Dear Parents:
Below is the Concession Stand Schedule for the Girls Basketball Home Games. Unfortunately, due to our low numbers, some parents are asked to work more than 1 game. Also, spouses of our coaches are asked to work. If you are unable to work the night you are scheduled, you must find a replacement or switch with another parent and let me know. It is extremely important that everyone does his or her part to make our athletic program run smoothly and be successful. When you are scheduled to work, you are scheduled to work for all of the games scheduled that night. You need to arrive at the school 30 Minutes before the first game is scheduled and stay through the completion of clean up of the gym and concession area. I appreciate all your hard work and look forward to working with you!! This schedule will be posted on our website at under TCA Athletics.
Thank You and Go Saints!!
Jenny Peters
Athletic Director
Girls Basketball Concession Schedule:
1. Mon. Sept. 21sr (2 Games – 5/6):
Please arrive at 4:30.
Admission: Nawa
Concession: Lopez
Popcorn: Deboer
Clock: DeLaTorre (Alexa) (I will show you how to do the clock)
Book: Jenny Peters
2. Tues. Sept. 22nd (2 Games – 5/6):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Griggs
Concession: Smudzinski
Popcorn: Gensler
Clock: Mazzorana
Book: Jenny Peters
3. Wed. Sept. 30th (2 games – 7/8):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Phillips
Concession: Moskalewicz
Popcorn: Thompson
Clock: Piano
Book: Jenny Peters
4. Mon. Oct. 5th (2 games – 7/8):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: DeLaTorre (Perla)
Concession: Stachowiak
Popcorn: Garcia
Clock: Nowakowski
Book: Jenny Peters
5. Tues. Oct. 6th (2 Games – 5/6):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Smudzinski
Concession: Urbanski
Popcorn: Nawa
Clock: Cofoid (I will help you with the clock)
Book: Jenny Peters
6. Wed. Oct. 7th (2 Games – 5/6):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: DeLaTorre (Alexa)
Concession: Deboer
Popcorn: Griggs
Clock: Mazzorana
Book: Jenny Peters
7. Tues. Oct. 13th (2 Games – 5/6):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Lopez
Concession: Cofoid
Popcorn: Gensler
Clock: Urbanski
Book: Jenny Peters
8. Tues. Oct. 20th (2 Games – 7/8):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Stachowiak
Concession: Quesse
Popcorn: Garcia
Clock: Nowakowski
Book: Jenny Peters
9. Tues. Nov. 10th (2 Games – 7/8):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Thompson
Concession: Phillips
Popcorn: Piano
Clock: Moskalewicz
Book: Jenny Peters
10. Thurs. Nov. 19th (6/7/8 – 3 Games):
Please arrive at 4:30
Admission: Garcia
Concession: Quesse
Popcorn: Peters
Clock: Nowakowski
Book: Jenny Peters