NAREA Board Meeting
Greenville, SC
March 2, 2014
Board Meeting of the North American Reggio Alliance
Present: Barb Acton, Margie Cooper, Angela Ferrario, Jeanne Goldhaber, David Fernie, Susan Redmond, Jennifer Strange, Pat Tarr, Beth McDonald
Absent: Carol Anne Wien, Lella Gandini, Susan Lyon, Sheri Hunt, Ellen Hall, Jennier Kesselring, Amelia Gambetti, Jennifer Azzariti
Staff: Cheryl Rapaport, Lauren Dap, Patty Randall
- Introduction of new staff members: Lauren Dap and Patty Randall
- Announcement of Cheryl Rappaport’s retirement
- Exchange from Board Members
- Discussion of importance of attending the Board Meeting
The Board Meeting was called to order at 11:10.
Motion to approve minutes made by Jeanne Goldhaber and seconded by Dave Fernie. Motion was approved.
- Historical and current reports were given
- Discussion of support of Foundation took it’s toll
- Margie will give a second report with Summer/Winter conferences broken out
- Discussion of repairs to exhibit
- Discussion of exhibit’s use
- Possible loss with a goal to break even
- Officially vote the budget in June
- Lauren gave the report that we have 6000 members as a base
- January was the largest renewal month
Exhibit Report
- Judy sent report
- Phase 2 we have filled all of 2015
- NY will host the winter conference 2015
- 2016 available for first half, second half will be hosted by Toronto
- Openings in 2018-2020
- Discussion of supporting hosts after the exhibit is gone
- 91 jobs posted brought in $11,000 with minimal work
- All issues will be available on the website
- Discussion of Reggio Children difficulties going from recorded to written articles
- Discussion of how to use Innovations as a revenue stream
- Discussion of copyright and the importance of looking into due diligence.
Reggio Children
- Highlight of NAREA Board Meeting is when the colleagues from Reggio join us. Paola Cagliari and Angela Barozzi updated the board from Reggio
- Discussion of political climate in Italy, new mayoral candidate, minister of labor, privatization of schools
- Conference gave a message of resistance and strength
- Working with Heckman
- Reggio children values the cultural exchange with NAREA
- Looking forward to more shared research- possible teacher exchanges
Summer and Winter Conference
- Patty updated the Board on the Winter Conference which just concluded. Will update further with the summary and summer conference as we get closer to the date.
- Board meeting will be the day before summer conference
Visibility of NAREA
- Ten Year Report: discussion of what has been done.
Margie working with nonprofit reporting consultant
- Website: Patty and Lauren shared the development link of the website
Discussion followed
Work Group Discussions:
Networks and Relations:
- Angela reported members interviewed membership coordinators
- Three reports were handed out to be read
- Some of the comments are outdated or will be addressed with new website
- Members were asked to read the notes and make decisions on how to move ahead and have continued conversations in June
- There may be a reconfiguration of the group with new people who have like interests
Research and Review
- Jeanne Goldhaber shared results from “eric” search and discussion followed
- 120 titles with research “all over the place”
- Discussion of NAREA’s role- generating, promoting, sharing, publishing
- Discussion of who do we want to reach
- Discussion of copyright
- Margie asked to keep this open as information we did not have before
- Jeanne will forward the research to the board and the office
CD 2015 is suspended
NAEYC 2014
- Beth MacDonald reported that a session has been submitted
- Discussion of the exhibit booth. Margie suggested that NAREA not renew
- Discussion of the importance of Board Members to be active promoters of NAREA at NAEYC
- Discussion of the preconference day- time to take risk, try something new
- Beth will report on the NAEYC preconference day in June
Other:Send iconic photos to office
Future Board Meeting:
- Held in Reggio Emilia
- Combine with professional development
- Possible Spring 2015
- Agreement that the board will help fund those who need support
- Discussion of high level reasons for not going
- Cost would be to Reggio Children, hotel , meals, airfare Monday-Thursday
- Eliminate June/July board meeting that year
Developing Resources: postponed
Board positions update:
- Carol Anne Wein to retire in June
- Canada is eager to stay connected to NAREA
- Margie will bring a slate with one name, Karen Callihan, to the June meeting
Draft Editiorials
- To be shared in newspapers and e-newsletter
- 500-1000 words
- Board members will be guest editors
- Board members will self direct
- Dave will take November
The Meeting concluded at 4:45pm