“A Pathway to Clothing”
Vale United Methodist Church
11528 Vale Road ¶ Oakton, VA 22124
Sunday Worship at 8:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
2nd Sunday of Lent
Order of Worship ~ March 12, 2017
Welcome & Announcements
Passing the Peace
Offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace
* Call to Worship Lay Reader
Call: Seek the Lord in this season of reflection and preparation.
Resp: We are here to seek the Lord and his favor.
Call: Open your eyes, ears and hearts. The Lord is near those who love him and are called by his name.
Resp: We are here to worship and praise the Lord whom we love.
Call: Let us seek and praise the Lord our God this day.
Resp: Praise the Lord.. Sourcebook of Worship Resources
* Hymn “O Church of God, United” No. 547
* Prayer of Confession Lay Reader
Resp: O God, who reveals your kingdom through your son Jesus, when we meet Jesus, we encounter your grace in human form. For this we are grateful. But we also discover our profound need for your grace and mercy. We want to live as reflections of the character of Jesus. We want others to capture a glimpse of you through the way that we live our lives. But we confess today that we have fallen short of this mark. We remain pale reflections of your abundance and instead live as bountiful reflections of self-centeredness and the powers of darkness. Forgive us of our sins and failures,
our tepid attempts at faithful obedience, and our steadfast stubbornness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Source of Worship Resources
Call: God forgives all our sins and promises to bring us to everlasting life. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
Resp: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! Amen and Amen.
Scripture James 2:14-16
Children’s Moment (10:15) Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh
Sermon “A Pathway to Clothing” Pastor Jeff
* Hymn “Lord, Speak to Me” No. 463
A Path of Light Michelle Scott & Bette Rutherford
Prayers of the People
Caring Cards are available in the Narthex and Resource Library for your personal use in supporting the congregation’s joys and concerns. You also may send prayer requests to .
After each petition, there will be a moment of silence closed by “Lord, in your mercy.” Please respond with “Hear our prayer.”
Call: Together, let us pray for . . .
the people of this gathering . . .
those who suffer and those in trouble . . .
the world, its people, and its leaders . . .
the church universal, its leaders, its people, and its mission . . .
the communion of the saints . . .
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Offertory “Offertory” Beck
Chancel Choir 10:15am
* Doxology “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” No. 298, v. 4
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all. Amen
* Prayer of Dedication Lay Reader
Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, glory, and splendor and the majesty: everything in heaven and on earth is yours. Everything comes from you: and of our own do we give you. Amen. Chalice Worship
* Hymn “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve” No. 2241
* Benediction
* Postlude
* Please stand if you are able.
Lay Reader – Debbie German (8:15am) and Terri Lowry (10:15am).
Acolyte – Grace Barnhart.
Altar Flowers – The altar flowers today are provided by the Worship Committee.
Coffee Fellowship – Worshipers are invited to remain after service and socialize over coffee. Thank you to the Jobbitt/Marshall and the Jeffries families for their gift of fellowship by sponsoring today’s coffee hours.
3rd Sunday of Lent, March 19, 2017
Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16
“A Pathway to Light”
The Vale community does a lot of work in the local area – not to promote the church but to build the Kingdom of God. What can each of us do to shine the light of God right in our neighborhood?
Next Sunday we will be collecting grocery items and Giant dollars
for SE DC Ministry and Homeless Ministries.
2nd Sunday of Lent
Vale Announcements ~ March 12, 2017
Whether you are new to the area or a long-time resident, we warmly welcome you to our community of faith at Vale Church! If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in your pew.
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during worship services and Sunday school, year round.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall after both 8:15am and 10:15am services for coffee and snacks. Be sure to introduce yourself to one of our “Shepherds” (with the red nametags), who can answer any questions you may have about our church community and programs.
On your way out, please pick up a Vale Welcome Bag, which contains more information about our church. The bags are available at the entrance to the Main Sanctuary and outside the Church Office.
We look forward to meeting you—and hope to see you again soon! To receive emails from Vale Church about upcoming services and programs, please visit our website at www.ValeChurch.org/Vale-Voice.html.
Vale UMC is proud to be recognized as a Safe Haven congregation. If you suspect signs of human trafficking, please call 888.373.7888 or text 233733.
GROCERY DOLLARS - The profit from the grocery dollars for March will support The Alternative House. Stop by the Grocery Card table following the 8:15am and 10:15am worship services.
Thank you for your support of Grocery Cards.
Season of Lent 2017 will feature the Paths of Light Initiative
During Lent this year, Vale Church is excited to be launching the Paths of Light Initiative. To help us gain a fresh perspective on being followers of Christ, the entirety of our worship services March 5 – 26 will emphasize mission, service and the sacrifices we make in response to God’s great sacrifice to redeem us through Jesus Christ.
Schedule of Events:
All month – March 5th through March 26th, 2017
· We will be collecting items for some of our highlighted missions. Collections bins will be located in the Fellowship Room and in the sanctuary on the Sunday when the mission is highlighted. Please see the list below.
· Mission display with a twist – view the mission posters set up in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday for the latest information about our mission areas and find clues to solve a puzzle.
· Each Sunday, a special offering envelope will be available in the pews. This will allow you to make a donation directly to the highlighted mission of the week.
Highlighted Mission, Sunday and Collection Items
March 12 / The Closet / New socks and/or new underwear for adults and children.Shepherds Center
March 19 / SE DC Ministry / Grocery items and Giant dollars.
Homeless Ministries
March 26 / White Dove / Gently worn prom dresses.
Alternative House / Personal care items.
April 2 / Day of Service / (see next page)
Mark Your Calendar Now
Morning of Service
Sunday, April 2, 2017
At the conclusion of our Lenten Series, there will be one abbreviated worship service at 10:15am. After communion and a sending forth blessing we will go out into our community for various service projects which are listed below (10:45am - 1:00pm) followed by a light lunch provided by the UMW and a sharing of our experiences back at Vale.
Sign Up Genius will be available throughout the Lenten Season for the projects. If you are unable to use the site and would like to participate, please see Mary Morran or Deb Cohen.
Service Projects
· The Closet - sorting project. Chris Olson, team leader.
· SE DC Kids Ministry - Special food delivery, meet and greet the neighbors. Mary Morran, team leader.
· Sunrise Assisted Living, Hunter Mill Music Ministry - bring your instrument and / or your voice. Jan Smith, team leader.
· First Sunday - all youth of the church are invited to prepare, deliver and serve a meal to the homeless at Franklin Square in DC. Adults are also needed to provide supervision and transportation. Moises Altamirano, team leader.
· Neighbors Feeding Neighbors - Breakfast and Snack bag packing to supplement our Generosity Feeds Program to local schools. This project will be held at Vale and reserved for those of our congregation who may find it difficult to go out to our other service projects. Ed Lowry/ Eileen Koefoot, team leaders.
Please contact Mary Morran (540) 270-5693 with any questions.
Vale receives a $1500 Grant From Walmart Foundation!
In an effort to find additional sources of funding to aid Vale in its mission to "move beyond our walls to create a more just and loving world", we applied and received a $1500 Grant from the Walmart Foundation! This foundation grants funds to organizations who minister hunger and homeless programs within the communities served by Walmart Stores (this particular store is located at Jermantown Road and Lee Highway). Funds will go to support our new local hunger initiative, Neighbors Feeding Neighbors.
Neighbors Feeding Neighbors is a partnership with Crossfield Elementary (Fox Mill), Generosity Feeds, and other churches to address hunger needs in local Oakton and Vienna schools. We are launching a “Backpack Buddies” program to provide breakfast, snacks and weekend meals for students living in poverty who often go without meals. This new initiative complements our other local hunger and homeless missions [i.e.: First Sunday Mission, Southeast Food Pantry, FACETS Hot Meals Program, Hypothermia Prevention Shelters, The Lamb Center, and more] and addresses poverty in our immediate local community.
Interested in singing in the Chancel Choir, but can't make a long-term commitment? Handel's 'Hallelujah Chorus' is being rehearsed from approximately 8:30-9pm each Wednesday evening. Join us to prepare this fantastic work for Easter!
Please contact Jan Smith at for more information.
Wednesday Bible Study (10:30am) with Pastor Jeff
We are reading Detective Stories from the Bible by J. Ellsworth Kalas. Come join us!
Men's Study Group (7:00pm) with Vic Larson
We are studying Adam Hamilton’s Making Sense of the Bible. We look forward to seeing you.
Adult Sunday School Classes at 9:15am
Each week, we offer two Adult Sunday School Class Options for you:
In the Resource Center: Topics from a Christian Perspective class is led by John Colwell.
In the Fellowship Hall (near the kitchen) Boundaries with Kids Class is led by Pastor Jeff.
For more information about Sunday School at Vale, please contact Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh .
Vale UMC Preschool is now accepting 2017-18 school year registrations. For more information about our church’s preschool offerings, contact Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh at or 703-400-1577. Please share information with your friends and neighbors who have young children, word of mouth is our best advertising.
Immigration Information Event
On Thursday, March 16, at 7:30pm, Vale UMC will host a seminar on ways churches can respond to the immigration situation.
A Just Neighbors staff member will provide a briefing on the recent actions by the new administration, the impact on immigrants, how churches can respond, and an overview of Just Neighbors (an immigration legal services provider and ministry of the Arlington District of the UMC) and how they are responding.
Just Neighbors Fundraiser Dinner
On Sunday, March 26, at 6:00pm, Vale will have a fundraising lasagna dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Proceeds with support Just Neighbors. Dinner for adults will be $20 and $5 for children 12 and under.
If you are able to bring food items (salads, bread, desserts, side dishes, drinks, etc.), please log into Vale’s website at www.ValeChurch.org and click on the link in the article “Support Providing Legal Services to Immigrants” to access the sign-up genius.
United Methodist Men’s Monthly Breakfast
On Saturday, March 18th, all men of the church are invited to a joint breakfast gathering of United Methodist Men, hosted by Oakton UMC (2951 Chain Bridge Road, Oakton). Breakfast starts at 8:00am followed by a presentation by Merv Norton, a lifelong member of Oakton UMC. Merv will offer his reflections on a blessed life.
Please RSVP to Ed Lowry at or 703-620-6632 if you plan to be there for breakfast.
The Closet Is Open for Shopping
Every Thursday Night!
(and shoppers -- it’s not crowded)
5 pm – 8 pm
Where is The Closet? 845 Station Street, Herndon VA
Volunteers from any congregation needed
3:00-5:00 (to Stock and straighten the store)
and 5:00-8:00 (to assist with customers, cashier, bag, jewelry, dressing room) on Thursdays.