Bill’s Reading List

Where do successful people learn to be successful? From other successful people of course! These books have been key to helping me develop a successful mindset and a grown my knowledge and skills.

Books on Success and Wealth

THINK AND GROW RICH, by Napoleon Hill; Written in 1937 this classic has helped countless people become wealthy. Napoleon Hill studied 500 of the wealthiest people of his time and found that they shared a number of characteristics that can be copied to enable your own success.

SECRETS OF THE MILLIONAIRE MIND, by T. Harv Ecker; You don’t have to be a wealthy person to think like one but you can’t be a wealthy person if you don’t think like one. This book will show you why you don’t think like a millionaire now, and how to think like a millionaire so that you can become one.

TALKING WITH GIANTS, by Scott Schilling; Giving in advance of receiving is a trademark quality shared by successful people. In this book Scott spends time talking with great leaders in business, marketing and motivational speaking like Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and T. Harv Ecker and gains insight to their success.

THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON, by George S. Gleason; This classic was written in the 1920’s. It is an easy read and covers the basic laws of money and wealth going back thousands of years.

THE SECRET, by Rhonda Byrne; Have ever met anyone that seems to attract success and wealth everywhere they go? You might have wondered why success seems to come easily to some while others struggle their whole life and never really attain it. This powerful book describes and explains the Law of Attraction and how you must use it to gain success in your life.

SUCCESS PRICIPALS, by Jack Canfield; A powerful book for the success minded person. This book will show you the steps you need to take to be a successful person. You’ll learn how to transform yourself for success, how to build a success team, how to build successful relationships among other critical skills.

Books on Trading

TRADING IN THE ZONE, by Mark Douglas; Understanding trading psychology is critical to your success as a trader. Your own emotions can be your worst enemy in the market. Understanding why you behave a certain way is the first step in learning to control your emotions. This book will prepare you mentally for trading success.

OPTIONS AS A STRATEGIC INVESTMENT, by Lawrence G. Mcmillan; Considered by many to be the “bible” on options, this book covers the ins and outs of options trading and discusses option basics and trading strategies in great detail.

ENTRIES AND EXITS, by Alexander Elder; This book gives you a peek into the lives and trading styles of 16 successful traders. There is great value in seeing how these people view the markets and how they mentally prepare themselves to trade every day.

CANDLESTICK CHARTING EXPLAINED, by Gregory Morris and Ryan Litchfield; Japanese candlestick charting is a critical tool for most short term traders. This powerful charting style provides insight to the mind of the traders in the market. Through exhaustive research the authors determined the probable accuracy of dozens of candlestick patterns. This book needs to be on your trading desk.

A TRADERS MONEY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, by Bennett McDowell; Money management is a critical element to your trading success but it is probably the least discussed topic in trading education. This book will help you develop a money management system that will protect you from overexposure to risk.

SHORT TERM TRADING IN THE NEW STOCK MARKET, by Toni Turner; this book provides a good solid trading profile and is written in an entertaining and informative way. The author makes use of moving averages and other technical indicators to effectively locate effective entry and exit points.

REMINISCENCES OF A STOCK OPERATOR, by Edwin Lefevre; A fictionalized biography of one of the most famous traders in America, Jesse Livermore. This classic was first written in 1923 but the insight to the mind of a trader and the physcology of the market are timeless and still valuable today.

THE FOUR BIGGEST MISTAKES IN OPTION TRADING, by Jay Kaeppel; If you are going to trade options, you must know where the pitfalls are that can hurt your bottom line. Learn what the four most common mistakes are and how to avoid making them.

These books will give you a good head start on becoming a profitable trader and a successful person. I encourage you to read them and to send me recommendations for additions to the list.