Fourth Year Benha University
Date: 18\ 6 \ 2011 Faculty of Nursing
Time: 3 hours C. H. Ng. Department
Community Health Nursing Exam
(Total marks 80)
I- Match the correct answer in column (A) with corresponding answer in column (B) (10 Marks)
B / AIt is an ability to meet interaction with other social, political, economic and health system / A / Environmental health / 1
It is a change in the environment may be affect positive or negative on human being living in it / B / Empathy / 2
It is reflect the physical, mental and spiritual health of the individuals / C / Gay / 3
It is an ability to sense the clients world as if it aware your own / D / Environmental impact / 4
It is homosexual couple living together with or without children / E / Family dynamics / 5
It is exists as a result of the force that influence human being / F / Family health / 6
A world wide outbreak infection / G / Respect / 7
Are agents within the work environment / H / Endemic infection / 8
The disease constantly present in the community / I / Physical hazards / 9
It provides feels safe, warm and accepting the client / J / Pandemic / 10
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
G / H / I / J / A / C / B / E / D / F
II- Choose the best answers: - ( 18 Marks)
1- Principle of primary health care includes:
1- Continuity of care
2- Trained health professional
3- Maximum promotive services
4- Support of more than one sector
A- 1, 2 B- 2, 3, 4 C- 1, 2, 4 D- 1, 2, 3, 4
2- Essential hypertension is:
A- Unknown family history
B- Congenital defects
C- Result from neurological disorders
D- Arterial occlusive disease
3- Nursing strategies for environmental health include:
1- Detect health hazards
2- Building healthy houses
3- Apply healthy education regarding preventive measures
4- Participate in health program
A- 1, 2 B- 2, 3 C- 1, 2, 3 D- 1, 2, 3, 4
4- Establishment of community health practice through:
A-Treatment of disorders and rehabilitation
B-Policy development and assurance
C- Combination of public health with nursing
D- Advanced technology and changes in education
5- Counseling may be concerned with:
A- Helpers frame of reference
B- Helper feeling
C- Tasks away some of the self responsibility of the client
D- Making decision
6- Motivation is influenced by:
A- Culture
B- sex
D- Age
7-Hazards associated with food are?
1- Food contamination
2- Inherently harmful
3- Food poisoning
4- Unbalanced food
A- 1, 2 B- 1, 2, 3 C- 1, 2, 4 D- 1, 2, 3, 4
8-General principles of learning are:
1- Learning situation
2- Learner
3- Presentation of content
4- Capacity for learning
A- 1, 2, 3 B- 2, 3, 4 C- 1, 2, 4 D- 1, 2, 3, 4
9-The basic rules for effective sending are:
1- Ask for feedback
2- Keep message honest
3- Use many words as possible to state it
4- Send complicated message
A- 1, 2 B- 2, 3 C- 3, 4 D- 1, 3
10-The following complication may occur with menopausal except:
A- Osteoporosis
B- Endometrial carcinoma
C- Breast atrophy
D- Hypotension
11-All of the following are risk factors for leukemia except:
A- Viral infection
B- High levels of radiation
C- Bacterial infections
D- Working with certain chemicals
12-The hosts of plague may be:
A- Cats and dogs
B- Human lice
C –Eating contaminated food
D- Flies
13-The criteria of person with latent tuberculosis:
1- Without symptoms
2- Skin test indicating TB
3- Can spread TB bacteria to others
4- Appear healthy
A- 1, 2, 3 B- 1, 3, 4 C- 2, 3 D- 1, 2, 4
14- Obese person is liable to physical problem as:
A- Cardiac problem
B- Infection
C- Fatigue
D- Stress
15- Construction workers high risk for
A- Communicable diseases
B- Malnutrition
C-Traumatic injuries
D- Neurological problems
16- Principles of good Counseling include all expect one :
A- Ask vague questions
B- Give information
C- Help to remember instruction
D- Teach client health wellness
17-Changes in cardio pulmonary function include:
A- Decrease diffusion capacity of lungs
B- Increase diffusion capacity of lung
C- Increase size of lungs
D- Decrease size of alveoli
18 – Retirement is stress full event that have multiple negative
implication such as
1- Reduced income
2- Increased leisure time
3- Lost of social relationship
4- Lost of spouse
A- 1, 2, 3 B- 1, 3, 4 C- 2, 3 D- 1, 2, 4
9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1A / A / B / C / D / A / C / A / C
18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
A / A / D / B / A / D / A / C / D
III- Essay: (4 Marks)
1- Topics in family dynamics contain:
1- Divorce.
2- Sibling relationship.
3- Family activities
4- Stay at home (raising children).
2- Nursing strategies toward the environmental health:
1- Apply nursing research related to environmental health
2- Learn about possible environment health threats.
3- Educate consumers and assist them to practice preventive measures.
4- Assess clients' environment and detect health hazards.
3- Environmental factors which hinder the rural development are:
1- Very poor environmental sanitation
2- Unsafe water supply, improper sewage disposal
3- Lack of modern facilities in kitchen, no bath room
4- Poor ventilation- inverts' pounds in the street
4- Importance of counseling:
1- Clarifying problem issues
2- Relieving tension
3- Facilitating problem solving
4- Encouraging insight.
Situation (I): (18 Marks)
Mr. Ali's family lives in a village, and they have an animal shelter inside the house. Ali is 55 years old; he is farmer and heavy smoker. He complains from, headache, fatigue, and he is diagnosed as hypertensive patient.
1-You are a community health nurse. What is the first measure you must do for this family?
A- Identify the health problems
B- Increase family awareness toward health
C- Ensure Mr. Ali receive proper treatments
D- Quitting smoking
2- The most important need for this family is:
A- Nutritional needs
B- Maintenance of health
C- Exercise
D- Screening for infectious disease
3- Mr. Ali is liable to have:
A- Physical disability
B- Physical weakness
C- Physical fitness
D- Ineffective immune response
4- The tertiary prevention for Mr. Ali includes:
A- Identify the health problems
B- Achieve access to preventive services
C- Increase adjustment to his condition
D- Increase awareness toward cardic diseases
5- Mr. Ali must compliance with his hypertensive treatment for
A- Cure hypertension
B- Stabilize his condition
C- Correct healthy condition
D- Reduce regression of the disease
6- The healthy diet for Mr. Ali should include:
A- Spicy food
B- Fast food
C- Sotae food
D- Candy food
7- The most important healthy lifestyle practice is:
A- Stress management
B- Rest and sleep
C- Prevention of smoking
D- Regular exercise
8- The most predisposing factor of Mr. Ali disorders is:
A- Faulty habits
B- Hereditary
C- Bad sanitation
D- Work over whelming
9- The best nursing care to relieve Mr. Ali headache:
A- Adequate rest and sleep
B- Regular check up
C- Personal hygiene
D- Good home sanitation
9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1A / A / A / C / B / C / A / D / A
IV-Situation: (30 Marks)
During your field experience, you are assigned for the following family. The family composed of four members living in two rooms in Ezbet Elmorabaa village, they have a tap water, toilet and separated kitchen. Abdo is father 48 years old, he work in cement factory as a worker, he illiterate and complains from difficult in breathing, chest pain and sever headache. Zenab his wife 38 years old. She illiterate, gravida 8 and para 2. She is pregnant in 20 weeks, suffering from backache and abdominal pain. Aya her daughter, she is school child (13) years, she complain from fever and diarrhea. Amany a second daughter (3) years she complains from nasal discharge and cough.
1- You are a community health nurse; at least identify one nursing diagnosis for each family member. ( 5 Marks )
2- Write nursing care plan for Abdo's family according to the three level of prevention for each family member. ( 25 Marks )
"Good Luck"
Under supervision
Prof Dr . Naglaa Grigis Megallaa
Prof Dr . Howida Sadek Abd Elahamed
Dr. Hanaa Abd El Gawad Abd Elmegaed
Dr . Mahaboba Sobhy Abd Elaziz
Dr . Eman Nabel Ramadan
Dr. Ebtisam Mohamed Abd Elaal