
Board Leadership Training Program

Enrollment Form Fall2014

Enrollment deadline: September 26, 2014. Class size limited.


The program is free and open to members of ArtsFund’s Associates program who have served for one or more years, representatives from our corporate partners, and to current arts organization board members. It is also open to members of Social Venture Partners andWashington Women’s Foundationfor a fee of $150. Please make checks payable to ArtsFund.


  • Commitment to participate in a minimum of 4 training sessions (100% attendance strongly encouraged).
  • For ArtsFund Associates: willingness to participate as a board or committee intern with an arts organization; for our corporate partners, SULYP, SVP, & WWF members:optional
  • For ArtsFund Associates: willingness to participate in ArtsFund’s board placement activity at the end of the program; for our corporate partners,SVP, & WWF members: if you wish, ArtsFund will assist you in board placement.

Contact information: I am a(n):

ArtsFund Associates Member

Arts Group Board Member (Name of Group: ______)

Member of Social Venture Partners

Member of Washington Women’s Foundation

Member of Seattle Urban League of Young Professionals

Representative from one of ArtsFund’s Corporate Partners


Company name (if applicable):______


Phone:______Alt. phone:______


Signature:______Date: ______

Please return to:Joseph DeNatale, ArtsFund, P.O. Box 19780, Seattle, WA 98109,

or email

ArtsFund Board Leadership Program 2014

Interest questionnaire

Your name: ______

Areas of expertise

/ Professional experience? (indicate years of experience) / Academic background (indicate level of study) / Interest in serving in this area
( if yes)
Public Relations
Governmental Relations
Strategic planning

A. Areas of interest (Please check all that apply)

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Visual Arts

Literary Arts

Film & Media Arts

Specific group(s):


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H:\20 - COMMUNICATIONS\Board Leadership Training--2010\2010\Fall\Recruitment Materials\Board Leadership Enrollment form, Associates.doc

B. Further details on interest areas
Please describe the particular kind of music, dance, theatre, visual art, etc., that interests you. This will assist with our internship placement.We can’t guarantee placement with a particular group.



C. Past non-profit experience

Please list current or past experience with non-profit organizations (include name of organization, beginning and ending years of service, offices or committee positions held).




Please attach a copy of your current résumé.

Please return to: Joseph DeNatale, ArtsFund, P.O. Box 19780, Seattle, WA 98109,

or email