Roster #
Due Date:

Math 40 - Elementary Algebra Section: 9765

Homework _____ Cover Sheet

Attach this page to the front of your completed homework assignments.

Please put assignments in order.
Please box or highlight your answers.


Homework must meet the following guidelines. They are intended to help you develop good mathematical style. If you don't make a good-faith attempt to follow them, I reserve the right to take off lots of points or (in extreme case) give you a zero for the homework.

·  A completed cover sheet must accompany all homework assignments.

·  Use only clean-edged paper. (No spiral binding or ragged edges.) ( 5 Take off POINTS)

·  No credit will be given for problems without necessary work. ( 2 Take off POINTS)

·  To ensure that each problem is graded, problems should be written in the order they are assigned.

·  It is good practice to first work out the solutions to homework problems on scratch paper, and to then neatly write up your solutions. This will help you to turn in a clean finished product.

Put your work together, in the order listed below, (Class Activities, Homework) with this cover sheet on top.
Staple together in the upper left corner not clip (2 Take off POINTS) all of these pages with cover sheet on top.

Class Activities (odd) / Homework: Assignment not listed in the
Class Activities / List of Incomplete Exercises
(5 points off if not listed) / Complete
2.1 / 1-5, 13-15, 27-39, 49-55, 61 / 1-61 odd / Due Date:
2.2 / 1-5, 13-15, 27-39, 49-55, 67-71 / 1-71 odd / Due Date:
2.3 / 1-5, 13-15, 27-39, 49-55, 67-71 / 1-71 odd / Due Date:
2.4 / 1-5, 13-15, 27-39, 49-55, 67-71 / 1-81 odd / Due Date:
2.5 / 1-5, 11, 21 / 1-11, 21, 35 odd / Due Date:
2.6 / 1-5, 11 / 1-13 odd / Due Date:
2.7 / 1-5, 13-15, 27-39, 49-55, 67-71, 79-95 / 1-95 odd
Chapter Review / 1-9, 21-29, 33-35, 41, 45, 61