Chemistry Course Syllabus
Mr. Kaveh Shakeri
Canyon Crest Academy, Room D204
(preferred contact)
School Phone: 858-350-0253 x4134
Course Description:
Chemistry is a college preparatory course designed as a survey course in chemical concepts. Chemistry is the study of the composition, properties, and structure of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
The course will focus on building multi-level problem solving skills, the integration of mathematics as a predictive tool, and the formation of frameworks for solving word problems. The course will also demand learning naming rules and properties of common elements, ions and compounds. An emphasis is placed on learning general principles and properties of matter and energy.
Chemistry requires a 10th grade level reading comprehension and a strong work ethic for consistent out of class assignments. A strong background in algebra is essential for success. Essays, examinations, projects (computer and written) and laboratory work are requirements for course completion, in addition to maintaining an organized binder
Course Goals:
1. To increase student understanding of scientific theories by experiencing scientific phenomena through laboratory.
2. To prepare students for any college freshman, laboratory-based chemistry course. To increase student science literacy and appreciation.
3. To support students in successfully meeting both the California and District Science Standards.
Class Rules:
1. I will enforce all rules as followed by the Canyon Crest Discipline policy. (Academic Honesty, Attendance, Tardiness and cell phones)
2. Respect, your community, school, classmates, teachers and self.
3. Safety! We will cover all safety procedures. You will sign a safety contract and pass a safety test.
Managing a safe and effective classroom is my number one priority. Students who consistently break rules are a distraction to everyone's education and safety. Infractions will be dealt with by:
1. Warning and/or email /call home 3. Removal from class and call home
2. Detention and/or additional projects and/or call home 4. Referral to the Vice Principal and call home
These steps need not occur in this order, dependent on the severity of inappropriate behavior.
Other actions may be taken and are reserved for the discretion of the teacher.
is expected. Never do anything that would bring your integrity into question. Copying work/ideas is in violation of CCA academic honesty policy. Always cite and credit sources that are not your own. DISHONESTY will result in a "0" on the test/assignment, lowered citizenship, a referral, contact home and possibly further disciplinary measures.
100 – 90% A
89 – 80% B
70 – 79% C
60 – 69% D
59% and below F
The grades are based on a point system. Every point is equal. Different activities will have different point values. The following breakdown gives an estimate to how those points will be distributed during the course.
Tests and Quizzes ~45%
Labs ~25%
Homework ~15%
Final ~15%
Grades will be posted on Parent Portal and updated an average of every week. You may always contact me with email, at lunch, before or after school to discuss your grade. I will not discuss grades during class time.
Homework will be assigned on a nightly basis. I expect all homework to be ready to be when class begins. Late homework (including labs) will be worth 50% of the original grade. Once I have returned that assignment you may not make up any late work. Homework will be stamped daily and collected in packets on the day of the test for that unit.
Mastery Quizzes and Tests
Each unit will have a test given about every two weeks. The tests are multiple choice and free response, I do allow test corrections that can be done in the mornings, lunch and after school when I am available. Each unit will have 1-2 quizzes, that have a mastery format. If a student earns less than a 80% that can do a separate mastery assignment (and quiz correction) to bring their grade up to an 80%.
Citizenship Grades:
If you are a respectable, well prepared and hardworking student everything will be great for your citizenship grade. If we have problems with tardiness, disruptive behavior, etc. your citizenship grade will reflect the behavior.
· If you are absent YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to find out what you missed while you were out. You may use email or the website to reach me or other classmates. You may also use your lab partner or other “class buddy”.
· If you are absent on the day of a test you need to be prepared to take the test on the day you return or you will be given a new test.
· If you are absent the assignments due the day you were absent are due the day you return.
· Any labs, assignments or homework covered when absent are given three days to make up work. I allow three days to be reasonable. I know there are other courses that you need to catch up in as well.
*****If your absence is unexcused then you will not be allowed to make up any missed test, labs or turn in any work. This work will receive a zero no late work credit will apply. Please make sure you remind your parents to call in if you are going to miss class.*******
Bathroom Passes:
If you need to use the bathroom, raise your hand and ask to be excused. Bathroom breaks should be taken between classes, I understand this is not always going to happen, please do not make a habit of going to the bathroom everyday during class. I may ask you to wait until I get to a good stopping point in the activity or lecture.
Recommended Materials:
*1. Pencils and Pens
*2. Loose leaf paper for notes, labs and homework in your binder (At Least 100 pages)
*3. Calculator that can do scientific notation, not a cell phone
I will check my email daily. I will try to check everyday at 8pm as well as the blackboard website. Any email written after 8pm will not be answered until the following day. If you email me at five, I may answer earlier but you may also wait. Using blackboard we can help answer each others questions. Teaching another person is a great way to learn for yourself. I encourage this on blackboard.
Access is available through the CCA homepage or,..I have my notes, handouts and any other forms I give out in class as I create them.
Facebook Group
I have a Facebook group for all of my chemistry courses. This is a great way to ask for help. When you post a question the majority of group members will see the post and can help answer your questions on homework, due dates, labs, and other class info. The Facebook group is an extension of the classroom. You will make value added comments and be respectful at all times. The use of the page is not mandatory, but a great resource.
Tutoring and Open Door Policy:
I will try to be available for help everyday before school at 7:30am (earlier with appointment) and lunch, after school with an appointment. I encourage you to let me know if you are coming in for help ahead of time. School meetings may occur with short notice but my main commitment is to the class. Please feel free to discuss anything that is concerning you, and do not put things off till last minute. I am happy to help wherever I can, but if you do not communicate with me then I can not help.
Ask questions! This is the key to being a successful student and scientist. This is not an easy class. Be ready to work hard, have fun and learn a lot.