1920s Rubric & Score sheet

Please note that part of your magazine grade is a “group” grade, while the other part is an individual grade, therefore total grades may vary between group members.



Component / Requirements / High
“A” / Medium
“B – C” / Low
“D – F” / Total Points
Cover Page (10pts) / Contains information about the contents, illustration or picture, title of magazine, creative, neat, in color, & professional looking.
Advertisement (10pts) / Product description reflects research form 1920s, contains a slogan, illustration, neat, in color, & professional looking.
Political Cartoon
(10pts) / Topic of cartoon reflects a political issue, uses satire to make fun of politics or political issues of the 1920s, illustration, neat, in color, & professional looking.
Works Cited Page (5pts) / All outside materials are included on the works cited page and it follows correct MLA format.
Library Grade (5pts) / Behavior in the library reflects maturity and ALL groups members used the time effectively by staying on task.
Overall Appearance (5pts) / Overall the magazine is neat and professional looking.
3 Completed Articles (15pts) / Three articles on the required topics have been included (each article is worth 5 points)

60 points

HIGH = All components and requirements have been met or exceeded with no errors.

MEDIUM = Most components and requirements have been included with few errors.

LOW = Some components and requirements have been included and/or there are many errors.



Component / Requirements / High
“A” / Medium
“B – C” / Low
“D – F” / Total Points
Lifestyles Article (25pts) / Correct format and grammar (250 words, typed, columns, minimal errors, research information is cited), opens with an overview of lifestyles in the20s, includes specific information about one specific topic, uses keen talk, is creative.
Peer/Self Evaluation (5pts) / Fulfilled all the necessary jobs to complete the entire project. (see evaluation for more detail)


30 points

HIGH = All components and requirements have been met or exceeded with no errors.

MEDIUM = Most components and requirements have been included with few errors.

LOW = Some components and requirements have been included and/or there are many errors.



Component / Requirements / High
“A” / Medium
“B – C” / Low
“D – F” / Total Points
Political Article (25pts) / Correct format and grammar (250 words, typed, columns, minimal errors, research information is cited), topics from the pre-approved list, contains accurate information that reflects the political climate of the 1920s.
Peer/Self Evaluation (5pts)


30 points

HIGH = All components and requirements have been met or exceeded with no errors.

MEDIUM = Most components and requirements have been included with few errors.

LOW = Some components and requirements have been included and/or there are many errors.



Component / Requirements / High
“A” / Medium
“B – C” / Low
“D – F” / Total Points
Interview (25pts) / Correct format and grammar (250 words, typed, columns, minimal errors, research information is cited), includes background information on individual, interview from pre-approved list, minimum of a 5 question dialogue, interview explains the role or significance of that individual for the 1920s.
Peer/Self Evaluation (5pts)


30 points

HIGH = All components and requirements have been met or exceeded with no errors.

MEDIUM = Most components and requirements have been included with few errors.

LOW = Some components and requirements have been included and/or there are many errors.