California State University, Bakersfield
2017 Research Excellence Day
Faculty Research Poster Presentation Event
Friday, April 21, 2017
1:30 – 3:30 pm
Icardo Center Room 105
All abstracts must be in submitted as a Word document (*.docx). Use Times Roman font throughout and 1” page margins
Only one abstract allowed per presenting author.
Title: Use 12-point font in bold. Do not exceed 150 characters with spaces.
Authors: Use 12-point font. List author names separated by semicolons.
Underline presenting author: If authors have different affiliations, use superscripts as shown in example.
Affiliations: Use 10-point font. If authors have different affiliations, use superscripts. Please provide the email address of the presenting author.
Abstract text: Use 12-point font without indention. Do not exceed 200 words. Use metric units and italics for scientific names. Do not include illustrations, figures, or photos. Use single spacing throughout and left paragraph justification.
Additional Information: Below the abstract text, please indicate the following:
Select OneTopic Area Preference:
1 | CSUB GRaSP Office ● DDH D108 ● (661) 654-2231
□Behavioral and Social Sciences
□Biological and Agricultural Sciences
□Business, Economics, and Public Administration
□Creative Arts and Design
□Engineering and Computer Science
□Health, Nutrition, and Clinical Sciences
□Humanities and Letters
□Physical and Mathematical Sciences
1 | CSUB GRaSP Office ● DDH D108 ● (661) 654-2231
1 | CSUB GRaSP Office ● DDH D108 ● (661) 654-2231
Development and Validation of measures of Katsaridaphobia in Great White Sharks
Van Damme, J C. 1; Stallone, S1; Segal, S.2; Timberlake, J.2
1Dolphin-Hugger Research Center, Swamptown, SC 23576; 2Whatsamatta University, Kneedeepinit, NY 00122.
While Great White Sharks (Carcharadon carcharias) are highly efficient apex predators, the impacts of cockroaches swimming adjacent to these living fossils are unknown. In winter of 2012, we began a series of studies off the coast of Nantucket that were designed to explicitly test whether white shark migration routes could be altered in the presence of cockroaches. Fifty adult female sharks that were previously diagnosed with Katsaridaphobia were tracked and intercepted in coastal waters. Divers wearing at least 9 layers of latex gloves strategically placed 1-2 juvenile cockroaches in the path of the sharks. Over 80% of the sharks tested were oblivious to the insects. Interestingly, 20% moved off course by 0.005 degrees suggesting immense levels of Katsaridaphobia. These results have strong implications for climate change and future work will be focused on repeating this experiment under ocean acidification conditions.
Topic Area______
Poster Presentation Instructions
Poster Set-up and Break-down:
Posters will be displayed in the Icardo Center Room 105. Presenters should put their posters up for display on Friday between 11:00 am and 1:00pm. Posters should be removed immediately following the conclusion of the poster session.
Poster Session Social:
The poster session and social will be held concurrently, light appetizers & refreshments will be provided. Presenters are encouraged to remain near their posters during the poster session.
Instructions for Preparing Posters:
Poster should be no larger than 44 inches tall by 38 inches wide. Poster easels will be available to you.
Turn in your abstract topic area selection to the
Grants, Research, and Sponsored Programs office located in Dorothy Donahoe Hall, D108, (DDH D108).
1 | CSUB GRaSP Office ● DDH D108 ● (661) 654-2231