Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
DispensingTeam Leader Instructions
For Training Dispensers
Materials needed (number needed per packet):
Training Packets
- Demonstration intake forms(2)
- Practice Intake Forms (3)
- Dispensing Tool
Information Sheets
- Disease Information Sheets(1- for example)
- Cipro Information Sheets (1- for example)
- Doxy Information Sheets (1- for example)
- Doxy Pill Crushing Information Sheets (1- for example)
Step 1: Hand out training packets to Dispensers.
Step 2: Explain the goal of this team:
To give the client the appropriate medication, information about the medication and, if need, medication preparation information for each personon their intake form.
Step 3: Review the steps on the Dispensing Tool (form 3a) on the next page.
Note: If the client has Dispense Assist vouchers, they do not need to have an Intake Form and Dispensers should start on step 3 of the Dispensing Tool.
Some Dispense Assist vouchers will indicate (see below) that a person can receive either Doxycycline “D” or Ciprofloxacin “C. Give them Doxycycline unless directed otherwise.
Step 4: Using the two Demonstration forms below show how to use the Dispensing Tool (form 3a). Dispensers have copies, without answers, in their packets.
DispenserDemo 1:
1) Demonstrate how to determine which medication and information each person gets using the Dispensing Tool (form 3) – Answers are below.
2) Demonstrate, or talk about, the process of writing names on the medication bottle and putting medication labels (from the medication bottle) onto the appropriate space on the intake and medication information sheets. (if you don’t have practice materials, talk about the process)
3) Demonstrate which information needs to go with the family along with the medications. (Outlined in Step 3 on the Tool)
They need:
Version 2Updated: 12/1/2018
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
3 Doxy (Shoen, Kissyn &Shoen Jr),
1 Doxy information sheet
1 Doxy Crushing Inst. (Shoen Jr.)
1 Cipro (Kissyn Jr.)
1 Cipro information sheet.
Version 2Updated: 12/1/2018
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
DispenserDemo 2:
1) Explain that this form came from Secondary Screening so Dispensers do not need to determine which medications are needed. Start on Step 2 of the Dispensing tool.
2) Explain that when forms come from Secondary Screening they either:
- Have a medication identified (like this Demo Intake),
- Have been given a letter of referral and NO medication has been identified because they need a medication that is not available at the POD or
- Have been given a letter of referral AND a medication has been identified indicating that they need to follow up with a doctor as a next step
They need:
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
2 doxy (Sarah & Tim)
1 Doxy information sheet
1 Doxy Crushing Instruction (Tim)
2 Cipro (Dem & Kate)
1 Cipro information sheet.
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Step 4: Have Dispensersreview practice Intake forms to determine which medications and information is needed and to practice completing the forms by initialing the appropriate boxes, labeling and giving appropriate medications and information.
Step 5: Review forms and allow time for questions and answers.
Answers (Practice 1):
Answers (Practice 2):
Answers (Practice 3):
Note: Wednesday is getting doxy because at Secondary screening it was determined that she only has a mild reaction (itching) to doxy. It is better for her to get Doxy so she can start taking a medication now. She also received a letter of referral so she can get a better alternative medication.
Step 6: Talk about what to do with the Dispense Assist vouchers.
- There are 4 types of vouchers (examples are in the Dispensers’ packets)
“D” – This person gets Doxycycline,
“C” – This person gets Ciprofloxacin
“C/D” – This person can take either medication, but give Doxy unless told otherwise
“X” – At dispensing you should not see this type of voucher. They should have been asked to fill out a paper intake form and sent to Secondary Screening. It means that, based on initial assessment, the person shouldn’t get either medication that we have at the POD.
- Dispensers should give the medication and paperwork indicated on the voucher and put a label from the medication on the voucher for POD records.