The Statutory Duties of the Trustee (in Ealing and Hounslow we call Trustees, Board Members)
Board Members (Trustees) have certain statutory duties which must be taken very seriously. They are:
- To ensure that Mind in Ealing and Hounslow complies with its two governing documents; the Articles of Association of Mind in Ealing and Hounslow and the Memorandum of Association of Mind in Ealing and Hounslow.
- To ensure that the Organisation complies with Charity Law, Company Law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
- To ensure that the Organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing documents.
- To ensure that the Organisation uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives (Mind is a Charity. A Charity must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objectives, no matter how worthwhile or charitable these activities may be).
- To contribute actively to the Board’s (Trustees’) role in giving firm strategic direction to the Organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
- To safeguard the good name and values of the Organisation.
- To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Organisation.
- To ensure the financial stability of the Organisation.
- To protect and manage the property of the Organisation, and to ensure the proper investment of the Organisation’s funds.
- To appoint the Executive Director/CEO and monitor his or her performance, and to have overall responsibility for the staff employed by Mind in Ealing and Hounslow.
- To ensure that annual accounts are produced together with a report for the Annual General Meeting, and submission to Companies House.
Other Duties
In addition to the statutory duties outlined above, each Board Member (Trustee) is expected to use any specific knowledge, skills or experience they have to help the Board and its Committees reach sound and equitable decisions.
- Board Members (Trustees) are expected to regularly attend meetings of the Board and meetings of any Committees and Project Advisory Committees to which they are appointed.
- They are expected to read papers in advance of meetings, and to prepare as necessary. In return we will seek to ensure that agendas and papers are sent out sufficiently in advance for this preparation to take place, and we will seek to ensure that all minuting is accurate.
- The headquarters of Mind in Ealing and Hounslow is at present in The Vale Business Centre, in Acton, W3. It receives a considerable amount of information sent from a variety of places. Everyone can then request a list of materials received and copies of anything they wish to read.
- To allow all Board Members (Trustees) to initiate and contribute to Board discussions, confidentiality is paramount, and must be observed at all times.
- From time to time Board (Trustee) Members will be expected to represent Mind in Ealing and Hounslow at the meetings of other organisations.
- Board (Trustees) Members will represent the Board on internal disciplinary panels, complaints, job interview panels, or any other internal panel which is set up. This will usually depend on their particular skills.
- Board (Trustee) Members are expected if possible to attend the Annual General Meeting, and any extraordinary general meetings of the association.
- Depending on their particular skills Board (Trustee) Members may take part in reviewing Mind in Ealing and Hounslow’s Policy and Procedure documents, and actively work towards the Quality Assurance Standards of National Mind. They will need to assure themselves then that these Standards are maintained.
- All Board (Trustee) Members are asked to ensure that equality of opportunity is promoted and sustained through all aspects of Mind in Ealing and Hounslow’s work and in their relationship with other organisations.
- All Board (Trustee) Members must be aware of and accept the responsibilities as a Charitable Trustee and Director of a Charitable Company. They must for instance declare any impediment or interest relevant to the role of Board (Trustee) Member.
- Finally, all Board (Trustee) Members must ensure that the Association operates within National Mind expectations and rules.
Affiliated to MIND – Registered Charity Number 299556 – A Company Limited by Guarantee No 2307854