Boilerplate of Rensselaer Center for Stem Cell Research resources in grant proposals
The Rensselaer Center for Stem Cell Research (RCSCR) provides facilities, equipment, services and training geared towardinterdisciplinary stem cell research. This double laboratory resource includes a dedicated cell culture facility equipped with biosafety cabinets, tri-gas incubators for normal and low oxygen studies, centrifuges, water baths, cold and cryogenic storage, and a water purification system. The RCSCR also maintains several imaging systems, including Olympus inverted, stereo and epifluorescence microscopes. Multiple platforms support scalable and efficient workflow in real time and high content analysis of cellular properties, including an Olympus VivaView time lapse microscope, a Thermo Scientific Cellomics ArrayScan imaging system and an Eppendorf epMotion 5070 automated liquid handling instrument.Dedicated server and software resources facilitate archiving and analysis of data. NIH Registry human embryonic stem cell lines and vectors for transgenesis are available to investigators with appropriate transfer agreements. Knowledgeable staff members provide training in basic and advanced cell biology techniques, equipment use, assay and project development
Equipment Boilerplates
Thermo Scientific Cellomics ArrayScan VTI
The Thermo Scientific Cellomics ArrayScan is a high-content imaging platform that can be used for automated and quantitative cell analysis. This versatile system is outfitted with a live cell module for environmental control, a brightfield module for transmitted light and seven color fluorescence imaging capabilities. A spinning disk confocal module increase optical resolution in three-dimensional structures such as biomaterials, neurospheres and other structures, and enhances resolution of sub-cellular events. A variety of objectives and available form factors, including slides and microplates up to 1,536 wells, allow for customized scan speed, resolution and throughput. Images from each sample can be montaged together for a global representation and drilled down to sub-cellular detail within each field.
Analytical algorithmsare applied in real time during imaging or after an entire image set is collected. These algorithms interrogate image data for a variety of phenotypic characteristics, including fluorescence intensity and localization, cell morphology and motility, cytotoxicity and formation of structures such as neurites or angiotubes.A dedicated 12 terabyte server is in place for data storage, and a second computer workstation is available for analysis of previously scanned data sets.
Olympus VivaView Microscope
The Olympus VivaView fluorescence microscope is incorporated into an incubation chamber for environmental control, including hypoxic conditions. Programmable imaging allows for DIC and fluorescence imaging at specific coordinates in up to eight live samples over extended time periods, producing time lapse data with user-defined intervals and duration. Media and condition changes can be performed in-system to observe properties of specific cell populations before and after treatment.
Eppendorf epMotion 5070
The Eppendorf epMotion 5070 robotic liquid handling system significantly enhances accuracy and efficiency in a variety of pipetting applications.Reagent transfers, mixing, distribution, PCR preparation and sampling are programmed and performed with minimal user intervention.