Forum
6.5 JR added that the future DV/SV specialist service will be in place by October 2015, with an announcement scheduled for June/July, as the procurement process is currently underway.
Action: PCST to include an update on the procurement of the future DV/SV specialist service at the next meeting VAWG Forum
7. Revisions to Working Together to Safeguard Children – March 2015 and Safeguarding and the Care Act
7.1 The government has updated and replaced the current statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ revised and published in 2013. The revisions include changes to:
- The referral of allegations against those who work with children;
- Notifiable incidents involving the care of a child; and
- The definition of serious harm for the purposes of serious case reviews.
Action: JR to circulate LSCB briefing on Changes to Working Together 2013
7.2 From 1 April 2015, the Care Act will introduce some key changes to safeguarding concerns about Adults. The Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Adults Board has produced guidance to help ensure that the right help and support is provided to adults at risk of harm because of their care and support needs.
Action: JR to circulate SAB briefing on the Care Act
8. Agency Round Table
Fulfilling Lives
LB advised that the Dual Diagnosis Steering Group has been established and is up and running and there are plans to hold a focus group.
WiSE Project
HOB advised that WISE is trying to creatively develop ways to secure more funding, and are currently waiting for the ‘go ahead’ for work with boys and men.
Veritas Justice
CM advised that Veritas Justice is waiting for funding for Victims of Stalking.
JG advised that the end of year figures show that there have been 2500 clients, of which 1300 are new. Referrals can be made via the RISE Helpline on 01273 622822.
Rise & Shine
AV advised that 17 women service users have gone through Rise & Shine which is follow on for survivors and their children – specialising in specific needs i.e. benefits, mental health and displacement. They hope to develop their activities in the future.
Survivor’s Network
FB advised that there is more training planned and that Survivor’s Network is holding an Open Evening to showcase the service. This is on 26th May between 5.30pm – 8.30pm – all welcome!
University of Sussex – Amanda Griffiths
AG advised that work is ongoing in relation to a number of issues e.g. reporting of sexual violence.
Cranstoun/Pavilions – Debbie Piper
DP advised that they are in the 2nd month of contract. DP is the DVA lead and Pavilions will be working towards recovery-based links across this city. This will include formally linking and having initial conversations with service providers.
South East Coast Ambulance Service – Nicola Douglas
ND advised that, as a result of one of the recommendations from a local domestic homicide review, SeCamb is running apilot project to support ambulance staff to identify and respond to domestic violence and abuse. ND advised that she is anticipating an increase as she has recently completed a training session for staff.
9. AOB
9.1JR advised that there is Young People’s Photography exhibition at the library.
9.2JR advised that the HMIC survey of professionals is open until tomorrow.
9.3JR advised that the PCST has commissioned work to develop a City Wide Action Plan, with the overarching aim being to create an individual safety and action plan template that can be tailored to the situation/risks for a victim/survivor of domestic violence & abuse. This links to a goal in the action plan to ‘equip partner agencies to risk assess those affected by VAWG crime types and develop appropriate safety plans, including through onward referral to specialist services’. Invitations for a consultation event will be going out shortly but anyone who is interested should contact JR directly.
Action: ALL to contact JR directly if they want to be included in the consultation event relating to the City Wide Action Plan
9.4JR noted that the PCST has been successful in securing funding for GBT* victim/survivors, in partnership with RISE and BHT. This project will be developed from April onwards.
9.5JR asked that any suggestions for future meetings, including speakers, should be forwarded to him as soon as possible.
The next meeting takes place on Thursday 27thAugust 2015 at 10am in Committee Room 3, Brighton Town Hall.
Brighton & Hove VAWG Forum May 20151