APRIL 7, 2011

The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County met for a Workshop on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. with Chairman Mike Stewart presiding. Present were Commissioners Lynn Artz, Alan Brock, Randy Merritt, and Jerry Moore. Also, present were Interim County Administrator Tim Barden, County Attorney Heather Encinosa and Deputy Clerk Evelyn Evans.

5:00 p.m. Meeting called to order.

Eutaw Utilities Engineer Lane Lucas was present with a power point presentation. He started with giving a history and asked for direction on where the Board wants to go with sewer.

In 2006, the Board adopted Ordinance 2006-58 and this ordinance implemented the 5-5-3-1 treatment standards. Eutaw Utilities was hired in 2006 to try to address these issues: the collection in Wakulla Gardens, transmission to the plant and upgrades to the plant to handle that.

In 2006, the financing was to be done through FDEP State Revolving Fund.

Through 2006-2007 Eutaw prepared the Facility Plan and it was based upon current sewer commitments and planned growth.

Repayment was based upon growth and connections that were going to come in.

Later on there was a scope of changes and Eutaw performed the redesign and re-permitting at no additional fee. The previous SRF Loan Application was amended to $2.8 million. The County signed the Loan Agreement with FDEP. The revised project was advertised in 2010 and the most recent bids were received in January 2011.

Due to budget concerns, the County requested a reduced scope project. Eutaw has been working with ESG to develop the scope to include:

Lift station near the corner of Spring Creek Highway and US 98 to satisfy current commitments to Talquin and anticipated growth, and a Forcemain to run from US 98/Spring Creek to the existing Forcemain at US 319 with an 8” line is an estimated cost of $550,000 to $700,000 . The estimate at Medart to rebuild the lift station is $250,000 to $300,000.

A Special Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. for the Board to vote on the direction as to the Lift station at Spring Creek Highway/US 98 and a Forcemain to run from US 98/Spring Creek Highway to the existing Forcemain at US 319.

Direction was given for Eutaw to continue working on the pump station and to bring back as soon as possible an Agenda item.

Original Scope for the Wastewater Treatment Plant

Started out with a Facility Plan upgrading from a 0.6 million gallon a day to a 1.6 million gallon a day plant.

This project was initially to be funded through FDEP State Revolving Fund Loan Program. It was determined that this would be 100% loan, with no Grant Component. The County instructed Eutaw to pursue USDA Rural Development funding as they noted that their financing may contain up to 40% Grant Funding.

Eutaw Utilities submitted the Environmental Report, Preliminary Engineering Report, and Application to RD for the upgrades. The submittals are based upon capacity of 1.6 Million Gallons Daily and 5-5-3-1 Treatment Levels. Board direction was given to stop moving forward on 5-5-3-1 Treatment Levels and 1.6 Million Gallons Daily.

The deadline for the grant match from Northwest Florida Water Management District is June 2012 and a timeline is to be prepared.

There was discussion about looking at all of the options at the plant to include costs, aiming for lower capacity and range of treatment options.

Eutaw will bring a cost for Head Works and Filter that are two components of this project.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m.