Thank you for becoming an important part of the largestfemale organization in the world, the World Association ofGirl Guides and Girl Scouts, located in 146 countries. We hope that it will be filled with lots of fun and will offer new challenges and experiences


irl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada has impacted the lives of countless girls and women since it started in 1910. Today, Girl Guides of Canada continues to be a place that sparks the imagination of girls to take their place in the world and take action on what matters to them. As female role models, our adult volunteer members support girls to achieve and succeed – through fun, adventures, challenges and international experiences. Guiding continues to play an important role in community’s right across Canada.

SPARKSare 5 & 6 years old
BROWNIESare 7 & 8 years old
GUIDESare 9 to11 years old
PATHFINDERSare 12 to 14 years old
RANGERSare 15 to 17 years old

ADULT MEMBERSare 18+ years of age

All Unit leaders (Guiders) are volunteers. It is important to select the right women to guide our girls.

The screening process includes:



Police Records Check

Code of Conduct


Safe Guide Training


Your support is vital to our organization and we encourage your participation. Your support allows volunteer leaders to run a fun-filled program and engage in a varied, creative program.

Your help is greatly appreciated in the following:

  • Reading all newsletters promptly and carefully.
  • Driving.
  • Signing permission slips promptly.
  • Assuring that your child arrives on time and is picked up promptly at the end of the meeting.
  • Be willing to be of help if asked.

If you are interested in volunteering to become a leader or involvement in another way, please let your Unit Guider know or call 1-800-565-8111

Blood Donor “Partners for Life”

Guiding and Scouting in Saskatchewan have partnered to promote awareness of blood donation and increase donations. When adults affiliated with our organizations donate blood, we ask that they register with Canadian Blood Services of Guiding/Scouting “Partners for life” so we can reach our annual donation goal using our ID SCOU008370. Join us to help “Save a life” with your gift of blood- there’s often an urgent need.


Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada is a uniformed organization. Each branch of Guiding has a unique look. The minimum uniform requirements for each branch are:

SPARKS/BROWNIES/GUIDES: T-shirt, badge sash, tie.


Uniform pieces are available on line at:

USED UNIFORMS: Please contact the office 1-800-565-8111 to inquire about used uniforms.


National (includes insurance) $ 60.00

Provincial$ 55.00

Area$ 17.00

Districts$ 3.00


Guiding is available to all girls and women. If financial assistance is required for your daughter/ward, please call the Office 1-800-565-8111 and we will be happy to explain your options.


Dues are collected at weekly meetings to help offset the cost of running the program. These vary from unit to unit.


Camp fees are determined by Unit Guiders after considering the cost of food, accommodation, crafts, special activities and supplies. Units may camp once or several times throughout the year, depending on the age and interest of the girls.


The Girl Guide cookie sales program is intended to be FUN!

When signing the Membership Agreement, you agreed that your daughter/ward will participate in the sale of Girl Guide Cookies, the primary fundraiser for GGC.

Cookie All Stars is Girl Guides of Canada’s exciting cookie selling rewards initiative, where girls earn amazing rewards for achieving exceptional cookie sales and are recognized for achieving their own individual selling goals as well as with their Unit. Cookie All Stars encourages girls to reach for the stars!

Girl Guide cookies are sold by girls in communities across Canada. The chocolatey mint cookies are available every fall (October to December) and the classic chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies are available every spring (from approximately March to June).

Cookie selling not only raises funds for Guiding programs, but also provides opportunities for girls to develop skills such as:


Planning and goal settingResponsibility

Community involvementSafety awareness

Problem solving and decision makingCourtesy

Money and time managementCustomer service

The following form is provided for you to complete for your records if required.


Leader’s name: ______

Leader’s phone number: ______

Leader’s email: ______

2nd Leader’s name: ______

2nd Leader’s phone number: ______

2nd Leader’s email: ______

Unit: ______

Meeting place: ______

Meeting day: ______

Meeting time: ______

Girl’s weekly/monthly dues: ______

She belongs to: ______District