Minutes of the April 7, 2010 Meeting

Present: Kevin Pybas, PLS; John Catau, Office of the Provost;Carl Riegel, HRA; Mario Daoust, GGP;

Eric Sheffield, RFT; Thomas Dickson, MED; David Byrd, ACC; Martha Kirker, Center for Assessment; Austra Reinis, REL; Joshua Smith, BMS; Rebecca Woodard, Faculty Senate Elect

Absent: Jane Allgood, SWK; Christina SimmersMKT; Steve

Jones, RFT; Mike Foster, THE

Guests: Fred Groves, RTF; Rosa Mejia, CEFS; David Goodwin, RTF; William Corcoran, GGP;

Kelly Wood, COM; Bob Willenbrink, TD; John Bourhis, COM;Art Spisak, Office of the

Provost, Honors College; Marsha Morriset, Honors College; W.D Blackmon, ENG;Ken Gillam,



Kevin Pybas called the meeting to order at 3:30 in Plaster Student Union room 317


Kevin Pybas moved for acceptance of the minutes from the February 10, 2010 meeting. Austra Reinis seconded. The minutes were approved as distributed.

Due to illness CGEIP did not meet in March.


Review of UHC 110

Kevin Pybas presented the subcommittee’s report for UHC 110. The subcommittee notes that the course addresses and meets General Education goals but syllabi lack uniformity in their goals and objectives. The committee recommended that this course continue in the general education program with revisions to syllabi for the next CGEIP review. The next submission should include in the “Syllabi/Policy Statements” of the “CGEIP Tool for Evaluating General Education Courses” the “General Education Goal found in the policy statement or syllabus and common to each section.” Strive to make sure syllabi are uniform in their goals and objectives.

A motion to approve the course to continue with the correction was moved by Kevin Pybas and seconded by Mario Daoust. None opposed, motion passed.

Review of COM 115

Kevin Pybas presented the subcommittee’s report for COM 115. The subcommittee notes that the course addresses and meets General Education goals but lacks clarity as to how the assessment of the course is conducted to ensure Gen Ed goals are met. The committee recommended that this course continue in the general education program with concerns met before the next scheduled review.

A motion to adopt the subcommittees report was moved by Kevin Pybas and seconded by Eric Sheffield. None opposed, motion passed.

Review of THE 210

Mario Daoust presented the subcommittee’s report for THE 210. The subcommittee recommended that this course continue in the general education program with no changes required. Dr. Daoust related that this is an excellent portfolio.

Dr. Willenbrink commended Mike Frizell and Mike Foster for their help in preparing the submission.

A motion to approve the course to continue without change was moved by Mario Daoust and seconded by Joshua Smith. None opposed, motion passed.

Review of ENG 310

Austra Reinis presented the subcommittee’s report for ENG 310. The subcommittee recommended that this course continue in the general education program with no changes required. Dr. Reinis related that the committee commends the attention shown to the Gen Ed goal “Writing and speaking with Clarity and precision for diverse audiences” with a separate paragraph in the course syllabus. The committee suggests that the instructors consider implement a pre-and post-test (parallel to that of ENG 210) to gauge course effectiveness.

A motion to approve the course to continue without change was moved was moved by Austra Reinis and seconded by Carl Riegel. None opposed, motion passed.

Review of ENG 110

Austra Reinis presented the subcommittee’s report for ENG 110.Dr. Reinis reported the following concerns:

  • Syllabi do not have a clear connection between course goals and specific Gen Ed goals,
  • the ability of GTA’s being adequately prepared to teach ENG 110,
  • “Writing and speaking with Clarity and precision for diverse audiences” getting lost in the effort to meet other goals,
  • the relationship of ENG 210 and ENG 310 building on ENG 110 clearly spelled out for students,
  • and grammar/syntax components to prepare students to move further through their educational and career after college goals.

The subcommittee commends the implementation of a pre- and post tests to determine the efficacy of the course.

The subcommittee recommends that the course continue in the Gen Ed program with concerns met before the next scheduled review.

Dr. Blackmon addressed the issues and reported that he is pleased with what has been done to this point. The department is working with Provost for Student Success, Dr. Darabi and Dr. Levesque-Bristol of the FCTL with an eye on making sure that the GTA’s are prepared.

A motion to approve the subcommittee recommendation was moved by Kevin Pybas and seconded by Eric Sheffield. None opposed, motion passed.

Review of ENG 210

Austra Reinis presented the subcommittee’s report for ENG 210. Dr. Reinis reported the same concerns as those for ENG 110.

The subcommittee recommends that the course continue in the Gen Ed program with concerns met before the next scheduled review.

A motion to approve the subcommittee recommendation was moved Austra Reinis and seconded by Kevin Pybas. None opposed, motion passed.


Curricular Proposal: Program Change or Deletion: EDC 345, Introduction to MulticulturalEducation and Diversity, 3 (3-0), F, S, SU added as an option to the Self-Understanding/Humanities requirement of Gen Ed.

Dr. Pybas related that the previously approved course was pulled from Faculty Senate consideration so that the proposal could be amended. The addition of the course into Gen Ed will focus on multicultural issues that will satisfy state and national accreditation requirements without adding additional course hours.

Concerns regarding the appropriateness of the course included in the Gen Ed curriculum were discussed. Kevin Pybas, as chair of CGEIP, indicated his concern about the proposal but thought it appropriate that EDC have an opportunity to make the case to Faculty Senate.

Eric Sheffield moved to accept. Motion passed with one nay vote.

Curricular Proposal: Course Change or Deletion: GRY 135, Atmospheric Science, 4 (3-2), F, S. Name change to Principles of Weather and Climate. Change is requested to clarify the subject matter and emphasis to the potential audience.

Curricular Proposal: Course Change or Deletion: GRY 108, Ecology and Society, 3 (3-0), F, S. Name change to Principles of Sustainability. Change is requested to clarify the subject matter and emphasis to the potential audience.

Kevin Pybas moved to accept both changes to GRY 135 and GRY 108. Mario Daoust seconded. None opposed, motion passed.

Dr. Catau related to the committee that a resolution has been approved that all courses that go through the approval process twice will only have to submit syllabi in subsequent reviews. The purpose was to reduce the workload for CGEIP in light of the PA intensive course review.


Dr. Pybas informed the committee that the Resolution on Criteria for the Public Affairs Intensive will be submitted for approval at the May 12th meeting. The criteria will be used to serve as guideline examples for College Councils who will have governing responsibility.

Dr. Pybas reminded the committee that the May meeting is an organizational meeting. The position of Chari will be open. Mike Foster has expressed interest. Current members are invited to the May meeting.

Rebecca Woodard informed the committee GEP 101 course proposal was made it through the curricular process but the Program change did not go through.

Kevin Pybas made a motion to approve the program change. Eric Sheffield moved to accept and David

Byrd seconded. None opposed. Motion passed.

  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 p.m.

The next meeting of CGEIP is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. in Plaster Room 317.