Message from the Guidance Office
Greetings to the Class of 2017
College Preview opportunities
Listen to announcements and check the website frequently! College representatives are scheduling now.
Check out the school website at and click on the “counselor pages” link for more guidance information and updates!
Planning to attend a university or 4 year college? Then take the exam!
SAT Test Dates: / Registration Deadlines:Saturday, October 1, 2016 / September 1, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016 / October 7, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016 / November 3, 2016
Saturday, January 21, 2017 / December 21, 2016
Saturday, March 11, 2017 / February 10, 2017
Saturday, May 6, 2017 / April 7, 2017
Saturday, June 3, 2017 / May 9, 2017
Students must register for the SAT online at
ACT Test DATE / Registration DeadlineSaturday, September 10, 2016 / August 7, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016 / September 16, 2016
Saturday, December 10, 2016 / November 4, 2016
Saturday, February 11, 2017 / January 13, 2017
Saturday, April 8, 2017 / March 3, 2017
Saturday, June 1, 2017 / May 5, 2017
Students must register for the ACT online at
Senior Checklist
Fall (August-October)
___ Finalize your college list!
___ Time is running out! Visit your prospective colleges before it’s too late.
___ Deadlines are approaching! Make decisions on early action and recommendation letters.
___ Your last chance to take the SAT, ACT, or SAT subject tests!
___ Complete your college applications!
___ Don’t forget your personal essay, one of the most crucial parts of your college application.
___ Navigate your prospective schools’ financial aid requirements.
___FAFSA becomes available October 1 using information from 2015 taxes. Fill it out as soon as possible!
Winter (November-February)
___ Plan your interview and finish up the college application process.
___ Cross everything off your post-application checklist.
___ Continue your hunt for scholarship money.
10 Most Common Senior Year Mistakes
1. Missing Classes
Skipping classes could mean missing valuable information for upcoming tests.
2. Thinking your 2nd semester grades don't count
Admissions departments at many colleges and universities have been known to rescind the acceptance letters of students who drop their tough classes or let their GPA sink dramatically due to senior slump.
3. Giving in to “senioritis”
A bit of restlessness during your senior year is to be expected, but don’t let yourself lose motivation, procrastinate or slack off completely.
4. Getting overwhelmed
Senior year means juggling everything from the prom and parties to college essays and AP tests. You’ll get through it all if you take a step back and prioritize your time: Make lists and timelines to keep track of all of your deadlines and make sure you get it all done.
5. Not keeping your priorities straight
Planning for college doesn’t mean you can forget about your current obligations.
6. Forgetting your studying
Keep up on your assignments, even after a tough week. While you’re taking time off, there’s another student going for your spot at the schools you’re applying to who isn’t.
7. Underestimating the time needed to get your work done
Be realistic about your current workload. While you know how long it takes you to write a paper or study for a test under normal conditions, all the pressures of senior year could make you work more slowly or give you more distractions.
8. Daydreaming about your future academic plans
Your mind now might be wandering, thinking around about degrees, majors, MBA programs, possible careers, study abroad and many other things. Devoting too much time daydreaming when you have homework and reading to do could seriously curtail those future plans.
9. Blowing off “less important” work
Don’t be fooled by the idea that a second paper or a midterm quiz doesn't make that much of a difference. Everything counts.
10. Failing to use the resources that are available to you
Teachers and your guidance counselor know about all the challenges you’re facing during this busy time, and many of them are nice enough to offer extra help!
Start preparing now if you need to take the Georgia High School Graduation Test.
Planning to attend a technical college?
Most colleges like West Georgia Technical College require students to take a placement test called the COMPASS. You may take the test Monday-Thursday from 8a.m.-4p.m. at WGTC campus without an appointment. If you plan to go to any other technical college or two year college which accepts the compass, contact their admissions office as soon as possible to schedule!
Q. How can I get a copy of my transcript?
A. Each senior will receive an unofficial copy of their transcript during senior guidance (during the month of September).
Q. How do Georgia colleges and universities receive my transcript?
A. The guidance office can send transcripts to colleges and universities in the state of Georgia free of charge through You can request transcripts to be sent through your GaFutures account.
Q. How do “out-of- state” colleges receive my transcript?
A. Complete a transcript request form in the guidance office and submit $2 fee.
Q. How do I send my ACT and/ or SAT scores when applying for admission to a college or university?
A. You can select to send your scores to multiple schools free of charge when you register for the exam(s). If you are undecided or forget to do this when you register you will have to request your scores to be sent electronically through for the SAT and for the ACT. A fee will be charged for this service if you wait until after your test day.