March 2, 2015
Dear Parents:
Osceola Intermediate School will once again be hosting the summer school program this year from
Monday, June 8th – Thursday, July 2nd (pending more snow/cold days) for children entering kindergarten through those completing 2nd grade. Classes will begin at approximately 8:10 and dismiss at approximately 11:50; the buses then travel to OHS to pick up the older students. All students are invited to participate in our program to maintain skills and explore new areas. We hope you will seriously consider giving your child the opportunity to take part in our summer school program. Registration books/forms for students completing grades 3-8 will be sent home soon. Those students will attend at Osceola High School.
The School District of Osceola will provide bus service for summer school the same as the regular school year. Also note: bus numbers and routes for summer school are different than those of the regular school year. Please contact the transportation department if the pick up or drop off location changes after the March 20th registration deadline.
Unless you tell us otherwise we will plan for your child to attend each day. You are asked to call
294-2800 by 9:00 AM if your child will be absent or late. Students who have missed more than 2 days without a pre-arranged excuse will be dropped from our enrollment lists.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons will be available during the summer school morning for a limited number of students. Students must have completed 1st grade to enroll. Based on interest and space available, we will place the oldest students as first priority. If you are interested in signing up for lessons, please check the appropriate box on the attached form and fill out the swimming lessons form.
If you wish to participate please fill out and return the attached forms to your classroom teacher no later than March 20th, 2015. Swim/teacher assignments will be sent home with your child before May 29th. If your child/children are already on our waiting list for community education swimming lessons, please contact the pool, so their list can be updated.
Kids Klub
New this year is a July & August (summer) Kids Klub program. Kids Klub will also run, as in previous years, during the summer school program in June. If you will need to utilize these services, please review the enclosed forms. To enroll, the registration forms can be found at Kids Klub, the school offices or on-line @ Then go to Community Education, then Kids Klub. Please return the forms by the deadlines given on the Kids Klub forms.
Dr. Peggy A. Weber, Elementary School Principal
P.S. We are developing plans for a NEW two-week Summer School program for grades PreK-2 running August 3-13 in the mornings at OIS, which will incorporate Bag of Books, SEAL, and some other FUN enrichment experiences. More information will be sent out soon!
School District of Osceola
Kindergarten – Grade 2
Name______Current grade & teacher ______Birthdate______
Parent Name______Mailing Address______City, State, Zip______
Parent Daytime Phone #______Home Phone #______
Emergency Contact Person______Phone #______
Any health concerns?______
Day care provider name
and address______Phone #______
My child will be transported from: Home ______Other (give address)______
My child will be transported to: ______
Any dates your child will miss due to family vacations, etc.?______
Parent Signature______Date______
Yes, I’m interested in swimming lessons as part of the Summer School morning. (Complete the form below)
(must have completed 1st grade to be eligible for swimming lessons)
Return by March 20th, 2015
School District of Osceola
Must have completed 1st grade to be eligible and students must be part of the
Summer school program to register for these lessons.
Name______Current Grade & teacher______
Parent Name______Mailing Address______City, State, Zip______
Parent Daytime Phone #______Home Phone #______
Emergency Contact Person______Phone #______
Any health concerns related to swimming?______
Circle the level of lessons you will be in this year:
1 234A4B56
Parent Signature______Date______
Return by March 20th, 2015
Late registrations for summer school will be placed on a waiting list for swimming.