Joshua 5
Scripture: Joshua 5:1-15
Memory Verse: …. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice…” 1 Samuel 15:22 b
Lesson Focus: The faith to believe and obey God!
Activities and Crafts: Coloring pictures, Word Search
Craft for 1st & 2nd graders: Obey Banner
Introduction: Ask the kids:
- How many of you like to obey?
- Why is it hard to obey?
- Do we like to be told what to do? Why or why not?
- Does it matter who tells us what to do?
Tell them that today we are going to see that God always calls us to obedience.
Bible Lesson:
Joshua 5:1: “Their Reputation!”
√ How where the kings of the Amorites and the Canaanites reacting to the Israelites? (their hearts melted with fear)
√ What made them fear? (the miracle of crossing over the river)
√ Don’t you think that this would have been a perfect time to attach?
But that is not what God has planned. God works in His own time. He has something that He wants the Israelites to do before they are ready to face their enemies.
Joshua 5:2-9: “Their Obedience!”
√ What does God ask Joshua to do?
√ What is circumcision? (A procedure that God asked the Israelite males to perform that would be a physical sign of their belonging to God. It was a removing of the physical flesh to signify getting rid of our own “flesh” and following after God.
Colossians 2:11; 13 says, “In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made with out hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ.”… “And you ,being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses.”
Jesus made us alive and removed our sin.
When the Bible uses the word “flesh” it is referring to my old nature. That part of me that did not obey God and did things my own way. When I believe in Jesus, He takes my sin and makes me alive with His Holy Spirit.
(Teachers: If the children ask questions, tell them to ask their parents what circumcision is. We do not want to get them off track and this is a concept that is hard for a child to understand.)
Circumcision was a command from God to Abraham. Israelites performed this rite until after they came out of Egypt. But then they disobeyed God and God punished them by letting them wonder in the wilderness for 40 years. Hebrews 13:19 tells us “So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.” The sin of the old Israelites was a lack of faith in God and they were punished for 40 years. The old “circumcised” Israelites died in the wilderness. The Israelites that came out of the wilderness had not been circumcised. So God tells them to perform this rite on all of the men.
√ What did God tell Joshua in verse 9?
√ What was the reproach of Egypt? They had been in bondage in Egypt because of their sin. They where set free through Moses to be a nation for God but they still disobeyed, which resulted in their wondering in the wilderness for 40 years.
Joshua 5:10-12:
√ What did the tradition did the people keep? (the Passover)
√ What is the Passover?
√ Don’t you think that they would be anxious to get on with the mission of conquering Jericho? Why did they take the time to practice the Passover?
The first time that they celebrated Passover was 40 years earlier. Here, when their sin or “flesh” had been dealt with they celebrate it again.
√ What does Joshua 5:11, tell us that they ate?
√ Why is that significant?
√ When did the manna cease? √ What is manna?
√ How long had they been eating manna?
Joshua 5:13-15: “A Special Meeting!”
Joshua 5:13:
√ Where is Joshua?
√ What did Joshua see?
√ Describe the man Joshua sees?
√ How was the man holding his sword? What does that mean?
√ What did Joshua ask the man?
Joshua 5:14:
√ Does the man answer Joshua’s question?
The man says “no.” He is basically saying I am not for you or against you, but I come representing the armies of the Lord. I don’t represent you, I represent God and have come to do His bidding.
√ What do you think that this man looked like?
√ Do you think that he looked scary?
√ Do you think that he looked powerful?
√ How did Joshua react? (he fell on his face and worshiped him.) This is one reason that we can know that this was not just an angel. Because we do not worship angels (Revelation 19:10; 22:8)
√ If Joshua’s reaction was total humility and worship; who do you think that this is?
This is a preincarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. Joshua got to see Jesus before the world did. Jesus is God and He has always existed with God in Heaven. When Jesus came to earth as a baby, He did not come into existence like you and me. He left heaven and gave up His right as God and became a human so that He could live and die for our sins.
√ What does Joshua ask Him?
√ What does the Lord say to Joshua?
Conclusion: This is the last step for Joshua and the people of Israel before they go into battle. This was an act of faith on their part to obey God. It’s hard to wait on God and do things in His timing. I want you all to go back to class and make a prayer book. I want you all to write prayers in your book. I want you to keep this book and I want you to record the dates when God answers those prayers.