Boys State & Girls State

InterviewDetails at El Camino HS

Attention junior student: You have been selected because of your outstanding GPA of 3.8 or higher. You are invited to apply for a chance to interview with the American Legion Department of California for the renowned Boys State and Girls State programs. They are looking to meet four boys and four girls from El Camino HS to apply as the one delegate and one runner-up for each group (2 boys and 2 girls).

Why should you apply? The answer is recognition and prestige. As the website explains: “Boys State is a nationwide program with a number of excellent organizations educating young men to be the leaders of tomorrow. American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high-school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935…” And it also explains: “California Girls State is a leadership program of the American Legion Auxiliary designed to increase awareness and knowledge of governmental processes while learning about the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Delegates come away with a greater appreciation of the American Flag and of the sacrifices made by our veterans. While at Girls State, they make friends with outstanding girls from around the state and have a fun week they'll remember for the rest of their lives.” If chosen, both delegates will forever retain the honor and could be considered for national recognition through Boys Nation and Girls Nation which can lead to meeting the President of the United States in the future. Boys State/Girls State is highly valued on college applications. Delegates become eligible for scholarships and educational monies through the program.

Do you qualify?You must be able to dress in formal/work attire for the interview, if selected. You must bring 4 copies of a typed personal statement about your qualifications. You must have a high GPA (around 3.8+) and participate in extracurricular and community activities. You must be available in the summer to attend the week-long session (dates below), and the mandatory meeting on May 20, 2018 in Woodland, CA. You must be outgoing and willing to participate and collaborate with other amazing peers. You must be willing to respect and stand for the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony. For more information on Boys State, go to the American Legion website at and click on Programs. For more information on Girls State, go to the American Legion Auxiliary website at and click on Girls State to the left side of the information pane.

What else do you need to know? If you want to be considered for the interview process on Tuesday, February 27th, please sign up in the Counseling Office by Friday, February 16. If selected as the delegate and runner up on the 27th, Boys State occurs at Sacramento State University on June 16—23 and Girls State happens at Claremont McKenna College in Los Angeles, CA on June 25—30, 2018. Students will sleep in the college dormitories and eat in the school cafeteria and will be fully supervised by adult State staff for the entire session. There is a $350 cost, but don’t worry--that is most often paid for by a sponsoring Legion post, local business, or other community-based organization.

For more information, please contact Mr. Ahlgren in the EC Counseling Office at 971-7436 and anytime for questions. Last year’s EC delegates and runners-up were Fanar Makadsi, Michael Farley, and Maria Mendoza. The 2016 team included Diego Lerma, Malachi Arthur, Meagan Spencer, and Sophia Abeggelen. Feel free to touch base with them for details on their personal experiences with Boys and Girls State.

Personal Statement: Please write a 1-page personal statement/essay entitled “Why I Would Be A Good Delegate” in which you describe yourself, list current academic and extracurricular achievements, and discuss future goals and dreams. This should be typed using MLA formatting. Bring 4 copies to your interview so that each panel member can read about you and your accomplishments. Visit the Boys State and Girls State websites for ideas on what to include.

Formal/Work Attire: Please dress in formal or work attire for your interview. For boys, this should be dress shoes, slacks, and a long sleeve collared shirt with buttons. For girls, this should be closed-toe shoes, slacks or a formal skirt, and a long sleeve shirt or blouse. Hair should be simple and clean. Avoid cologne or perfume.

Reminder: You must be willing to respect and stand for the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony at the summer conference.